Iron Grip: The Oppression News

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Iron Grip: The Oppression is set in an alternate universe from the Half-Life 2 storyline, yet follows a similar path. After hours and hours of work, they have completed the Rahmos Stormtrooper, Heavy Machine Gunners, and City Guard. [br]

[br]To visit their website, click here.
Very nice work! I wish more mod teams would compile their models...
to be honest I am really not impressed by the models at all, not very nice to look at and im not too sure why they hold their guns like a bunch of little 'playmobil' toys.
omikron said:
they hold their guns like a bunch of little 'playmobil' toys.

When I looked at the pictures, I had a funny feeling of nostalgia. Now I now why.

I'm sure they'll sort it out before release...
This team certainly has an incredible art direction. When tye first released those pics of the vehicles, I was stunned...but these models, while they follow the art direction...they look fairly cheap. What makes it worse is the near photorealistic faces on top of the low poly bodies...that actually makes things look worse.

That, and as cool as all the photshopping makes the media look...I think you're setting up a lot of people for disappointment when they get in game and there aren't going to be all those visual effects.
Jeremy said:
is this for HL1 or HL2?

For God's sake man, it even tells you it's a Half-Life 2 modification in the screenshots... :rolleyes:
When I saw the pictures, I thought that this is the Half'-Life '1' modification... Nah.
I'm sure the modders put a lot of work into this, but...I seriously hope they plan on making major improvements to these models before they release this.

I thought at first myself this was a HL1 mod, with as blocky as they look. The weapons look way too small for the characters (at least in that first screenshot, anyway)...and the textures seem really bland as well. Maybe they did this on purpose? Who knows...but as it stands, I can live without this one.
I think this is a RTS/FPS combinated mod and maybe thats why the model looks like that

read it on the offical site
Those fellas must be very strong to hold up those rusty iron shields that must weight over 200 kilos :D
omikron said:
to be honest I am really not impressed by the models at all, not very nice to look at and im not too sure why they hold their guns like a bunch of little 'playmobil' toys.

I am impressed, you perhaps do not enjoy the color scheme...

Have you heard of art style?
Its a RTS, they're supposed to have dozens possibly hundreds of these models on screen at a time.
You wont get a lot of lag in this mod if all the moddels are like this ;)
Why are people always so negative, I dont think its SO bad.

Not a lot of mods have ingame characters, if a team can make this(model, skin, animation, code, ...) then its a good team.
toekneebullard hit it all spot on. I really like the concept, but the models look way too blocky. Hopefully it's because they plan on having 100+ on screen at a time. I can forgive blocky models in that situation.
i thought they looked pretty damn tight :D

does look a lil low poly
no offense to the modelers but the models dont look that great but its still way better than something i could make
This has been posted already but seeing as certain people don't seem to be getting the message i'll have a crack at it.

THE MODELS ARE BLOCKY FOR A REASON they intend to have an awful lot of these guys on the screen at any one time and if you made each of them a couple of thousand polys each then you aren't going to have a very smooth gaming experience even with the most high end hardware.

Just think before you post, THINK, DAMN YOU!
Perhaps an edit of the original post to reflect the nature of the mod might reduce flames
I liked the look of the screens quite a lot. The 'low poly' models don't really bother me but it does look to me like they are hiding their guns a bit funny ... i love the shields and outfits and look foward to seeing more :)
dont like those models. lo poly and they are to stiff. they need to relax
Just out of interest, will anybody be playing from the first-person perspective with this mod? I read a little on the website but it's not very clearly stated... from what I gather, one team will be played from the first-person and the other a team of AI being controlled by one 'commander' with the possibility of a few more people helping.

The main issue I can see with this is that the human players will be able to sit in a building, or behind some other form of good cover, and literally mow down the hapless AI marching past as the commander tears his hair out.
Very orwellian. I just saw the movie 1984 with John Hurt and I sort of got that specific feeling from the pictures. Excellent job.

OT: Azlan did you get your name from the book "The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe"?
Don't you just love people criticising work like they know all about it? Most of the people dont even know what this mod is all about.

This is brilliant work, people! The textures are particulary amazing...
Geronimous said:
Don't you just love people criticising work like they know all about it? Most of the people dont even know what this mod is all about.

This is brilliant work, people! The textures are particulary amazing...

i use to get pissed bout all the flaming on peoples mod work, but thats the nature of the hl2 community, arrogant nitpicky and condesending. I guess it comes from years of playing one of the highest rated games ever makes people that way.

im glad its low poly, they may have massive armies stc, you have to incluse those huge shields. orwellian yea. I love the idea of riotshields in a game, that people are so well defended your practically forced to distract and flank them. this could be loads of fun.
I hate complainers :flame:, they dont know how hard it is to make all those things.
A lot of teams dont want to release media and info because of those complainers. The mod teams are working very hard to make a mod for the gamers(for free!), they release some WIP stuff and the people they are making it for say things like "it sucks", "hl looks better", "bad mod", "stupid modeller", ...

WTF :rolling: :hmph: