Is halo 2 really this boring???

x box

vegeta897 said:
Can someone who knows the Xbox tell me, do you simply need to press a button, and then anything you say will be transmitted, without the need to hold down a button?

In other words, is talking a toggle button or a push/release button.
It's toggle on or off.
it's like having a telephone headset.

and with the mic off you can still hear people talking but they won't hear you.
vegeta897 said:
Don't you think they have something better to do than get together all their friends and record themselves laughing?

Sorry, try again. Noone would waste THAT much time to make a moderatly funny video.

You under-estimate Halo 2 fanboys which hail Halo 2 at the greatest game ever :laugh: .
I thought it was pretty funny, actually :D.

I wish they had been playing on a more entertaining map, so many other ways to abuse him on say - Zanzibar :devil:
Your wrong, Seppo. People would.

When I do Team games over XBox live, I sing into the Mic about throwing grenades. People can hear, and they also laugh and say it was funny.

People do and say a lot over XBox live, "this is so funny", ranks as number 12 on the most said things over the live system. Ranked 12 of course, to number 11: "MEDIC!!!!"
Falling asleep during a game isn't anything that wierd, I fell asleep in EverQuest 1 late one night, thankfully I was just sitting in town and didn't have to worry about getting killed.
Raziaar said:
I can't even sleep in a moving vehicle, comfortably reclined in the seat unless i've been up so long I fall unconcious, let alone falling alseep at my desk playing a video game.
Haha, I'm the oppsosite... if I'm not driving, I get sleepy...
I just discovered stat tracking, Bungies amazing support for clans (they give them their own little page with a private forum and everything [ also clan stat tracking and stuff]). Also I just discovered how good the matchmaking system is and have gotten into a clan! The game supports voice messanging as well. I have really been into halo 2 lately and have finally pushed myself to finish the game (the ending was el doodoo though).