.:|Is BF2 Going to Kill CS:S?|:.

No matter how hard you own, without proper teamwork you'll suck in BF2. That's the main differense.
you have not lived until you and your squad have slowly advanced on a fortified flag, crawling with enemies during an artilley barrage that kicks up 50 foot towers of dirt into the air

or seen a helicopter fly through an artillery storm, get nicked, keep on flying, then get nailed by a missle, and then the jet that fired the missle accidently smashes into the burning wreck of the helicopter, causing a badass explosion. All this happened over my player's dead body as deathcam is stuck looking up

Or hopped in a dune buggy with your squad and try to run over enemy infantry as they try to cross an open area, guns abalazing while you powerslide and jump dunes

CS can go rot for all i care
I might not get it because I'm still a consoler at heart, but I'll still play cs.
Flyingdebris said:
you have not lived until you and your squad have slowly advanced on a fortified flag, crawling with enemies during an artilley barrage that kicks up 50 foot towers of dirt into the air

or seen a helicopter fly through an artillery storm, get nicked, keep on flying, then get nailed by a missle, and then the jet that fired the missle accidently smashes into the burning wreck of the helicopter, causing a badass explosion. All this happened over my player's dead body as deathcam is stuck looking up

Or hopped in a dune buggy with your squad and try to run over enemy infantry as they try to cross an open area, guns abalazing while you powerslide and jump dunes

I can remember doing that stuff, espescially being the receiving end of the jet's missle and having it crash into my flaming ass. You can't do that in CS:S!! :E

The teamwork (which CS:S lacks pretty badly) in Bf2 is required or your team will be owned round after round after round...
=*♪♫♣.: |BF 1942 didn't kill CS, so why should BF2 kill CS:S?| :.♣♫♪*=
bf2 wont kill cs or css, thats for sure. But it is still infinitely more fun! :D in CS i have to practice everyday to keep my skills upto scratch, but in bf2, i can pick up a game whenever i like. The class system, faster respawning, squads and more all contribute to a better game than cs will ever be.
Everyone saying BF2 won't kill it, evidently haven't played it, or have been living in the past for too long.
People are always boasting about CS being a hardcore game, but it's not. It's old-fashioned now. Especially now that we have all seen what can be done with a modern combat game. In all honesty, ever since the demo of BF2 came out, I haven't given CSS a second thought, apart from to think to myself how much better BF2 pulls it off.

CSS will survive because of the mass following, but BF2 will always be the better game.
Nah.. I dont think that it will kill css.. Tough it will for sure take some of css players for a while....

CSS has many good sides compared to bf2, for example steam clinet allows fast updates. I my self will play bf2 for a while but i will come back to css soon. :)
Oh, I might have to reconsider after playing the game :D The squad teamwork is ages better than in CS:S...
Cukel said:
Oh, I might have to reconsider after playing the game :D The squad teamwork is ages better than in CS:S...

Yep! You can even make custom names for the squads! They have special mike channels! You can give orders to other people in your squad! And it even shows where squad memebers are and where you placed their objective in the mini-map! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

You could never do that to other people in CSS...
Everyone's "lone wolf" with one person on the t's with an objective.
Reginald said:
Everyone saying BF2 won't kill it, evidently haven't played it, or have been living in the past for too long.
People are always boasting about CS being a hardcore game, but it's not. It's old-fashioned now. Especially now that we have all seen what can be done with a modern combat game. In all honesty, ever since the demo of BF2 came out, I haven't given CSS a second thought, apart from to think to myself how much better BF2 pulls it off.

CSS will survive because of the mass following, but BF2 will always be the better game.
You're right. CS is not "hardcore". And you and I might value the higher-level involvement of squads and other such collaboration, you forget to look at the viewpoints of people other than yourself. Not everyone wants to cooperate along with other people in a group-benefitting situation (i.e., being a medic or a ammo guy), or for that matter do anything other than play on the individual level. Hell, that's why I play Soldat. But they are the masses, not us. And no matter how "old-fashioned" it is, CS isn't going anywhere.

Don't get me wrong, I haven't played CS in months, because it contains the largest concentration of the types of people I despise.

EDIT: I just read your last sentence that I even quoted, which kindof defeats all the purpose of this post and makes it a corroboration rather than a counter-argument. Heh, oh well... :E
I am pretty sure people were saying BF1942 would take over regular CS when it was nearing release as well.
ricera10 said:
Yep! You can even make custom names for the squads! They have special mike channels! You can give orders to other people in your squad! And it even shows where squad memebers are and where you placed their objective in the mini-map!

