Is HL2 working for you? (please vote)


May 15, 2004
Reaction score
just wanna get a rough estimate of the percentages ..


edit .. dam . forgot to put the poll :eek:

yeah well .. if some mod can fix it .. plz!
Ues it is
i stoped playing now
I was at the hover craft boat level =D
nope i am getting the same error everyone else is.

i bet vivendi are laughing their asses off @ steam.
Working Great here!

AMD 64 3800
1 gig Corsair DDR 400
WD Raptor 74GB
ATI X800 XT PE (W/ CAT 4.11's)
Audigy 2
Working pretty smooth even on Athlon 1.4/9800 pro with most options maxed out.

Only problem so far is huge stuttering for a few seconds now and again which is not fps related.
NO! It's not working here. I have the damn referencfed memory error when I try to start a new game, and the initial screen has wierd wireframes on it. I have tried the ati 4.11 4.12 beta and omega drivers all to no avail. I have currently yanked steam and all progs off my HDD, and am having to REDOWNLOAD THE #(*$)(*%)@ thing!! -- Only 243 minutes left... yay

(P.S. I am a little pissed about this).
working fine for me @ geforce fx5700 - 1.9ghz cpu - 1gb ram winxp tnx