Is anyone else tired of hearing about Halo 2 and its greatness?

Hey to all those Halo 2 owners on these boards. Instead of inciting the riot why not go play the frickin game instead of whoring it to the extremes with 10 page long threads.
Halo 2 is a great game. But it certainly isn't as good as the hype and the reviews have built it up to be.
I enjoyed Halo 1 for a old..unfortunately I have a modded Xbox...

so no Xboxlive for me! although the 250GB HDD in it is a very nice feature...

Halo 2 is is probably one of,if not the best of this generation of CONSOLES FPS's...

that being said I personally don't feel that it was as good as it should have been..

all Halo 2 opinions I have are made on SP only..I could probably LAN it,but nahh

personally I love VIDEO GAMES!! console or pc it doesn't matter to me...

besides there is no such thing as best game game YET,now thats a different story
Halo 2 is as good as i'd hoped :) and gives you loads for your cash.

Multiplayer and co-op are excellent, and single player (on the harder sttings) is a great experience \o/
madacian said:
Of course you haven't heard anything good, that's because the millions of people who love the game are online with Xbox Live or deep into the Campaign.


/me is not online on the PC b/c of that all the time

Thing is ppl gotta understand: Halo 2 is here so we can play it, Half Life 2 isn't so...
I tried Halo 2 today. God damn it was boring. I quit playing after half an hour. It's just like Halo 1!
Ecthe|ioN said:
I tried Halo 2 today. God damn it was boring. I quit playing after half an hour. It's just like Halo 1!

After 1/2 an hour - are you insane? :)

Let me guess - u ran about like a loony, shooting the ceilings, floors and walls, blamed the joypad and decided Halo is crap ;)
I actually played this last night, horrible controls...
Let me guess ............... oh, can't be bothered any more :)

Some ppl just can't use their thumbs :/
no but seriously... on halo 1 how the hell are you supposed to beat the elites on hero / legendary mode without:

A) hit and run tactics, spraying then taking cover untill its dead (which takes ages)
B) headshot with the sniper rifle (my personal favorite). but the black ones need 2 headshots to kill them! insane!
C)grenades. lots and lots of grenades.
Suicide42 said:
no but seriously... on halo 1 how the hell are you supposed to beat the elites on hero / legendary mode without:

A) hit and run tactics, spraying then taking cover untill its dead (which takes ages)
B) headshot with the sniper rifle (my personal favorite). but the black ones need 2 headshots to kill them! insane!
C)grenades. lots and lots of grenades.

Both pistol types together can take care of an Elite on legendary - the tricky part is getting him on his own. Plenty of nades too.

The needler is also very good against elites in the original Halo (don't like the it in the sequal, though) - as soon as you see one unload the whole clip while strafing away.

There's little point fighting them over a long period of time - if you see one you either have to kill him straight away, or run away and hide.
People don't like Halo 2 because it provides competition with HL2. Their game. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure some people have tried it and really don't like it. However a lot you have never tried and and don't want to. You've made up you're minds that the game is crap. You've probably made up you're minds that just about every game except HL2 is crap. There not much any of us can say to persuade you're naive minds any differently.

I'm not a Halo 2 fanboy and I'm not trying to start up more flames but come one. You're gonna eventually have to give up this "Half-Life rules every other game" thing and accept that better looking and better playing games are on there way and you're king no doubtable will be dethroned. Maybe sooner than you think.
AmishSlayer said: anyone else tired of hearing how amazing HL2 is supposed to be? I am. I just wanna play the damn game and stop reading about how all these fanboys have an entire plan laid out how they're going to listen to a certain song when HL2 is released or how they're going to do some kind of dance or some shit when HL2 finally comes out (took Valve long enough for christ's sake). I've been playing Halo 2 and it's exactly what I wanted. I just wish HL2 had some kind of MP component to compete with any FPS on the market today. I'm sure the SP will be better than pretty much any SP FPS out right now...but considering CS:S is the only MP for HL2...I don't expect CS:S to beat out MP for anything at all. They're finally working on more player models right now for christ's sake....they didn't put all that much work into CS:S if you ask me...and not enough people here are addressing that.

BTW...I'm with gh0st.

Leave Halo players your own damn games and stop f*cking insulting the game millions love to play just because it seems to be competition for HL2. I will be playing both...why can't you lame-ass HL2 fanboys see that Halo 2 has something to offer rather than just being retards and ripping on it for no reason.

Note: I am hammered right now - do not take everything I say completely seriously. If you are one of the HL2 fanboys I refer to...grow the f*ck up and realize that HL2 is not the second coming of christ. There are other things out there than may compete or (god forbid) beat your most hyped SP game. That is all. I am going to bed.

although drunk, he had a very good point.
AmishSlayer said:
I am sorta the same way with KOTOR. If you look at some of my posts you'll see that any chance I got I would post how I was not impressed by KOTOR and how I thought it was overrated. I mentioned how the plot was really a letdown and the combat was repetitive. I realize I was doing the same thing that many people are doing with Halo 2...I didn't have HL2 or some other RPG in mind when I was ripping on it..but now I see where you bashers are coming from. Hell...I wish I could enjoy KOTOR enough to play it through tons of times like many of you have...but I just didn't find it as fun as you guys did.

Hey man i liked that game just because it was starwars, not the game play.... now come to think of it i am a STARWARS nerd....
/me wipes farty pooped anus with this thread.

And Halo 2 was just as good as advertised and I hope the same for HL2 cause I'm gonna be pissed if I wasted $60 for CS:S and my second copy of HL.
colson said:
Seriously I'm so tired of hearing about halo 2. I don't understand why so many people like halo so much. I didn't even find it that fun. I think HL2 will be ten thousand times better than any halo game will ever be. Do any of you agree? This is a HL2 forum anyways.

Do you not also think that people are tired of hearing about how awesome HL2 is gonna be? It's a little thing called tolerance, start practicing.
Ok if you're so sick then why

If so many of you are so sick of hearing comparison between halo 2 and Half life 2 then why do you go to gaming forums and post about it???
evan said:
If so many of you are so sick of hearing comparison between halo 2 and Half life 2 then why do you go to gaming forums and post about it???

I posted saying I was sick of the comparisons so that maybe the people arguing/flaming over which game is better will get the idea it just doesn't work. On an HL2 board (this one anyways) you just can't find enough unbiased opinions to have a healthy discussion about the topic without having the dumbass fanboys make stupid posts about how crappy one or the other is.