Is G-man realy Gordon from the future?



have you seen in half-life:source when you see him for the first time and he looks at you in disbelief,as if he was looking at a mirror? His "employers" are problably the scientists from the future that sent him on his quest back in time to change the way things happended and the damage the combine did. In HL: OP he also says:"I have a particular interessst in ones who sssurvive against all oddss,it kind of remindss me of,myssself."
no hes not. 1000 times again and again gordon is not g-man. do a search next time pls. so many threads on this that theyre slowing down the internet
no he isnt hes a tree form the past!!

And i would so laugh if iwas right in hl3 lollerskates
No he's not. Someone will probably drop in here and flame you though, because this topic has been brough up so many times, and should be fairly easy to find doing a search.
I always laugh when people say "no hes not" like its a fact... offering no supporting evidence... nuthin.

You guys have no clue who the G-Man is, and neither does he. He may very well be Gordon from the future, he may be the Second Coming of Christ for all you know. Maybe he is a giant sentient Tofu Hotdog trying to keep Tofu alive in the world. Its as good a theory as any of yours.
Pai-Mei said:
I always laugh when people say "no hes not" like its a fact... offering no supporting evidence... nuthin.

You guys have no clue who the G-Man is, and neither does he. He may very well be Gordon from the future, he may be the Second Coming of Christ for all you know. Maybe he is a giant sentient Tofu Hotdog trying to keep Tofu alive in the world. Its as good a theory as any of yours.

Exactly. I'll admit that if the G-Man did turn out to be Gordon, it'd be kind of cheesy, but...why do so many people make the adamant claim that they know 200% fact that he is NOT Gordon. I mean unless you work at Valve, how can you know? Has anyone from Valve come right out and said he's not Gordon? If so, who and when, and please provide a link to a reputable source of quote or something. Until then, I think people are allowed to have any G-Man theory they want.

I personally think he is an intergalactic rapper and this whole process is a tryout for Gordon to be his galactic body-guard.
FireCrack said:
He talks too much to be gordon.

Well, maybe he's just learning or still in speech therapy. G-Man does sound like he has speech problems.
Well that would only work if the person playing Gordon had a speech impediment. Because, get it? they said that to be immersive you are actually Freeman, therefore, ergo ... <sigh> whatever.
If Gordon = Gman
Then in HL2
Gordon talks about selling himself...sold himself to the rebels it looks like once to...
God gordon is such a slut..
Also, the age difference between Gordon and G-Man isn't great enough for them to be physically unrecognizable as the same person.
N effing O.

This issue has been beaten to death, now let it RIP.
Dan said:
You want proof?

Gordon: green eyes, no widow's peak, attached earlobe, brown hair

GMan: blue eyes, big widow's peak, dangly earlobe, black hair

These are genetic traits that prove they are different people

Strange, the G-man has bright green eyes on my HL2 box. They're so bright they almost glow.

OMG Teh Gmna's eyez change colur! He's a space chamelion!
The G-man being Gordon from the future is my least favourite and most hated G-man theory there is.
lord dubu said:
Also, the age difference between Gordon and G-Man isn't great enough for them to be physically unrecognizable as the same person.

I think they look a lot alike actually.

Pai-Mei said:
I always laugh when people say "no hes not" like its a fact... offering no supporting evidence... nuthin.
Well then, eat this Pai-Mei.

1) Alternate ending of HL1, Gman has Gordon killed

2) Gman is responsable for retrieving Gordon from Xen. Impossible if he is Gordon as he could not have retrieved himself had he never been retrieved. Thats a paradox, children. Say it with me,. Par-A-Dox

3) WE ARE GORDON. So how the hell is Gman supposed to be us? Gman certainly doesnt behave in any way I ever would!

And there you go. Three seperate, concrete reasons why Gman cannot be Gordon Freeman. We do not know who the Gman is, but we can get a good idea who he isnt,. and while he may be Jesus Christ or Adolf Hilter, he sure as hell isnt Gordon Freeman.

G-Man is actually doctor Breen from the past. Before the whole black mesa incident doctor breen made a clone of himself and then teleported into the future.
1) Alternate ending of HL1, Gman has Gordon killed

2) Gman is responsable for retrieving Gordon from Xen. Impossible if he is Gordon as he could not have retrieved himself had he never been retrieved. Thats a paradox, children. Say it with me,. Par-A-Dox

3) WE ARE GORDON. So how the hell is Gman supposed to be us? Gman certainly doesnt behave in any way I ever would!

Okay, Father Time, I'll just take your word that you know everything that there is to know regarding the consequences of time travel.

We have no idea how paradoxes would work themselves out... anything from G-Man killing his self in the past to saving his self could work itself out Back to the Future style in the course of... well, I'm not really at liberty to say.

As for number 3, whoever we currently decide to play as really has no effect on what Gordon will be or was. Just because we didn't play as Gordon when he wrote his paper on Teleportation doesn't mean he didn't do it.

Personally, I don't believe that the G-Man is Gordon from the future, but the fact remains that you don't know for sure.
Pai-Mei said:
the fact remains that you don't know for sure.
Nobody can know what Mark Laidlaw has yet to write,. but I do know that he'd be a total idiot if he made this true.. and I'm pretty damned sure he knows it too.

