Iron Grip: The Oppression Mapping Contest Details


May 6, 2005
Reaction score
Full information on the Iron Grip Mapping Contest has been released, read the Isotx thread on it here
Quick low-down
The contest will run from December 27, 2006 to February 8, 2007 with judging starting shortly there-after.[br]All maps submitted must be original works, which means all submitted maps cannot be a conversion from a previously created map. All maps must also fully utilize the unique GamePlay offer by Iron Grip.[br]The prizes up for grabs are:[br]First Place: $500 Amazon Gift Certificate[br]Second Place: Winners choice of either ATI or nVIDIA videocard (appx value $300)[br]Third Place: Winners choice of 3 EA videogames[br]In addition all winning maps will be included in the next release of Iron Grip following the mapping contest, giving all winners the ability to place on their resumes the fact that they competed in and won in a mapping contest.

Get a move on boys and gals. Make proud by submitting a winning entry!
They should provide some details about what the map has to have.
Like iron grip has the RTS style top down camera, right ?
Is that something when making a map you should watch out for ?

This is the final info on the contest which has just been released, and hell you still have a month left! ;)

Its actually been released for awhile... We announced it on our frontpage on the 27th. And posted a thread here. I just thought you guys didn't care enough.

Also, if you want to know about what you need to map; download the mod. Keep in mind 1.3 is going to be released with now objective stuff, but you can get the basic idea.
Its actually been released for awhile... We announced it on our frontpage on the 27th. And posted a thread here. I just thought you guys didn't care enough.

Also, if you want to know about what you need to map; download the mod. Keep in mind 1.3 is going to be released with now objective stuff, but you can get the basic idea.


I mentioned it before Christmas in actual fact, but you had updated the info in the thread and on ModDB when i posted this thread so...ha?

We're currently debating which date to extend it to, since we failed to realize the holidays chip off a good few weeks.
Sorry about that, :) updated info will be posted shortly.