Is Doom 3 worth the money?

The Monkey

The Freeman
Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score
I'm thinking of buying it, so tell me, is Doom 3 worth it, did it lived up to your expatiations?
Buy it. It was worth the money.


The polish that ID put into Doom 3 overshadows the few flaws it has.
It isn't worth buying, IMO, you play through it once and that is it. It takes about a week to beat, about 2 hours everyday.

While the graphics are state of the art, the whole package just won't last
buy it when the co-op mod is out. it will be cheaper and definitly worth ur money with co-op gameplay.

I have just finished the game. it's a master pierce of "scaring the shit out of people", but the gameplay is a bit too repetitive, and the wosrt thing is that this repetiveness last longer than other regular fps games.

Playing co-op on nightmare will give much more sense to the gameplay.
if you can afford it, then its worth the money, if you dont have a job, then no... (its a placeholder for HL2 :-p)
It's probably worth the money for the engine and the mods that are bound to come out.

I wasn't that impressed with the single player game, though. Once you get over the graphics you'll realise there isn't much to Doom 3.

Fighting is pretty boring and offers little challange - killing bad guys isn't very satisfying. I didn't find the game particularly scary either.

Doom 3 certainly isn't a bad game, the sound and graphics alone make it worth a play. Just don't expect to go back once it's completed.

//troll mode

Halo (xbox) owns Doom 3 by a massive amount

//end troll mode :)
I think its worth the 50 bucks... go for it :)
Yes its worth the £35.....................DO IT go and buy it
You could wait until the demo comes out too if your hesitant to put any money down just yet.
It's not worth your money if you're expecting the greatest game of all times.

But it is if you assume it's just another FPS.
If your going to play the mods and 3rd party maps then it's probably worth it or if your just bored.

The graphics arn't that fantastic IMO, if you get close up to a wall then the blurry textures really are bad (HL2's normal/bump mapping looks much better). However the lighting is fantastic and so are the special effects. The ingame GUI is very impressive as well, the computer screens often look better than there needlessly bumpmapped surroundings.

I'm hopeing that ID improve performance in futer patches, my 9800 pro goes between 60-20fps in medium quality @ 1024x768 with 4xAF, at higher settings I run out of video ram.

Gameplay is OK, although very bland and getting stuck in corners is a problem, but what do you expect. As for the fear factor, it's completely lost on me. I don't know if it's just me being desesitized or if Doom 3 just isn't scary.

One thing I know for certain though it did not deserve 90%+ scores, I think some reviewers need to grow some balls. On the other hand there are only 3 games I would have given 90%+, but maybe thats the way it should be.
mrchimp said:
One thing I know for certain though it did not deserve 90%+ scores, I think some reviewers need to grow some balls. On the other hand there are only 3 games I would have given 90%+, but maybe thats the way it should be.

I fully agree.

The majority of video game reviewers are far too lenient these days. (90% being what many consider to be the cut off point between a good and a poor game)

I personally think Doom 3 deserves about 80% (which is a pretty good score :) )

It's worth taking any review with a pinch of salt, though. Especially online (Gamespot, IGN etc) and in PC magasines (the most biased publications around)

Edge have a good scoring method, which they stick to. Many of my favourite games have scored around 7/10 - and they've been fair scores imo.
I agree. The marking systems they use in games magazines is stupid.
It should 10/10 for a superb game, 5/10 for an average game and 1/10 for a REALLY bad game.

Although giving a game an 'objective' rating like that isn't a great idea to begin with.
I've heard that the level design is reminiscent of Halo, where it gets quite repetetive. I've also heard that there isn't enough variety of enemies in the middle section of the game.

What I gather is the game is a roller coaster ride. It has it's ups and downs while giving you a great view and a fun experience overall, but it can be a bumpy ride.

I'm not running out to buy DOOM 3 because of the mixed reviews. But I will no doubt get it once I either get a better PC or find it on discount.
JimmehH said:
Although giving a game an 'objective' rating like that isn't a great idea to begin with.

