Is Half-Life Scary to you?

Half Life 1, which drew inspiration from Stephen King's Myst and the Doom and Quake Series, tried to a scary but compared to a lot of games it is more of a sci-fi shooter then a horror game. HL1 only scared me a little when a headcrab jumped out from a hidden spot or when we had to face those HUGE underwater fish things. It only scared me because we could only use the pistol and the crossbow and he swims up all fast and close. It definitely does not end up being either a horror shooter or a psychologically trippy shooter.

Half life 2 is not scary at all. Some of the art from Raising the Bar show a more psychologically scary world that they abandoned for a much more normal feel. Games like Gears of War, Condemned, Dead Space, Resistance 2, and Bioshock work better as horror shooters or are more psychologically scary games then any of the Half Life games.

Overall I agree with others that the series is Story and Action driven. In some sense it is kind of eerie but compared to the majority of shooters out there, it is only minimial at best.
I thought I had been through it all and would never be scared by Ravenholm. Turns out I was wrong.

During the first fast zombie encounter, I ran back into the building and closed the door, curious as to how they would react. I could still hear those snarling noise outside, really close by so I figured they were all trying to run through the closed door. Then I realized I could hear another snarl that wasnt coming from outside. Turned around just in time to see a fast zombie leap up from the stairs right into my face. The sucker had actually climbed down the roof he was on, and ran through the whole building just to get to me. Was totally not expecting it.
The bit in half life called "we got hostiles" there is a bit were you are in a dark vent shaft and you go around a dark corner and a headcrab jumps at you.It is a really good scare bit.Whenever i play that again i forget and it keeps giving me scares.GOOD FUN!:D:D

But,Ravenholm in half life 2 is scary the first time but the next time you play it is not scary.
in ep:2 when you are chased by the antlion guard... I seriously have a phobia for that part ><
but otherwise, I tend to spawn them and play vs 5 of them or so just for fun, but in the cave it is too ****ing scary :s
and also the first time you played ravenholm :p
also, I hate fast zombies... I paniced when it hopped onto the car just after you met the advisor. paniced. :p

I am also finding HL scary. The monsters don't scare me much (maybe headcrabs a little) apart from Barnacles.

Seriously. Barnacles scare the shit out of me. Even when they're a mile away.
They're even scarier when they burst through a ceiling - I just end up going straight to the menu and quitting.

isn't barnacles the ones in the roof?
HL1 is almost a joke in terms of atmosphere now but when I was a kid it was so raw, edgy and claustrophobic it freaked me out pretty sufficiently. All the dark vents with headcrabs in them etc. In HL2 the first playthrough of Ravenholm was creepy (5am day of release with headphones in a dark room etc) but I wouldn't ultimately describe either game as scary.
the only stomach churning part was the Marine bring pulled into the crack in the floor and his legs breaking. Come to think of it, is it possible to do that :l
There a bit in half life 1 where a marine gets pulled into a crack in the wall by a bullsquid and his legs break.maybe you talking about that.
Not always, but I was sometimes scarred. Especially, in Half-Life 2, there were like wolfman, in a dark place, they were suddenly jumped to you. Also, they were making a weared sound. That was frightening. :D
Fast headcrab zombie possibly?
I've got to be honest. There was one part in Ep.2 where a poison zombie kinda laughted. I could not see the thing but I sure did hear it. It really made my squeeze that shotgun and hope it would not jump behind me. That's the most recent scary and disturbing memory I have from the Half-Life series. But overall I don't find Half-Life to be a scary game. (Sorry if my English is not so smooth. I'm from Finland and a rarely speak English.)
I found some good scares in the game.....

and friend of mine was playing Half Life and got scared at the part when you are first teleported in and out of Xen at the start of the game

he hasn't played since X]
I haven't seen anyone mention Nova Prospekt yet, not really jump out at you scary, but the atmosphere really gets to me.
The stalkers in particular are rather creepy.
You know what's scary - you're from Finland and you write English better than most Americans.

But yes, I think the only 'scarier' moment (maybe eerie is the right word) is in that stairwell in Anticitizen One where the GMan is on television, standing in a boat, and a crow lands on his shoulder and that weird music is playing.
I get terrified during DeathMatch sometimes. Just the erie level design, plus the thought that everyone wants to kill me just makes me loose it.
I also hate time limits, and being chased.
You know about that chasing thing. I felt a bit stressed in Ep.2 in that part where the antguard comes after you and you have to quickly run from a narrow little cave to another. I don't find the Deathmatch scary but rather annoying. Often guys just run around armed with a crowbar having shift and mouse1 pressed down.
First time I went through Ravenholm I nearly crapped myself, seriously.

That, and in original half-life, many a headhumper in the vents ensued difficult nights of sleep.

Fast Zombies are scary in swarms, I gotta admit.
There a bit in half life 1 where a marine gets pulled into a crack in the wall by a bullsquid and his legs break.maybe you talking about that.

No, shit.. Really?

No way.
no part creeped or spooked or starteld me cause i enjoy sluaghtering zombies
No, shit.. Really?

No way.
It's in Power Up. You can actually save that soldier by killing the bullsquid, but if you do he starts shooting you, ungrateful bastard.
Not really.

When I unknowingly walked within five feet of a Poison Zombie in a dark shower room in Nova Prospekt the other day, I shouted "HOLYSHITDIEDIEDIE". Other then that, no.
Honestly to me its not scary, jumpy at times, scary no. However, playing the original Half-Life scared me to death, probably cuz I was so young, I honestly couldn't get too much further than the beginning of the game, seeing head crabs for the first time in my life, yeah I was scared lol
Ok, now that I actually have Half Life 2, I can post some of my opinions.
The levels outside the city. Ravenholm and Nova Prospekt mostly. I can't tell you how happy I was when I made it back to Dr. Kleiner's lab
There was a thread about how scary ravenholm was, i found it very scary. I think those that don't just aren't immersed in the game.

The rest of the game wasn't scary, there was the odd jump when you can't see but you can hear poison headcrabs, many an hour spent flailing the crowbar in the dark...:cool:
I have to say, one part that creeped me out was in the Train station, when you put the can in the trash, the Metrocop chuckles to himself. It's like, they're still human beings with basic feelings, but just reprogrammed to kill you.