Is it just me or is....

Private Snafu

May 28, 2003
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Valve the Area 51 of computer games? It occured to me, having thought about it, that Sept 30 might actually be the date for Half Life 2. Reason being is that they've been working on it for five years, and for all we know it could have already been delayed repeatedly. And Gabe's keeping mum on release delays means he has neither confirmed nor denied such a delay. The only thing he has said was Sept. 30. So it's like "Sept. 30! Gabe Newell has spoken. There's also a good chance that Viv. Universal doesn't know whats going on inside Valve either, and they might be hedging their bets in announcing a delay. Heck, we might not even find out if HL2 has gone gold. We'll all just show up to the store on Sept 30 and it will be there as if by magic!
Yeah,considering that they keep Half-Life2 in secretcy for 5 years,even denying it's existance..

I'm betting they would only say the date when they want the game out, if they ARE going to get the game out at that date. All the consulting with Vivendi would be done before saying,I'm betting.
VALVe are gooood at keeping their info... bstrds.... :(
They've never denied HL2's existence they just didn't talk about it and no one bothered to ask them.
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
They've never denied HL2's existence they just didn't talk about it and no one bothered to ask them.



True,they never denied it. But I think they said that there werent any plans for HF2 till E3 or about that time. I just remember there was a lot of speculation wether or not HF2 would be made.
heh, i think they could have it out by september but vivendi dont want it out then cos they want it released at christmass peek period for maximum profits. I think thats probably why vivendi told us its delayed. So thats there was presure on valve. And they are probably disscusing it now. Thats why its no comment.

just my two cent, as you say
pc gamer kept pryin and pryin and whineing and interrogateing... but still nothing they simply just didnt allow and iformation out and if someone aske they would say i cant tell you what where working on right now
I can't remember the first time HL2 was announced. Do any of you guys know?
very near to when i joined these forums really. Cant remember the exact time.

It was when the first scans from magazines started to appear. Heheh, i have been here from the very beggining :P. I am a old timer on this forum :afro:
Im lucky that they dont said anything becouse i would be dead then.

Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
I can't remember the first time HL2 was announced. Do any of you guys know?
that would be past last E3, no?
I heard about HL2 much before E3.
But now i read your question again: "anounced"
That would be before E3 for sure cos I have a gameing magazine that says that valve will be showing HL2 at the upcomeing E3 event.
I dont know the exact time though
It was maybe a month before E3 2003.
May i think but all the magazines new about it a month earlier
I remember that CNN had a screenshot of the game in April, I think - that one crappy pic with Ely and Alyx in Kleiner's Lab. I remember seeing it and thinking, "So they are making HL2." I don't read gaming magazines anymore, so that was the first time I had seen/heard anything about it.
I think you're right! And soon the evil U.S goverment will show the world what they really keep inside Area 51!

*Full of conspiracy theories!* :eek: :eek:
look at the other thread...pcgame speculated in 2000 and valve skipped around the question and basically said "yes, but we can't say more"
Eh,I never heard that Gabe said that,nor do I get PC Gamer. So yeah, small mistake.:P
I think this leads us up to the question though, if it doesn't come out, then what? I'm thinking of spending my hard earned money on something else. The Secret Weapons Ex-pack for BF 42 maybe. :O There are a lot of good games coming out that aren't Halflife 2.
Get Halo will be good until HL2 comes out. Halo PC; Coming September 17th?
Originally posted by marksmanHL2 :)
heh, i think they could have it out by september but vivendi dont want it out then cos they want it released at christmass peek period for maximum profits. I think thats probably why vivendi told us its delayed. So thats there was presure on valve. And they are probably disscusing it now. Thats why its no comment.

just my two cent, as you say

Well in 1 of the Emails on the info thread Valve said 30th Sept was their release date for Steam, and that they weren't sure about Sierra/Vivendi's ideas for the boxed CD/DVD version.
Halo wouldn't be too bad, I guess. But I hate spending money on a game that's so repetitive in terms of level design - i.e. The Library. But then again, I guess it'd be fun to finally be able to play the game as it should be played with keyboard and mouse and no auto-aim.
Well, that level isn't boring by any means - the flood is nuts. But the level is so repetitive; I get tired of walking down the same looking hallways all the time - something that I think is pretty common in Halo. The developers didn't use enough variation; seems like the built a few pieces of levels and then kept repeating them over and over again in different combinations to make a mission. That's probably my biggest problem with Halo besides having to play with the Xbox controller. Otherwise it's good fun.
I probably won't purchase Halo based on principle. They really screwed over the PC crowd by releasing Halo for X-Box and then not releasing it for PC almost two years later. That's absurd! I doubt Bungie will be seeing a dime of my gaming dollar.
It wasnt Bungie's fault. They were going to originally release it on the PC,but Microsith bought them and made them release it on X-box only.
Originally posted by ray_MAN
Get Halo will be good until HL2 comes out. Halo PC; Coming September 17th?
I'm prolly gonna buy Halo. I've played it on my cousins X-Box and the physics are hilarious...