Is half-life 2 at par with Doom3 and farcry...graphically?

blahblahblah said:
Wow, was that biased? I couldn't tell.

No it's called an opinion. Hence the "imo" which I put into my post if you even bothered reading it.
Kiva128 said:
No it's called an opinion. Hence the "imo" which I put into my post if you even bothered reading it.

Opinions are different than being biased.

An opinion is saying I prefer the Far Cry heat haze effect to Doom 3's heat haze effect. That are both semi-equivalent in terms of their effects.

A bias is having an unfair preference. Showing the best screenshots of HL2 and then showing the worst screenshots of Doom3 is hardly an opinion. It is a bias.

Take a look at this thread. (Scroll down a bit).
I wasn't really showing the worst of Doom 3 because most of the game is pretty much that dark anyways.

And one other thing that kind of annoys me is now it seems after half-life, every fps is taking that idea of "lose your weapons when you get to this point". That pissed me off in doom 3 since I was saving my ammo for the later half of the game but oh no, you can't keep them when you go to hell. Nor do you get them back after you leave hell. There goes my BFG, Plasmagun with full ammo, rocket launcer with full, and some others too. Yay! That was incredibly fun id!

Ugh...I think I've debated long enough. Hl2 with renew my faith in FPS. Recently they have become more and more sub-par.
Kiva128 said:
I wasn't really showing the worst of Doom 3 because most of the game is pretty much that dark anyways.

And one other thing that kind of annoys me is now it seems after half-life, every fps is taking that idea of "lose your weapons when you get to this point". That pissed me off in doom 3 since I was saving my ammo for the later half of the game but oh no, you can't keep them when you go to hell. Nor do you get them back after you leave hell. There goes my BFG, Plasmagun with full ammo, rocket launcer with full, and some others too. Yay! That was incredibly fun id!

Ugh...I think I've debated long enough. Hl2 with renew my faith in FPS. Recently they have become more and more sub-par.

I also hate that. I also dislike the fact that the majority of the FPS genre send you into the game practically naked at the beginning. There is always some contrived storyline about it.

"Ahhhh you are our last hope.... the 43,000 crazed, flesh eating zombies are just through this door. Please Mr. X, go kill them all and save the planet!"

"Sure, I can do that... where's the weapons locker?"

"Ahh yes. Unfortunately the weapons locker is in the middle of the zombie lair. Once you reach it you will find everything you need. Until then, take my pool cue. It's a really good one!"

"Ummmm okay. How far is this 'Zombie lair' where I can get a decent weapon?"

"Oh, not far at all really. Perhaps 6 kilometers to the South. Good luck Mr. X!"

Just once I'd like to start one of these fully equipped. Then, as you said, keeping them would be a pleasant suprise. Hehe. Okay, sorry for the rant. It's just one of those "plot lines" that should be buried and burned for the gamers' sake.

-Whining old guy out!
Beast206 said:
I also hate that. I also dislike the fact that the majority of the FPS genre send you into the game practically naked at the beginning. There is always some contrived storyline about it.

"Ahhhh you are our last hope.... the 43,000 crazed, flesh eating zombies are just through this door. Please Mr. X, go kill them all and save the planet!"

"Sure, I can do that... where's the weapons locker?"

"Ahh yes. Unfortunately the weapons locker is in the middle of the zombie lair. Once you reach it you will find everything you need. Until then, take my pool cue. It's a really good one!"

"Ummmm okay. How far is this 'Zombie lair' where I can get a decent weapon?"

"Oh, not far at all really. Perhaps 6 kilometers to the South. Good luck Mr. X!"

Just once I'd like to start one of these fully equipped. Then, as you said, keeping them would be a pleasant suprise. Hehe. Okay, sorry for the rant. It's just one of those "plot lines" that should be buried and burned for the gamers' sake.

-Whining old guy out!

Haha...I needed that. Thanks for the laugh. :thumbs:
Kiva128 said:
Oh yeah the graphics rule in doom 3. Here's an example:

let's examine this shot. There are: shadows, some more shadows, even more shadows, and a 1 demon.

What's the point of good graphics if you can only see 30% of them...
Check out some more shadow action here:

Simply amazing. Those are the best shadows I've ever seen.

The above hl2 shot looks much better than doom3 imo. At least you can actually SEE what the hell is around you instead of damn shadows.

You think the darkness is bad? Turn off dynamic shadows, and play with the console commands to make the game bright. I think you'll agree that Doom 3 just isn't the same without the darkness.
thefiznut said:
You think the darkness is bad? Turn off dynamic shadows, and play with the console commands to make the game bright. I think you'll agree that Doom 3 just isn't the same without the darkness.

