Is HL2's AI the best ever?

Honestly there is nothing to debate when it comes to AI guys. I would like to say I am anxious to see how good it is. None of the binks or E3 videos fairly displayed the AI.

In theory they could have the most advanced AI yet. When you make a realworld you can base detection & tactics off the realworld info.

Sight, sound, smell, & touch (if your dumb enought to run into enemies)

I always thought that staying downwind of crazy preditors like antlions would be really cool. Then again most people don't know about hunting and scent.

If they make sight, sound and team tactics work nicely I don't care about scent. Here's hoping its downright scarey AI.
It was scripted, just that they used nodes to do it. It's not AI if the same thing will happen no matter what happens.

That's considered scripted. It's not anymore but we haven't seen realtime AI and multiple events in the same area hanvn't been really good.

They showed that in E3 04 with the strider fight. IT wasn't a whole lot different.
They have to give the AI a guide as to what to do when it encounters a certain obstacle. Ai is not so advanced yet that it can decide completely of it's own accord how to react to situations. Give it ten years.
ktimekiller said:
u know, the combine busting though the door is scripted, when i was playing the beta, i killed the guy who was suppose to kick the door, and after a few secs, the door opens, and there is a kicking sound, but no combine lol

Ok if they scripted that bit, and had to play it, they wouldnt trust the gamer not to shoot the combine soldier and then put the table in the way, they would be stupid to script that bit as it would be sooooo obviously scripted,
E3 2k4 was pure AI BTW. no scripted sequences.
Brian Damage said:
You CAN blow up walls and other objects if they've been designed with preset breakpoints. It's part of the way physics are used in the game, not deformable terrain. We've known that for ages.

I know that, thats just like what it is in HL but isnt that a kind of form of scripting from what there sayin is a script free game. Same with E32004 demo when the, i dunno, city hall gets hit by the beam weapon from the strider in the strider battle thing, it blows a couple of the concrete pillars.

The AI in HL is cool though. I just loved the way the grunts if you were in a tight spot they loved throwing grens at you, like you were in a tunnel they just rolled in the grens. Plus when they were in trouble they droped a gren to their feet and ran, is there any other game which has had AI like that with using grens etc. I mean if the AI knew where you were, like they saw you but you moved out of view, they would just throw grens in the area to flush you out.
If uve watched the vid where the strider ducks under that walkway, and the guy uses the manipulator gun to get the letters of the building, that i would call deformable terrain to some extent, and that wasnt scripted (tho the gamer probably knew u could do that) but im guessing lots of stuff like that are within the game
HL2 AI best ever? How can you know? HL2 is not released yet. Dont believe all those fancy talking from creators. You have to see and play it for yourself.
ViolenceJack said:
I know that, thats just like what it is in HL but isnt that a kind of form of scripting from what there sayin is a script free game. Same with E32004 demo when the, i dunno, city hall gets hit by the beam weapon from the strider in the strider battle thing, it blows a couple of the concrete pillars.

Nooo... it's called objects having physically-defined properties and breakpoints. Yes, they break at the same points every time they do break, but a certain amount of force must be applied to break them, and depending on where that force is applied, they'll break somewhat differently every time (ie: the component pieces will take different trajectories).
"Ooh no, it can't be! Valve said so, it must be absolute truth!"

jeez, I think people need to quit being so naive on this forum.
I believe they said that the strider walking in over the rubble actually does its leg-placement without special scripting. If so, that's really impressive.

The real question is 'how much effort will it take for mappers to make interesting gameplay in sp maps'.
Is HL2's AI the best ever?
I think we can say, before playing the game and without hyperbole, that HL2's AI is the best ever. Ever.
HL2's AI will probably suck. So far I've seen zero proof that the AI is anything to be excited about, and all the events have been scripted in the videos. :|
E32K3 was sripted, but it was apparently meant to be an example of what they want the AI to be like when they're done. E32K4, however, was unscripted, and I was still impressed.

Too early to say it's the best AI ever. However, things look good so far.
Why did gabe say in a scene that it was unscripted? And that was e3 2003. Creators do like to lie i quess :)
From memory, they've only directly said that the Barricade vid was fully unscripted.
I think HL2's AI will be the best ever, though I don't know if it's quite what they've advertised it as. I'm hopeful, though! :cheers:
If you mean that the enemies sit not taking cover and shooting randomly... then yes. it is the best AI...

The AI isn't that great... it's not bad but it's not good...
The strider fights you saw are random scripted events...
If you saw that irish guy when he walked over that wood, he stoped for a sec to load the script then he lowerd himself down...
tkato said:
If you mean that the enemies seat not taking cover and shooting randomly... then yes. it is the best AI...

The AI isn't that great... it's not bad but it's not good...
The strider fights you saw are random scripted events...
If you saw that irish guy when he walked over that wood, he stoped for a sec to load the script then he lowerd himself down...

Now now... you havnt played the game so dont rush to conclusions. :dork:
Some_God said:
Now now... you havnt played the game so dont rush to conclusions. :dork:

Go watch the movies again.. this time focous on the AI you will see they are freakin stupid...
its gonner look crap though if there one part of a map that can be blowen to bits but then another not. Like with with 2003 vid of the strider. It blows up part of that building but then later on or somin another one does a similar thing and shoots a wall but it doesnt blow up.
AI will always be stupid... they cant match us in anything... BTW those are just movies... cmon... plz? :rolling:
Didn't someone email valve about the traptown/blocking door scene?

I'm sure the answer was that the AI went to door, realised couldn't get in and so walked around trying to find another way in, in the mean time spotted the player through the window and so shot at him.

As for kicking the door in, i'd say that once you try to open the door and can't get in, there's a script to say try kicking it in.

Although i wouldn't class that as scripted.
We still can't now for sure!!!!! Nobody of us can now since we have not played the game!!!! We don't know!