Is G-Man & other people, playing a simple game?

TheGMan. said:
Yes, I had a saved game close to the ending of HL2, and noticed that time wasn't stopped, but it was very slow. But, I don't understand, if time is moving slow for Gordon, is it moving slow for others? Like Alyx? And it makes you wonder if he decides to save Alyx, if she could see anything (note: that the GMan did pick something off her shirt, and was standing right infront of her).

It's also like he put Freeman into Stasis within' a snap of his fingers, so if Alyx did somehow survive (with GMan saving her), you'd think she say something in the new HL2: The Aftermath. Not unless he completely brain-washed her :p
Who said what you saw was realy was happening? At the begining does the g-man realy turn into a TV, of course not.
Good point, because if you look at the new Aftermath pics, you can see the citadel still standing. Maybe GMan was testing Gordon if he really could do it?
I am totally enthralled with the Gman. I still remember the first time I saw him in HL arguing with the scientist.

I just remember going "huh" and then his head flicked to look at me and I went "hmmm". (This sentence will rank as one of my most riveting ever!)

The suit, the briefcase, the strange voice, the quite literally incredible powers or technology, what is he, who is he, who are his employers.

My personal belief is that he is either Gordon Freeman from the future or some totally abstract being that has chosen to appear to Freeman in that form. Maybe like in that film Contact, where the alien makes itself look like her Dad to be more comforting. (I bet that point has been touched on before.)

Woah, maybe Gman is Gordons Dad. Nah, too wierd, unless.........
arclight said:
My personal belief is that he is either Gordon Freeman from the future or some totally abstract being that has chosen to appear to Freeman in that form.
That's what I was thinking. Maybe Freeman never talks because his voice resembled Gman.

Concerning the confusion with his time altering ability, it's not time he alters, but perception. He has no power over time.

Imagine if your reflexes increased in speed by two. Everything would appear to you to have slowed down by half normal relative time. This is what happens to Gordon at the end of HL.

The thing I'm wondering about is how he is able to move around. Maybe it's because Gman has brought Gordon to his level of perception in that instant, but his motor function is not up to par. Notice he moves incredibly slowly?
Even though his perception is incredible there is a limit to his motor ability, or Gman was forcing it down.

If you consider physics (whch is probably not necessary as they might not exist in HL2) air in that frame of perception must be very massive and difficult to displace at that speed. I imagine in these encounters with altered perception Gman has to be moving at sub-light speeds.

/random thoughts

Why cant he just be a very powerful being that chooses to manifest himself in a certain form? One that exists in a higher dimension. Even if he is from a higher dimension he still couldnt control time, thats impossible.
Maybe he froze the explosion and Alyx? Because, when I looked down I saw the enemies I defeated five minutes before, and I see the blue static from the gravity gun and it's still moving around them, not slow at all.

Of course, whatever the G-Man had to say wasn't for everyone to hear, so he may have froze Alyx just for that reason.
BaconIsGood4You said:
Oh, for a good Job story, read Heinlein's Job: A Comedy of Justice. Not as good as his Hugo's, but is fun and has some ideas to it.
Another Heinlein fan. Awesome.
any one know if they are gonna make an "opposing force: source" where you play Adrian Shephard again... that was really cool... maybe you can be the combine force this time and get to use some nifty guns heh
Hey don't know if this has been said yet (to lazy to read all the post) but what about the fact that the people he puts in the void don't seem to age what is that all about he must have some awsome freaky powers to stop the natural coarse of life.
All he'd need to do would be place them in an object moving at (say) 99.99999999% the speed of light. At that speed, your perception of time is altered. 5 minutes at that speed would be like a million years to us. Hense the reason 10 years seems like an instant for Freeman
lastHOPE_lambda said:
I geuss thats possible but freemen was not in any sort of machine he was in a void.



What the hell difference does that make? :rolleyes:

A void can be a machine of sorts if the physics are right.

LOok at it this way. Consider the void a kind of "safe zone" from the normal universe where physics and all related laws don't apply.

If Gordon was in an alternate reality where time seems to move more slowly than the "outside" world, 10 years could pass and be like 10 seconds to him.

