Iron Grip: The Oppression 1.3 Releases


Rare Orchid

Continuing with our theme of rapid patches and upgrades, it comes time again for another Iron Grip release! This one's bigger than ever, incorporating two new maps plus updates of old ones, new gameplay, and significant changes for balance and polish. The game is playing very smoothly these days, most of the lag issues are things of the past.


* ADD - IG_Locomotive: A Rahmos train is attacked by Resistance fighters who must kill the General while he's cornered.
* ADD - IG_Dynadares: A large port city where Rahmos and Resistance battle for territorial control.
* ADD - Gameplay entity: Allows mappers to designate their own objectives depending on how the map should be played
* ADD - New audio: Map sounds for Locomotive, weapon sounds, and new conversations hidden for those who care to dig them out of the files
* ADD - Linux support: A linux server package can be downloaded!
* CHANGE - IG_Mercos: Now IG_Mercos_Assasination and IG_Mercos_Hold.
* CHANGE - Molotov cocktail effects: They now start small fires, and any infantry they hit are set ablaze
* CHANGE - A-PAC 822 pump action rifle: Iron sights improved
* CHANGE - Grenades: Now, when one clicks, the pin is pulled and the grenade is active. This lets you time them for range. Throw it before it explodes!
* CHANGE - Unit counts: Units and tanks now both add towards the same overall unit count. Conscripts are one unit, grenadiers are two, tanks are ten.
* CHANGE - Added extra route on ig_mercos
* CHANGE - General is harder to track on map
* FIX - Fast RTS>FPS switching exploit
* FIX - Roofboost issues on ig_vistorg
* FIX - Are14 doesn't calculate damageforce resulting in a vec3_origin attack direction
* FIX - Showing Unit/Upgrade costs
* FIX - Multiple music tracks playing at once
* OPTIMISE - Tank targetting: Tanks are now more dangerous than ever, and will lay suppressing fire on Resistance positions.
* OPTIMISE - Networking

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Gonna try it out tomorrow.

Strange. I have seriously never heard of this.
1.3 has been out for over a month now. 1.31 will be out soon (working out the last bugs and doing some more testing).
1.3 has been out for over a month now.

I was gonna say that. you had me all excited too :( there are still occasional annoying lagspikes but for the most part its fixed and this mod is actually awesome x10 now.
I had no idea this was already out!!

/me downloads when I get home :D