Yeh :)

In one issue of Edge they did away with scores altogether. It was a breath of fresh air.

Unfortunately many complained - and back came the ratings out of 10 :/

If a review needs a score at the end of it, it isn't a very good review.
A True Canadian said:
I've heard that the level design is reminiscent of Halo, where it gets quite repetetive. I've also heard that there isn't enough variety of enemies in the middle section of the game.

What I gather is the game is a roller coaster ride. It has it's ups and downs while giving you a great view and a fun experience overall, but it can be a bumpy ride.

I'm not running out to buy DOOM 3 because of the mixed reviews. But I will no doubt get it once I either get a better PC or find it on discount.
The level design doesn't suck nearly as much as Halo's. It's a bit repetitive, but you run into some really cool every once in awhile. Still not great. The enemies are repetitive though, far too many imps.
ElFuhrer said:
The level design doesn't suck nearly as much as Halo's. It's a bit repetitive, but you run into some really cool every once in awhile. Still not great. The enemies are repetitive though, far too many imps.

I disagree here.

Apart from the Library level, and a small number of sections from a few others, Halo's level design isn't repititive at all. It's far more varied than Doom 3 - both in terms of visuals and gameplay.

(but Halo is the game every pc fan loves to hate :) Still, Doom 3 is far more guilty of samey level design ..... however, being the sequal to one of the biggest pc games ever, noone seems to mind this)
I'd disagree with you warbie, afterall they did put arrows to show you were to go in some areas :)
It was better then backtracking through a level just to find a PDA or some hidden item.
Warbie said:
I disagree here.

Apart from the Library level, and a small number of sections from a few others, Halo's level design isn't repititive at all. It's far more varied than Doom 3 - both in terms of visuals and gameplay.

(but Halo is the game every pc fan loves to hate :) Still, Doom 3 is far more guilty of samey level design ..... however, being the sequal to one of the biggest pc games ever, noone seems to mind this)

Halo not repetitive? The levels were identical to one another.

With Doom 3, they atleast tried to mix up some of the geometry in the levels.

That is besides the point. I think if you like games like Doom, Quake, Quake 2, Halo (PC version), and to a lesser extent Serious Sam type game play, you will like Doom 3. Doom 3 does have an amazing atmosphere and good story (contrary to what people say), but doesn't change much in the gameplay department. If you like those style of games, you will like Doom 3.

Do not confuse Doom 3 with an adventure FPS like Half-Life or an FPS RPG like Deus Ex. Doom 3 is a traditional FPS.
blahblahblah said:
Halo not repetitive? The levels were identical to one another.

With Doom 3, they atleast tried to mix up some of the geometry in the levels.

That is besides the point. I think if you like games like Doom, Quake, Quake 2, Halo (PC version), and to a lesser extent Serious Sam type game play, you will like Doom 3. Doom 3 does have an amazing atmosphere and good story (contrary to what people say), but doesn't change much in the gameplay department. If you like those style of games, you will like Doom 3.

Do not confuse Doom 3 with an adventure FPS like Half-Life or an FPS RPG like Deus Ex. Doom 3 is a traditional FPS.

Halo's sheer gameplay overshadows it's repeatitive level design - even if you are killing the same Grunt or elite at that repeatitive control room level - the Artificial intelligence and the different weapon for the situation adds quite a bit of replayability, thanks to the two weapon strategy. For example untill reaching the next area, your plasma rifle get's empty - then you have to resort for a different weapon - say the assault rifle - so it's harder to bring down the same enemy because of their shield's resistance to bullet fire. The awesome weapon/enemy balancing Bungie has done makes the gameplay of Halo such a pleasure.

Id on the other hand worked hard on polishing the game's visuals and sounds - and kept the old school gameplay. Unfortunately, this kind of gameplay is very dated - many Doom veterans really liked it, however the majority was dissapointed as it didn't bring anything new to the table to make it intresting. The weapons weren't satisfying and didn't pack a punch, and the A.I. was very predictable.
The atmosphere and immersion Doom 3 creates overshadows the dated gameplay and AI, and Id knew that they'd be able to create an ejoyable experience simply via graphics and sound alone. Unfortunately, that's the deciding factor over whether you like Doom 3 or not. It's like an M. Night Shyamalan film; if you're not immersed enough to look over any obvious flaws, you won't like it.