I would but I already uninstalled it after I beat it. That was the first FPS I've done that with. Yay!
Well just take my word for it. It is absolutely horrible without the darkness. I couldn't stand it. NOTHING was scary. I immediately erased my configs and made the game dark again... Goodness :D
Nothing was scary with darkness on either. I'm not trying to sound tough or anything but with lights off and sound high, I just didn't get scared. Why? Because of the horrible predictability of the demons. When they spawn, they make a non-scary noise, so *POOF* there goes the surprise factor. Or my personal fav. the: "open-a-door-and-have-an-imp-jump-out-at-you" scare tactic which worked...3 times maybe?

But the best comes last, the good ol' monster in the closet. Yes, I'm refering to the imps behind the moveable "walls". I wonder how that idea got put in there. doesn't matter it was stupid anyways. Why are there monsters waiting in closets on mars!? Why~~~~

/me goes insane
Thats the exact same thing thats bugging me with Doom 3, if it doesn't get better soon i'm returning it
Kiva128 said:
Why are there monsters waiting in closets on mars!? Why~~~~

I could make a horribly lame joke here, but I won't ;)

Edit: w00t, I'm a cool person! Sparta r0x! :)
Had the same thought actually..... which just proves that you are a sick, demented human being. :)
From what I have seen Doom3's graphics are definatly more demanding on a computer due to the detail.

Well I'm actually really really surprised how optimized the Doom3 engine is!!!! You really won't believe it until you see it on a low-end machine and it runs pretty damn nice TBH! The differences between low and Med are much greater between Med and Ultra.

If HL2 can have that much optimization I will die happy :D :D

I think HL2 on the technical side has more going for it. The characters look really detailed and the lip synch in HL2 is like 100x better than Doom3... Once you see how immersed you get in HL2 you probably won't want to go back because you will notice all the subtilities that are wrong with Doom3. Maybe a bland texture there bad lip synching here etc etc..

HL2's only "weakside" is it's lighting side but it uses lightmaps instead of real-time dyanmic lighting. So otherwise they are pretty even.

Who gives a shit what looks better?? Graphics don't make the game people. It's really sad to look at what we've all become, graphics whores, thats what. We've been spoilt so much of the last couple of years with nice looking games that everyone nitpicks pictures of doom 3 and hl2 saying shit like "the shadows go through the table, theres no relfection here where there should be" etc etc.

Shit I just finished playing through HL 1 for about the eighth time and it was no less fun than it was the first time...6 years ago! I'm in the middle of playing Fallout 2 again, another 6 year old game! If I try and remember back 6 years ago when HL 1 was released people weren't so spoilt graphics wise, they weren't comparing Unreals graphics to HL's because everyone knew that each game had it's target, each had it's pros and cons.

Shit, now that I think about it, what a great example, that was it's arguable that Unreal had superior graphics to HL 1, what turned out being the better game? I don't give a shit what's better graphics wise, and so should everyone else, because at the end of the day, if the game is enjoyable then I'm satisfied. I love Doom 3 for the unique experience I felt playing it. I'm gonna enjoy HL2 as much, if not more for again a different type of experience it will provide.
Half-Life 2 has all the time it needs. It will improve in the future, but it'll take time, especially now that Doom III has been released.
If you want better graphics, delay the game.
HL 2 looks just as good as Farcry or doom 3. I have played all of them ;)
No. But i still think it looks better. Better use of colour i recon, and things look more natural.
Uh...see those new screens? Slaps DOOM3 in the ass. :cheers: In fact, watch the HDR video? That still beats DOOM3 on High Quality. And I have the game too, so there. (DOOM3)
Uh...see those new screens? Slaps DOOM3 in the ass. In fact, watch the HDR video? That still beats DOOM3 on High Quality. And I have the game too, so there. (DOOM3)

Yea and they do the sun soo well, with the nice corna effect.
Is HDR gonna be in HL2, i thought they said it wont make it at release?

Unno in Doom3 can things run and shoot?
Is half-life 2 at par with Doom3 and farcry...graphically?


Who fricken cares?

you're able to do so much with it that graphics wont be a problem.
i really love the monsters in DooM 3 and their animations they really feel alive :imu:

it has much nicer animations then HL2 just look at the bugbait video those monsters move really fake when they change direction or jump trough the window, i hope they changed that :hmph:
Milo 7 said:
i really love the monsters in DooM 3 and their animations they really feel alive :imu:

it has much nicer animations then HL2 just look at the bugbait video those monsters move really fake when they change direction or jump trough the window, i hope they changed that :hmph:

You're comparing the animations in doom 3 to a video from 2003? Try looking at the 2004 vid where the combine kick the door in that apartment. Or the part with Father Gregory(sp?) when the zombie lunged at you (much cooler than in doom 3 for some reason).
With those rainbow Ant Lions and bright red buildings?

Ehhh not really.
HL2, I am looking forward to, and I know it will be a much, much better game than D3-- I don't think I could care less about playing D3-- but I must admit that I think D3 looks graphically superior from just looking at screenshots; especially in its textures and lighting. Dunno, maybe Ill change my mind later.