And as for paradoxes working themselves out, thats one thing. But the problem is its impossible to START this paradox. It has no point of origin.
Dear pay me,
If you ever say something like that again i will sick Gabe Newbell on you and he will eat you with ranch dressing.....OF COURSE GMAN ISNT GORDON IN THE FUTURE READ ALL THE 5,000,000,000 THREADS SUPPORTING IT IF I WERE ANY MORE SURE I WOULD BE......wel um.....well ID BE REALLY SURE anyways nothing personal just... u no i posted a big explanation in some thread about this and um yeh.
Your pal,
Marco de Poyo
Hey, MarcoPollo... I'm glad your using one of my posts as your signature.

No, I don't think that the G-Man is Gordon from the future. But you never know what plot twists those insane developers are going to pull out of their asses next. I mean, come on, a science experiment gone wrong turns everyone into zombies and transports monsters to earth? Where the hell do they get this stuff?
f|uke said:

Well then, eat this Pai-Mei.

1) Alternate ending of HL1, Gman has Gordon killed

2) Gman is responsable for retrieving Gordon from Xen. Impossible if he is Gordon as he could not have retrieved himself had he never been retrieved. Thats a paradox, children. Say it with me,. Par-A-Dox

Actualy the first one's a paradox, 2 is more of a catch 22
G-man will do the BIG reveal in HL3...
G-Man: Alyx never told you what happened to your father.
Gordon (thinking not speaking): She told me enough, she told me Dr. Breen killed him!
G-Man: No, Gordon. *I* am your father!
Gordon (thinking not speaking): NOOOOOOO! Nooooooo!
G-Man: Search your feelings, you know it to be true.
Gordon (thinking not speaking): Really?
G-Man: Nah, I'm just messing with you. These aren't the droids you're looking for... move along.
Actually G-man is Alyx from the past. I have a source in Valve, but I'm not supposed to say anything else, I don't want to give away too much of HL3.

Also Otis is his identical twin.

Anyway... I have a feeling that Valve will never follow a story that has been speculatated already, especially one as cliche and frequently speculated like this.
Pai-Mei said:
You guys have no clue who the G-Man is.

I do! I do! He's a representation of Gabe Newell.

And definitly not Gordon's future self. That's just...absurd and would make a horrible ending.

G-Man : Give in to the Dark Side, Gordon!
Gordon : ....
G-Man : No, Gordon, I am your future self!
Nobody can know what Mark Laidlaw has yet to write
Yess but it's likely given the clues he has dropped so far that already he has something in mind, the sssss'es in his speech and curious looks and movements would support that he is some form of non-human and given it is B-Movie style that would fit rather nicely.
Pai-Mei said:
I always laugh when people say "no hes not" like its a fact... offering no supporting evidence... nuthin.

You guys have no clue who the G-Man is, and neither does he. He may very well be Gordon from the future, he may be the Second Coming of Christ for all you know. Maybe he is a giant sentient Tofu Hotdog trying to keep Tofu alive in the world. Its as good a theory as any of yours.

No, it's not as good a theory as any of ours. Because valve isn't a group of clowns.

And there is plenty of evidence supporting us: the lack of evidence supporting you. The only evidence you have is a bad interpratation (sp?) of an old animation, and 1 line which could be interpreted many didn't ways.

And no, Gordon Freeman does NOT look like the g-man.
Pai-Mei said:
Personally, I don't believe that the G-Man is Gordon from the future, but the fact remains that you don't know for sure.

Actually, Mark Laidlaw HAS confirmed that the g-man is not gordon.
If he was, it would be like Total Recall except slightly different, more confusing.

Don't think he will turn out to be though, I think it would be a terrible plot compared to what we've already been through.
how do you guys no he isnt? i mean it sounds pretty logical, G-man, could stand for gordon, i mean i'm not ruling it out
Have any of you people taken basic Movie science. Because if you did you would know that if a future gordon met a past gordon, the space time continuum would be destroyed. Duh!
lordoftheroot said:
Have any of you people taken basic Movie science. Because if you did you would know that if a future gordon met a past gordon, the space time continuum would be destroyed. Duh!
Or at least he'd dissapear, like in TimeCop :|
Vortigaunt slave said:
how do you guys no he isnt? i mean it sounds pretty logical, G-man, could stand for gordon, i mean i'm not ruling it out

Logical? This theory is anything but logical. The 'g' stands for government man, which is what his model was named after because he looks like an FBI agent.
G-Man could be god. The G stands for god. Or G stands for good as in good-man. freeman sets free. g-man does good. :O
God? Gman has contractors. He's not the god.

G-man... hmmm. maybe it stands for Geek man or goodman or grigoriman, or Gay-man, or gorkyman, GrandDaddyman, Gordon's Grandfather man, Granny-man, Goofman, Gordon'sNannyMan, GrumpyMan. . . . So many possibilities.

Valve gave him this name because he is the mystery guy. Maybe It's simply a nick name because we dont really know who the hell this guy is.

I dont think the name "Gman" signifies anything related to Gordon's past or future. It's way off. Gordon's involvement in this whole situation started only when he joined Black Mesa.