I recommened you wait for the demo, because there's no telling whether you will like it or not without playing it..
I tried replaying the game, couldn't get beyond that bioscan once you leave the hanger, but that's just my three cents.
I would buy it, the first ten hours were definatley worth my money and the next 10 though repetative could have been worse:). Worth my 50 bucks

Thats my 2 cents;)
lazicsavo said:
I tried replaying the game, couldn't get beyond that bioscan once you leave the hanger, but that's just my three cents.

What is that, like 3 minutes into the game? :rolleyes:
If you're into adventure games on the PC buy "The Longest Journey". Its like half the price and 3 times as fun.

Doom 3 is a good game but other then the graphics, its fairly average. If you want a game thats both scary and fun to play, get Undying, its awesome.
totally worth it, omg some of you guys , lol, do you appreciate how much work goes into these games..? 80%, this isnt an average/good game, its a masterpiece in design and atmosphere. it's put together wonderfully. and Im truely sorry if you think the gameplay aspect somehow on its own brings the score down to 80% , lol. cause I think 91% is a just reward.

120% for effort.
Neutrino said:
What is that, like 3 minutes into the game? :rolleyes:

I know, I just started thinking about all the things ahead of me and I lost all the need to play. Started Knights of the Old Republic instead and haven't regretted it so far.
clarky003 said:
totally worth it, omg some of you guys , lol, do you appreciate how much work goes into these games..? 80%, this isnt an average/good game, its a masterpiece in design and atmosphere. it's put together wonderfully. and Im truely sorry if you think the gameplay aspect somehow on its own brings the score down to 80% , lol. cause I think 91% is a just reward.

120% for effort.

80% percent is too low in my opinion. I'd definately say high 80's like 89 or 88 but it just doesnt have the kinda gameplay that competes with the 90% games like Halo, Freedom Figthers or NOLF, or even Undying (Plus, that Hell level reminded me so much of Oneiros)
Hey, the game was made for a very select group of gamers (I like to call them middless twichies) and my friend (who is a mindless twichy) cannot get enough of this game and has played it through nightmare twice already and is in multiplayer clans and so forth.

Unfortuantly I suck at being a twichy therefore I could not enjoy Doom 3 to it's full potential.

PS: All in good fun, if I offened anybody I humbly apologize (I should make this my signature).
lazicsavo said:
Hey, the game was made for a very select group of gamers (I like to call them middless twichies) and my friend (who is a mindless twichy) cannot get enough of this game and has played it through nightmare twice already and is in multiplayer clans and so forth.

Unfortuantly I suck at being a twichy therefore I could not enjoy Doom 3 to it's full potential.

PS: All in good fun, if I offened anybody I humbly apologize (I should make this my signature).

SO... im a mindless twitch for playing and enjoying doom 3 , and being a half life fanboy, :| .. lets leave it to the real critic's, and try not to blatantly start bashing people's taste's in games and gameplay. 4 Gd sakes , why dont we appreciate it in the way ID intended it to be appreciated 'oldskool'., then in a month's time , forum critic's can start laying into HL2.
No offense, just my opinion and being a twitchy is not a bad thing (I know they beat the shit out of me in CS).

Besides I didn't read of Doom 3 in my life since I knew it was going to be useless.
I'd just like to randomly say that ironically the most visually impressive parts of doom 3 are either the outdoor bits, semi outdoor or the huge indoor setpeices.
I'm sorry to say that I bought D3, played it for 6 hours and I haven't played it since. That was two weeks ago :|

I do want to finish it but the game just doesn't compel me to play it.
I'm still in the beginning, but it looks like id forgot that some people have an X800... the performance is simply horrible.