Is anyone NOT buying Left 4 Dead?

Will you/have you bought Left 4 Dead?

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Fair enough, but from what I've played so far I just don't feel like that will be the case on this end... Horses for corsets.

Great drunk game though. /fires up demo for one-off blastathon once more
I've said it before, but you really need to play with dudes on your friends list to get the most outta this game. And with voicechat!
Yeah, if you don't play with friends and with a mic, the game can get boring pretty quickly.....
*Stares at BF2*
Playing with strangers is hit and miss. If you get some guys with mics that are there to have a good game it works well. However I have played with some peeps that never talked on mic or even typed. I had to keep checking to make sure they hadn't left the game and I was left with bots. That got boring pretty fast.
Even at the very reasonable price on Amazon, I'm not going to get it. When it comes down to it, beyond the high production values, and the cooperative focus, it's a Zombie Horror game. I don't go out of my way to watch Horror movies (of the 'Day of the Dead' kind) so I'm going to miss out on a certain dimension there... but when such settings are simply not 'my thing' in the first place, there is really no point in me forking over good monies for something I'm unlikely to consistently enjoy.

I do have router problems as well. Cut outs every three or so minutes and some random disconnects when entering servers. With so many other Multiplayer games only brushed over in my collection, I can't justify this one. Have fun though :)
Does anyone else find it strange that people claiming no interest in the game somehow find themselves posting/browsing the L4D forum?
Does anyone else find it strange that people claiming no interest in the game somehow find themselves posting/browsing the L4D forum?

I'm seeing, according to the poll, about 21 direct examples that would contradict that logic. So, no, I do not find it strange.
I always wait for a few months after release, for major issues to be fixed. I got TF2 at the start of January, for instance.
I'll be getting L4D for the holidays too (if it runs decently).
Downloading the demo now.
Does anyone else find it strange that people claiming no interest in the game somehow find themselves posting/browsing the L4D forum?

Quite possibly some see enough of the title to realise it's relevance to them when the thread is bumped and they're browsing the forum list.
Does anyone else find it strange that people claiming no interest in the game somehow find themselves posting/browsing the L4D forum?
You need rather less interest in something to download a demo or discuss it than you do to hand money over for it.
L4d is a full-feature game. its not an episode. The price is fine and typical for all games, if you cant afford 50 bucks, then get a better job :P.

if you dont get this game you'll be missing out on a lot...
So they fixed the graphic bug that I complained about earlier. I didn't expect them to fix it before the release, but I guess I don't know Valve very well.

Anyway, I just bought it. i guess i'll have to lay off the demo for a couple of days so I don't burn out on the game by playing the same two levels over and over and over....

PS. Having money rocks.
My computer would probably puke up its processor if I ran this at minimum.
my 360 packed up 2 days ago. shit. not that ill be able to get the game before christmas
anyway, and even then im doubtful it will happen. i have to get games sent over from england
and noone understands.
'granma, can i get left for dead for christmas?'
' who wants you dead!!'
' no granma its a videogame.'
' its no game im serious! who wants y....'

i give up.
I don't get why so many people ask their gran for computer games. It doesn't make sense to me.
No for me. I may change my mind later, but after playing the demo, meh. Maybe if I played online with some other people.
I don't get why so many people ask their gran for computer games. It doesn't make sense to me.

i dont usually, but i get driven to it by desperation cos what i said before,
its like that with all my relatives there. maybe its just on account of them living
in england too long.
My computer would probably puke up its processor if I ran this at minimum.

I'm on a two year old laptop and I can run at medium settings and native resolution. :thumbs:

Not having a lot of money sucks.
I really want to get it, mainly because it's the only game that my friends from college are also getting. We've decided to get ourselves mics as well, and so far playing the demo has been a blast.

Problem is that i can't get it off steam because i have no credit card and buying from retail will require me raiding my bank. (and waiting 3 days)
Problem is that i can't get it off steam because i have no credit card and buying from retail will require me raiding my bank. (and waiting 3 days)
Have you explored he possibility of using PayPal? I use it for all Steam purchases; no credit card required and it's a real cinch. I dunno if it's still as useful if you don't at least have a debit card though.
No for me. I may change my mind later, but after playing the demo, meh. Maybe if I played online with some other people.

