is college better than high school?

College is more stressfull, but there are always teh hot ladies around.
but do you actually care about what you are being taught? in HS it seems like neither the teachers or the students give a crap
but do you actually care about what you are being taught? in HS it seems like neither the teachers or the students give a crap

Yeah, you're learning the stuff that takes you to your career, and teh fact it's costing you tens of thousands of dollars. D:
but do you actually care about what you are being taught? in HS it seems like neither the teachers or the students give a crap

that part's up to you not your environment
Go to a good school and learn what you really want to learn. High school sucked for me because it was all stuff I didnt care about, then I went to a state college and learned more crap i didnt care about. Now I am going to a computer animation school and love every minute of it. I have said "I cant wait for class" on more than one occasion since I have started.

Plus the teachers here are all animators themselves and are all really passionate about it also, which just makes it an incredible environment to learn.
College is difficult at times, but it still has its fun times. High school is so freakin easy... and its almost non-stop fun with your friends. I miss high school :(
High school sucked, college rocked, and university was a blast inbetween periods of seriously solid work.
that part's up to you not your environment

I disagree. Being in a crappy environment with bad teachers and students that don't give a rats ass really kills any motivation.
College is great. It's less stressful than high school in my opinion, because there's more free time to get your work done or to do anything else you want. But I hope college isn't "as good as it gets". I still have to live with a roommate in a dorm (I lost the lottery for residency in one of the new apartments :(), I earn almost nothing if I choose to work (would make half as much as my current wage), etc. But it's better than high school.
Go to a good school and learn what you really want to learn. High school sucked for me because it was all stuff I didnt care about, then I went to a state college and learned more crap i didnt care about. Now I am going to a computer animation school and love every minute of it. I have said "I cant wait for class" on more than one occasion since I have started.

Plus the teachers here are all animators themselves and are all really passionate about it also, which just makes it an incredible environment to learn.

It is a poor idea to pursue any education that you don't care about. There is simply no point and it is a great waste of money.
For me, college is an extension of the clique-based bullshit social structure that existed in high school, except this time everybody is allowed to act as stupid as they want without the fear of parental reprecussions. There's still that group getting high behind the student apartments, still the cheerleaders ****ing the jocks, still everybody being loud, obnoxious shits, except now everybody's getting blind stinking drunk before they hop into their cars and head to the next kegger to "PARTY ****IN' HARD, MAN". Meanwhile, your fatass hick roommate is coming in every night talking about how he hates negroes and arabs, while you just nod your head while wondering how many people in the vincinity could hear his death screams. He then plays his PS2 until 3 in the morning before going to bed, but not before jerking off. Heavens no, it wouldn't be a complete night if he didn't shake the whole bed frame with his spanking and heavy, audible breathing. The upside is that you can pump as many drugs into your body as you want in order to reach a state of blissful ignorance in regards to your surroundings, making each day that much more bearable.

I hate college. Or maybe I just hate people. Either way, there's a lot of hating going on.
Everything about college has been a step backwards for me, except the ability to choose my own classes for the most part. But even then I don't understand why it should be required for me to take mandatory trigonometry classes and Physical ****ing Education.
For me, college is an extension of the clique-based bullshit social structure that existed in high school, except this time everybody is allowed to act as stupid as they want without the fear of parental reprecussions. There's still that group getting high behind the student apartments, still the cheerleaders ****ing the jocks, still everybody being loud, obnoxious shits, except now everybody's getting blind stinking drunk before they hop into their cars and head to the next kegger to "PARTY ****IN' HARD, MAN". Meanwhile, your fatass hick roommate is coming in every night talking about how he hates negroes and arabs, while you just nod your head while wondering how many people in the vincinity could hear his death screams. He then plays his PS2 until 3 in the morning before going to bed, but not before jerking off. Heavens no, it wouldn't be a complete night if he didn't shake the whole bed frame with his spanking and heavy, audible breathing. The upside is that you can pump as many drugs into your body as you want in order to reach a state of blissful ignorance in regards to your surroundings, making each day that much more bearable.

I hate college. Or maybe I just hate people. Either way, there's a lot of hating going on.