He doesn't need to be in a space ship. :rolleyes: :LOL:
Hey dumb a$$ I was replying to llama's post saying he could be traveling at the speed of light and your explaination dosen't explain llama's explanation at all stupid. and llama if gordon himself was moving at the speed of light wouldn't his atoms burst apart and be scattered through the galaxy. He would need some protection wouldn't he.
lastHOPE_lambda said:
Hey dumb a$$ I was replying to llama's post saying he could be traveling at the speed of light and your explaination dosen't explain llama's explanation at all stupid. and llama if gordon himself was moving at the speed of light wouldn't his atoms burst apart and be scattered through the galaxy. He would need some protection wouldn't he.
Harsh words.
You have no idea what is even going on. I first stated anything relating to light-speed travel. You would have noticed if you weren't a moron.

According to relativity as objects approach the speed of light the perception of time is slowed down exponentially.

The way this ties into the Gman is he is altering his and Gordon's perception of time.

If you consider the fact they can move effortlessly through the real world under this perceptual enhancement, it is like he is breaking the laws of physics.

You have a small bit of understanding for the situation as you are worried about his "atoms bursting apart", as I agree moving at that speed through air would create enough friction to cause anything to burst into flame.

However, you'd think if he can do the things said previous, he can phase out his being so it does not interact with the surrounding enviroment, ie air molecules, dark reactor explosions. We know he can do this because he does it to Gordon. It is this reason he does not need "protection".

For further clarificiation on the light speed travel and where I got it from, observe the end of HL2. There is an explosion. Gman and Gordon can move around freely (Gordon less so). Consider they are able to move faster than the impending doom in front of them. Consider how fast things explode. The end.
Go to school.
True and sry (I just like to cuse at people when they roll there eyes at me. I hate it when people roll there eyes at me.) But still I'm not sure about the moving at the speed of light thing.) Maybe it has something to do with string theory, in Bosonic string theory there are 26 demensions, we can only observe demensions one through 4 (1+3) 1 being time and you already know about the other three and perhaps sometimes we can observe the fifth. Some people beleave we can only observe these dementions because our demention exist in a subsection of the other dementions. If G-man has knowledge about the other 22 demensions theres no telling what he could do. this would also explain why he seems so god like if he has a control over the other 22 dimensions he could pretty much do anything he wants again I am sry Ryuken
No harm done.
Light speed itself isn't entirely intrinsinc to this and the Gman (it was just for illustrative purposes) but his phase shifting does seem to open up possibilities of him being an extradimensional being beyond just a bounty hunter or hired hand.
I think perhaps he's using Gordon much like we do in the game :)
COOL! I never thought about it like that, anyway I geuss the light speed thing and the dimension thing can go hand in hand since the bosonic theory only works in energy and not matter. Also, Some people see that as a flaw in the bosonic theory but what about the fact that energy can be converted to matter. couldn't one of the dimensions be condensing energy from some of the other dimensions and thus very slowly be creating matter? what do you think?
Sure but creating matter where, how, and for what purpose?
And how would it tie in here?

Maybe that's how Gman is manifesting himself?
lastHOPE_lambda said:
thats what I thought. maybe in his real form his just raw energy.
If that's the case he has no choice but to commission a rebel scientist. :D
lastHOPE_lambda said:
Hey dumb a$$ I was replying to llama's post saying he could be traveling at the speed of light and your explaination dosen't explain llama's explanation at all stupid. and llama if gordon himself was moving at the speed of light wouldn't his atoms burst apart and be scattered through the galaxy. He would need some protection wouldn't he.

IN theory, probably not. He would stay the same wheras from another point of view he would be shrunk (Compressed) But traveeling at that speed wouldnt kill him im sure.

Oh, and no fighting. Make with the peace <3 :D
Imagine, though.

{end of HL3}

Gman: Checkmate!

/EDIT does that make Gordon the Queen?
Its pretty obvius that g-man is ploting somthing big. And the combine taking earth was not part of it. Id love to see G-mans employes.
GordonFreeman911 said:
Actually, Half-Life 1 was influenced by The Mist i read on RtB i think.

I have read Rasing the Bar 3 times and never heard of anything called "The Mist".

Could you give me a page number?