'Meh' is a very good description of the single player. Online coop on the other hand... I've put in like 7 hours into these two maps and I hear the second one isn't even the whole level. Playing it online with other people is simply truckloads of pure win. I can't wait to see if Versus is as fun as the regular mode.
Have you explored he possibility of using PayPal? I use it for all Steam purchases; no credit card required and it's a real cinch. I dunno if it's still as useful if you don't at least have a debit card though.

Don't have a card full stop. I still have a little book thingy.
'Meh' is a very good description of the single player. Online coop on the other hand... I've put in like 7 hours into these two maps and I hear the second one isn't even the whole level. Playing it online with other people is simply truckloads of pure win. I can't wait to see if Versus is as fun as the regular mode.


I have 20 hours myself, I've seen some people with 40. I don't see how they can play it that much.
I've played nearly 24 hours. And I never just left it open and wasn't playing it. I think I'll be getting it for Christmas. I don't want to wait, but TF2 and Lost Winds will help.

Also. All the single-player haters can go away. It's plenty of fun, in many cases the AI is smarter than other humans.
Bought already. I haven't managed as much time with the demo as I'd have liked, but it's a good taster and I'm looking forward to the final version.
Also. All the single-player haters can go away. It's plenty of fun, in many cases the AI is smarter than other humans.

Yeah, the single player's not bad. I just played through the demo with bots on Expert, and yeah it was quite fun, better than I remembered from the couple of single player games I played earlier. There were some tense moments when all the bots died and I was left on my own. I felt genuinely relieved when I was finally able to rescue Louis and I wasn't completely on my own any more. It was actually pretty damn scary being alone in single player for some reason, probably because you know there's no one else there to watch you and cheer you and mock you when you screw things up :).

It's just that the single player can't really compete with the awesomeness that is playing with real people online. Last night I was playing with these three german dudes and I can't remember the last time I have been laughing so much while playing a game. There are so many LOLs to be had in the messed-up situations people in their unpredictability get into. And the feeling of "togetherness" just can't be recreated when the bots mostly just stand there and wait for you to do everything. They're really good at saving your ass though!
Some time ago I complained about TF2 running like trash and swore to never buy a Valve product again , since then I upgraded to a much better E8500 Intel processor Thinking that perhaps now that I had a more "mainstream" processor I would maybe have less problems with Valve games. So I downloaded the demo, started it up and holy shit... It runs like utter crap, it's 2004 all over again. The sound skips, my screen freezes every 10 seconds, etc, etc. I tried the technical help forums and followed all the suggestions but to no avail, finally I gave up. This computer runs Fallout 3/Far cry 2 like a dream but Left 4 Dead runs like utter shit, the game also doesn't connect to servers very well and lacks a server list which is a serious oversight for people who like mods.. Anyhow, I promptly deleted the demo and think that my promise is justified . I have played Valve games on many different computers over these past 4 years and I have yet to have a single computer run them all like a charm (Albeit I will admit that the older source games have been fixed and run quite well) . So anyways, I think I will stick to Zombie Master.
Some time ago I complained about TF2 running like trash and swore to never buy a Valve product again , since then I upgraded to a much better E8500 Intel processor Thinking that perhaps now that I had a more "mainstream" processor I would maybe have less problems with Valve games. So I downloaded the demo, started it up and holy shit... It runs like utter crap, it's 2004 all over again. The sound skips, my screen freezes every 10 seconds, etc, etc. I tried the technical help forums and followed all the suggestions but to no avail, finally I gave up. This computer runs Fallout 3/Far cry 2 like a dream but Left 4 Dead runs like utter shit, the game also doesn't connect to servers very well and lacks a server list which is a serious oversight for people who like mods.. Anyhow, I promptly deleted the demo and think that my promise is justified . I have played Valve games on many different computers over these past 4 years and I have yet to have a single computer run them all like a charm (Albeit I will admit that the older source games have been fixed and run quite well) . So anyways, I think I will stick to Zombie Master.

Funny that, as I can run any Valve game without slowdown or stutter, including L4D which runs flawlessly at max settings.
Also. All the single-player haters can go away. It's plenty of fun, in many cases the AI is smarter than other humans.
I think 2 humans, 2 AI or 3 humans, 1 AI is in my cases better than 4 humans, since occasionally you bump into a bunch of idiots, and having at least one sane person is usually the for the better.
Of course, playing with friends tops all of it.
Got one copy on steam, getting another retail tmr.
I'm going to get it once I get a new computer.

And yes, my current one is just that bad.
FFS someone paypal me $5, my account's not letting me to use all of my money.