If you live in the UK, college is ten times better than high school, you are studying only what you want to study but it is a lot harder. But the social life is awsome!
If you live in the UK, college is ten times better than high school, you are studying only what you want to study but it is a lot harder. But the social life is awsome!
Agreed. ps what year you in/ what school you go to? :D
College as in uni, right?

It's amazing. I'm having literally the time of my life. Shame it's over in a year :(
For me, college is an extension of the clique-based bullshit social structure that existed in high school, except this time everybody is allowed to act as stupid as they want without the fear of parental reprecussions. *SNIP*

I hate college. Or maybe I just hate people. Either way, there's a lot of hating going on.

You need to find another college then. Either that, or find people who dont do that shit. There actually are college students who dont get drunk all the time (like me, i dont drink/smoke at all, and all my friends dont either).

But then again... Im going to school for computer animation, so a lot of people here are nerds. ESPECIALLY THIS DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS KID. God damn he pisses me off. He never ****ing stops talking about that shit, and he laughs so ****ing loud about everything... especially his own damn jokes! GOD DAMN


At any rate, maybe you should come to my school. We have a game design program too since it seems you are into games (basing this off the fact that you come to We can have good times and you can learn to stop hating people in general :thumbs:
it depends.

my sister is a college freshman and is hating it. The first day, her car's transmission got shot, so now she can't drive anywhere. The CPU on her computer melted during transport, so she has to get a new one, and her roomate gave her strep throat.

things happen.

I can't reall tell you about my own experience, but I think I will like it, that is if I get into MIT or Rice or Caltech.
I left city and islington college last year, got my A's and now i'm going to uni after a gap. beleive it or not it wasn't in the top 10, lol.

hey shift you're a gooner? by bury do you mean highbury? if so we live really close. never heared of holy cross, sounds a bit religious for me.
University is ****ing amazing.. it's greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!!

Love the social life, love who I live with etc etc, it's all good.
Oh god, Highschool was a ****ing blast, but University is at least 3 times better.
If you're one of those people who dont like parties/social events/people then you might not enjoy it as much as someone who does like those things. Living in residence in university is a very social thing, since you literally live with hundreds of other people.
Anyway, yeah it's fun, if you have the right mindset.
The courses are obviously harder, but if you actually study (between partying of course) you should do fine in the first year.
yeah its good to live in the residence the first year, but after that its good to buy a house nearby with a few other mates like my sister did
i never got the chance to get halls, i have to get a flat share. still be good though. and shift you didn answer my question blud!
i never got the chance to get halls, i have to get a flat share. still be good though. and shift you didn answer my question blud!

No i mean bury as in Bury in Manchester, but im still a gooner lmao;)

And yeah holy cross is a religous college, but you dont like have be catholic to join or whatever and we dont have like a church service everyday, however we have to R.E. lol

Good to know theres another gooner on ere tho:D
i live in dalston, and i use the highbury station alot, but because of the new emirates stadium there's always a que of literally tens of thousands of footballers.
You will find that there are assholes and people with egos bigger than they are everywhere you go in life.
I'm definatley not going for the social aspect at all. I see college as my chance to finally go to a place completley focused on academics, and especially academics of my choice. I will choose a non-alchol-or-drugs dorm, go to a non-party ivy-leauge school, and focus one hundred percent on studying for my major and later my phd (in either robotics or nanotechnology)
In Australia, university is ball-lickingly gay. Super expensive, a bunch of dickhead nerds who think they are cool, and all kinds of absolute gayness are around. Couple that with the fact that anyone who goes to university thinking they are infinitely superior to you (even though they aren't), and you have a good idea about australian university.

(I used to go to university, then decided fagtown wasnt for me)

Of course, some uni lover is gonna reply and deny everything i've just said.
In Australia, university is ball-lickingly gay. Super expensive, a bunch of dickhead nerds who think they are cool, and all kinds of absolute gayness are around. Couple that with the fact that anyone who goes to university thinking they are infinitely superior to you (even though they aren't), and you have a good idea about australian university.

(I used to go to university, then decided fagtown wasnt for me)

Of course, some uni lover is gonna reply and deny everything i've just said.

Go to a better school?