Iron Grip January Media Update


Jan 7, 2005
Reaction score
The stranglehold upon the people is lessening everyday ? the Resistance continue the fight against the Rahmos, the rebel Heroes fight against the best troops of the Empire.
Iron Grip is a FPS/RTS mix surrounding the epic struggle between the Resistance and the weight of the Rahmos army. The team at Istox have released their Monthy Media
update for January;
This map, IG_Silberstad is based in a fortified seaport town overlooking the Teltos Sea. While the walls and old battlements are long since obsolete in the face of modern armaments, they add an archaic beauty to the area, heightened by beautiful sunsets over the sea.

Also for your visual enjoyment, more concept artwork done by the brilliant Keith Thompson! Today, we showcase the Rahmos Steel Legion heavy tank and the Jodorran armored trike!

As a closing message, The Iron Grip Mapping Contest has been extended to March 31st. Prizes range from a $500 gift voucher at to three EA games.

To see the original update click over here or venture over to Iron Grip?s website
There's some jaggies in that first image. Hmm. The concept artwork looks great!
I don't see your point, all the Tanks in Iron Grip are based upon WW1 tanks - it fits into the background plotline...
Yeah I just personally find it hilarious :D

New map is looking good though
hope they sort out the ocean and the env_sun colour, then they'll have a real purdy map. Concepts are good too.
I don't see any resemblance in those two tank pictures. How funny.
finally, one of their maps actually looks work good!

good work boys.
I`d love that game if it was`nt so damn laggy :(
All PC game reviewers have to make games before they can critique them.
Nutcracker the problem is this mod is a wee bit different from most as you expect to have a big number of NPC's running around meaning your fairly limited in map design because of both AI and performance.