Is anyone else getting tired of freeman not...

I honestly half expected the CC to start making noises and talking to me during the game.
I hope he never speaks i hate FPS were the main guy speaks using lame one liners to make him seem witty makes me feel like am playing as a jerk.
I hope he never speaks i hate FPS were the main guy speaks using lame one liners to make him seem witty makes me feel like am playing as a jerk.
Exactly. Plus, it is going to be impossible for Gordon's voice to live up to his character. If Gordon were to even speak, the actor doing his voice would have to be 100% perfect or else risk being tarred, feathered, and killed by an angry mob.

There is no way Gordon will ever have a voice to him besides the players.

End of discussion.

Gordon doesn't need a voice really, the supporting characters are well built enough that when something happens with them, the emotions that Gordon would logically feel are the ones that we ourselves should feel. At this point having Gordon talk would be a little tacked on and I don't think they'll ever do it. Sometimes it's a little silly when you think about it that Gordon NEVER says anything and nobody seems to care that he doesn't (although most of the people Gordon meets are great admirers of him, aside from Breen and Magnusson) but it doesn't ruin the game.
To be honest whenever Gordon would be likely to speak i find myself either shouting at the game or just answering in my head. I think that most players' reactions to certain points in the game are likely to be the same and these reactions are likely to be what you'd expect Gordon would be saying/feeling at that point.
Yeah, that's the whole point. What Gordon says in-game is supposed to be really close to how you feel - HL2 is quite emotionally engaging in a game.

Now, there's no really good justification for Gordon not asking some more questions in the peaceful moments. Like his first time at Eli's lab - not asking to be told everything we know about the Combine, what the heck is going on, etc. But it never crosses the line by becoming implausible, IMO.
It would be funny if at the end we find out Gordon couldn't speak because of some...combine suppression field lol!

The only somewhat perk I see to the HL series ending is FINNALY finding out about the mysterious Gman, who is he? Who his employers are? Hows he get around so well? And all that good stuff.
I hear Gordon talk all the time, he is more annoying then the Companion Cube if you ask me.
No, but... I am getting tired of threads that ask this question.
I have a problem with the whole talking to the computer to give your answers. I don't ever talk to myself and that's how I'd see it, but then again I could just talk but to myself.. not out loud though.
I produce witty one liners all the time as I play through the game... Making fun of Alyx, Eli, etc... it's fun.
First post =o

As much as i wish the half life series to never end (at leaste not in my life time) As much do i wish to never hear gordon talk.

Valve has done such an excellent job on making YOU gordon freeman. Why ruin it:)
I would like to see more player interation with NPCs though, more use of the E button, like for example in EP1, after Alyx ordeal with the Stalkers, you could press E on her when she is resting and Gordon could put his hand on her shoulder or help her up or something.

Haha, I thought the exact same thing! When she was sitting there, shaking with fear, I felt pressing 'e' to put a hand on her shoulder to comfort her.
Valve really makes us care for the characters. It's fantastic!
More interaction whould be cool.
I feelt realy evil when a rebel gets pulled away by a hunter, and i was standing right infront of him. I mean, I had tons of time to help him. Oh well.
On the other hand, one viable solution I see is to let us(the players) express at least basic reactions and responses, such as: agreement, disagreement, greeting, inquiring about health status or saying sorry. Although, I'd still prefer that we didn't hear Gordon actually SAY these things(because at this point, with 4 released games, that'd be stupid), we'd only recieve NPC responses.

Agreement: Shake your head up and down.
Disagreement: Shake your head side to side
Greeting:Rapidly shake your head diagonally
Inquiring: One up/down shake as you are mvoing toward recipitant
sorry: Slowly move your head down left diagonally...
I find myself doing these things a lot.
Like once when Alyx asked me something, I said, ok using head gestures! :D -too immersed in game-
its bttr if freeman keeps his mouth shut, i mean it makes u think ur freeman, he isnt talking coz ur not making him AND DONT ASK ME HOW TO IM NOT VALVE :p