Is Gabe Newell the gaming version of George Lucas?

Gabe Newell is renouned for being at .....the front of the queue for his pies
Mountain Man said:
That's quite a compliment to Gabe to compare him to Lucas! If Gabe is still around in 20 years producing top quality entertainment then I guess we'll have our answer.

Unfortunately, Lucas hasn't lived up to that since ROTJ (and even that had some silly features - Ewoks anyone?). Nope I don't think Gabe can match some of GL's post-original trilogy work:

Howard the Duck
Tucker: The Man and His Machine
Eeek...I grew up with the original star wars (was born in 1967 after all)...and you know, I have to say, I never liked any of them. The new ones especially because they remind me in a way of how people view games like Doom3: eye candy and no substance beyond that. And as someone else said: how come Jurassic Park's CG by far outdid the new movies which are like 6 years (and more) newer??

I find all of them all very boring and dull. Acting is poor at best, plots are pretty thin at best; the elements he used each film just got more and more cheesy. Lets add the cheese factor over quality. Just have never got into the whole star wars thing.

As far as Lucas, I like American Graffiti much much better.

Not sure Gabe is into Speilberg land yet...maybe a couple more games...but I would surely put him ahead of Lucas. Maybe not in popularity as obviously Star Wars is very popular, but I think in quality of the final product.