Whoever said HL2 looks more like a game, was exactly right, I think.
And that's ok with me-- especially if it's going to be HL2

I played the demo of FC and couldn't see what all the fuss what about, as it looked, sounded, and played like crap to me. It surely looked like next-generation--next generation plastic. It was popular because everything was so bright and shiny, and it had palm trees.
I odnt think i have ever seen the appartment video someone link me up
Well think of it this way, Doom 3's graphics are ment to be viewed from far away, this way they look badass. But as soon as you get a decently close the textures are very blurred, like the original dooms. Its an awesome game, but HL2 will have more versitility, and when you walk up to a texture in hl2 it will still look good.
Well, it won't look terrible. But it won't look good either.

In order for the texture to look good, and let's say you're playing at 1024x768, the texture would have to be 4096x4096 in size to look good if you get up close. ;)
Diablo2k said:
Use search, this has been discussed like 12134141212412 times already. :sniper:

You're damn right. ;)

Its not only on this forum, but on HLsouce and HL2fallout too
Valve wanted this game to be able to run on lower end machines and for a better net experience, thats why i think they didnt go all out in the graphics area.
Milo 7 said:
i really love the monsters in DooM 3 and their animations they really feel alive :imu:

it has much nicer animations then HL2 just look at the bugbait video those monsters move really fake when they change direction or jump trough the window, i hope they changed that :hmph:

Hey chump, check out the HL2 e3 2k4 video for a much closer indication of the antlion animation.
wayne white said:
according to gamespot: d3 best looking game ever.

Half-Life 2 isn't out yet, so basically they just said "Doom 3 looks better than Farcry."

And everyone's read that review. Why keep posting it?
Subz said:
no, but i like the style/level-design and dx9 usage way better.

oh yeah well I like the two chicks making out in the picture you have way better.
Mountain Man said:
Currently, nothing looks better than Doom 3. That said, Half-Life 2 still looks great, at least on par with Far Cry.

Currently nothing that's out...Y'know, in the stores. Unless you've of course played the final version of HL2...Waitasec...It's not finished yet!
I think Hl2 looks better then Farcry, but on par with doom 3, there pretty well different type of gfx, if I HAD to choose one, I'd choose doom 3, as it looks so beautifull, but on the other hand, I've yet to see Hl2's in action, so I dunno.
Doom 3 is all about character detail and lighting effects. As someone said earlier, close up to textures, Doom 3 looks pretty shoddy.

Don't get me wrong, the use of lighting, the character detail and movement are quite incredible, but there's just something about it I can't quite put my finger on. I think it's the whole plasticity of it all. Even from the bink videos, it's clear to see that HL2s environments look much more gritty and realistic (eg ruined buildings, crappy apartment blocks, graffiti etc)
alehm said:
From what I have seen Doom3's graphics are definatly more demanding on a computer due to the detail. But I never had my mouth hanging open while watching a Doom3 video as I did HL2, which isn't a testament to HL2 graphics as just the total package of the product.

We've gotten high quality binks for hl2, but we never got really good vids for doom3. Doom3 looks twice as impressive in person (in high res on a high end card like my x800xt ;) ) as the released screens and videos. HL2 will have better dx9 effects, better humans, and--i'm guessing--higher res textures: strangely, there's only one level of texture res for doom3, but id was very resourceful in splitting all the textures on surfaces up so that areas that need high detail get it. The different quality settings use compression on or off for the normal and specular maps (the reason Doom3 doesn't have "nextgen" texture quality is because EVERYTHING has normal and specular mapping in addition to the surface textures). Ultimate quality (for non-existent 512meg quality) uses uncompressed everything, but the textures still look a bit fuzzier in the less detailed areas comparred to the textures for the highest setting for Call of Duty. This is why stills and vids don't capture Doom3: you need to clearly see the specular and normal mapping at work (and the subtle dx8 pixel shader effects look great too).
czrsink said:
Doom 3 is all about character detail and lighting effects. As someone said earlier, close up to textures, Doom 3 looks pretty shoddy.

Don't get me wrong, the use of lighting, the character detail and movement are quite incredible, but there's just something about it I can't quite put my finger on. I think it's the whole plasticity of it all.

The plasticity is most unwelcome on the humans, but otherwise I thought it suited the monsters for the most part.
" walk, scary sound, monster jumps out.. hold down fire button.. reached boss, hold down fire button..."

Um, well there are only like 4 bosses in the game, and it's a very long game....and most of the bosses aren't just 'hold down fire button' (Guardian has seekers you must kill first, etc.). How far have you gotten in DOOM?
Indeed, games like HL2 and D3 both look great in motion. I'll agree, however the D3 screenshots were always taken in good res with AA and AF and everything maxed out. Only yesterday did we finally got to see hi-res screens from valve WITH AA and AF and they looked plain gorgeous. So both these devs want to to underwhelm us on purpose so that we get extremely impressed with the end and final result, as per on our settings.