Iron Grip: The Oppression Media


The Freeman
Dec 31, 2003
Reaction score
Iron Grip: The Oppression, continuing it's recent streak of high quality ingame media, has given us some more to chew on tonight.[br]

Play testing Iron Grip: The Oppression is filling up many hours of the development team.
The gameplay unfolds exactly as anticipated, and proves ideal for small groups up to 5-6 players.
During the last match of the dev team we took some screenshots which we now wish to share with you guys along with a short battle report of my adventures as Rahmos RTS General.

Head over to their site for the rest of the media.
Very nice concept art!
To bad about the texture streching in the hands in 1st person though
And the fog in the 3Dskybox makes that building look weird in the 3rd screenshot
But the games looks really cool, these are just minor crits, that dont effect the gameplay (which looks really cool), the atmosphere looks intense. Great work guys and gals? ;)
good concept.. the models need more polys and better skins!
Whoever does the skinning for this mod should be taken out back and shot in the skull. These skins are a crime to humanity - and it's nothing new, Iron Grip has always suffered from this.

edit: Also, who was the genius that deiced releasing screenshots at 1024x768 with no AA was a good idea?
wtf is THIS ? A fountain of blood, never and i mean NEVER pick the 255 red as a color. mix it with some grey..
But I must say that the mod is coming along nicely. As for realising screenshots at 768x1024 without AA, it ain't pretty but its ok.

Whoever does the skinning for this mod should be taken out back and shot in the skull.

lol... the skins have a certain style to them, and yes, not every mod team has the luxery to get all the best people working for them... edleast they keep going at it, and dont quit their mod. And the important thing is that they finish the mod so people can play it. Updating content, fixing model/texture issues can be fixed later and wont effect the gameplay.
Well the texture work has improved since their earlier media releases so i would say at least they are learning more as the go on.

I say keep at it.

It is funny how people want a mod released asap but then they want it to be the best possible quality in terms of limited bugs and graphics issues.

Well in order to do that, teams take longer to develop, bit of a catch 22 i say.

the textures look good for a Half-Life 1 mod...

I hope the gameplay makes up for the graphics, if it does no problem here.
Stop being so goddamn critical about every little detail on every aspect of every mod screenshot. That attitude is very demotivating, show some support for crying out loud. Their skins fit nicely in their style and atmosphere, and I'm sure their skinner is learning in the process, which is what modding is all about: having fun and learning while doing so.

As for the screens, I like what I'm seeing, a game that looks like it's speeding to a fun release candidate. Great job IG, keep it up. Hope to be playing your mod soon.
wtf is THIS ? A fountain of blood, never and i mean NEVER pick the 255 red as a color. mix it with some grey..
But I must say that the mod is coming along nicely. As for realising screenshots at 768x1024 without AA, it ain't pretty but its ok.


That's almost certainly a smoke bomb or grenade of some kind; I would guess it is being used to mark an objective or order AI-controlled units to an area.
It's a sad commentary on the gaming community of today when something as creative as Iron Grip is being slammed because its texturing isn't retail quality.

-Angry Lawyer
looks cool, can't say I agree with all of the nitpicky negative comments... the game looks good from where I'm sitting. Iron Grip is one of the few mods I've seen that I like... cool premise / art and it looks like they are actually making progress. Keep up the good work!
It's one of the few mods I'm actually looking forward to.

-Angry Lawyer