You could never do that to other people in CSS...
Everyone's "lone wolf" with one person on the t's with an objective.

Reading posts like this... I have to say this BF2 stuff sounds truly fantastic.

Right now I'm feeling totally, utterly fatigued with 'lone wolf' deathmatch fps.
Exchanging bullets with silent, malevolent strangers has just lost all its appeal. I don't know why. The only thing that sparks my interest now is those spontaneous bits of communication and co-operation between players. And we know it's once in a blue moon that that happens.

And lo and behold, along comes this new game... promising cerebral, creative, and above all, geniunely collaborative gameplay. From all the descriptions, it sounds like the medicine I've been looking for.

So would I choose BF2 over CSS, HL2DM and similar games? Most likely.
Is my PC good enough? Not even close.

I doubt the millions still playing CS1 will change their habits any time soon
nope, i play both of them obsessively.
Noobulon said:
And lo and behold, along comes this new game... promising cerebral, creative, and above all, geniunely collaborative gameplay. From all the descriptions, it sounds like the medicine I've been looking for.

Everyone who belongs in a CS game has either an IQ of less than -5 or an IQ of little more than 0.1. In BF2, graduating grammar school is a requirement.
The Demo of BF2 has occupied pretty much my whole playtime. I used to be an avid CS player... I guess BF2 is more my kind of game.
I shall be playing both I think.
The big difference for me though is I will have to buy BF2 whereas CS was an unexpected bonus when I bought HL2
Haven't played CS Source since I started playing BF2, I don't wanna put up with all the annoying porn spraying idiots anymore.
You guys are wrong about that teamwork thing.. CSS is much more teamwork game than bf2.. In bf2 you always go alone.. Idiots with tanks kill teammates and so on. It really sucks. Plus there r no reporting system and that sucks too. In CSS you can least cover your mates, not in bf2, those maps are so big that you cant really have teamwork in there. This is true. :monkee:
Underhill[FIN] said:
You guys are wrong about that teamwork thing.. CSS is much more teamwork game than bf2.. In bf2 you always go alone.. Idiots with tanks kill teammates and so on. It really sucks. Plus there r no reporting system and that sucks too. In CSS you can least cover your mates, not in bf2, those maps are so big that you cant really have teamwork in there. This is true. :monkee:
Your case is the exception, not the norm.
Nope, he's right I'm afraid. In all the games I've played, 16 players to 64 players I haven't seen one bit of teamwork besides riding in helicopters or planes. I usually like to drive my buggy and humvee and pick up some people to gun for me. I honk my horn and ask them if they will help me gun down some enemy soldiers. Often I get no response and when I drive by a soldier or a vehicle of higher importance of mine (e.g. tanks, APC's, especially planes!) they will just leave and go for that.

Oh well, I guess the only teamwork you'll find in BF2 is in clan matches. :(
Nope, he's right I'm afraid. In all the games I've played, 16 players to 64 players I haven't seen one bit of teamwork besides riding in helicopters or planes. I usually like to drive my buggy and humvee and pick up some people to gun for me. I honk my horn and ask them if they will help me gun down some enemy soldiers. Often I get no response and when I drive by a soldier or a vehicle of higher importance of mine (e.g. tanks, APC's, especially planes!) they will just leave and go for that.
Your case is the exception, too. Try another server, like a public clan server. Or just pilot different vehicles. Or, be a medic or support while driving a humvee to give them some incentive. Also, use the chat.
ricera10 said:
Your case is the exception, too. Try another server, like a public clan server. Or just pilot different vehicles. Or, be a medic or support while driving a humvee to give them some incentive. Also, use the chat.

C'mon teamwork is big joke in a battlefield.. U cant play in team cause everyone goes differend directions. I have played bf2 demo for a while and you just dont go in a team there.. In css you go atleast group of two men and you can actually do some damage.. No way ou can do that in bf2.

In fact bf2 doesent really take any skill att all. I wonder when they start saying that sniper is N00B weapon.. :( It doesn't take long i guess. Or maybe next n00b cannon is tank. :p

lol, sometimes i just play hl2. :)
Nothing will touch cs/css anytime soon. Soon all the 1.6 people will slowly move to css once they get new comps. etc etc.