Is it just me ?


May 13, 2005
Reaction score

I searched as im sure ive seen this somewhere before but couldn't find anything + wasn't sure where to post it :p

Anyway, is it just me or do you really really have the urge to hurt this guy :| .. I mean i know everyone is entitled to their own opinion but comon ...
Yeah i know, i don't mean to come off as a complete wan*** but,

Lasting Appeal
There was no story to the game. Nothing really explained what you were doing or what you were going through. Never made me want to get it back out.

:| No story to hl2 ....

Edit:: :O he gave Batman Begins 9.5 / 10 and HL2 7.5 / 10 :|
I agree the game was a little too easy, but no story? Wtf? Tard. And and nothing but shooting? There were three entire chapters with no shooting at all, not to mention the puzzles and vehicle parts.

oh btw this should probably be in the HL2 section.

Go back to it.
He was too dimwitted to understand a basic plot...
I'd imagine not too many people would take his opinion very seriously
Granted but it's just .. things like this that get me all ... grrr :flame:
I don't know about anyone else but it doesn't matter how long a game is, if its a really ausome game, its always too short.

BTW as for games being too easy, has anyone ever played NinjaGaiden on the Xbox. If anyone wants a challenge give that a go. Even if you could use a keyboard and mouse to play it I guarantee you would still go bald from puling your hair out.
HL2 = Awesome and great, no matter how much it is insulted i will always like it
It was released to insane reviews where almost (if not all) of the scores were in the high 90's. To me, it's the pinnacle of first person shooting. No game has even come close to the brilliance HL2 shows in realism, storytelling, gameplay/scenario variety and downright fun. A little reader review won't change the face of the Earth.

Besides, he's entitled to his own opinion.
Yeah, i just get a bit worked up when someone decides to start ranting and raving then hl2 has no story line becasue their some halo fanboy :(
Half-life 2 has a very unique way of telling it's story. You aren't spoon fed and it isn't a technique commonly used in games. But it's by far the best. :)
So all in all, this tyrant guy is too simple minded to understand the complex way in which hl2 tells its story ?
Samon said:
Half-life 2 has a very unique way of telling it's story. You aren't spoon fed and it isn't a technique commonly used in games. But it's by far the best. :)
Wow i love the way you get your point across.
I actually see nothing wrong with that reader's review. It's not just ouright stupid as some you sometimes see. You know, like, give a game 1/10 because they can't get it to run properly, or many other stupid things.

The guy just didn't like HL2 that much. Fine, he's entitled to his own opinion. HL2, for all of its brilliance and universal acclaim, is not liked by everyone - and I am aware of no thing that everyone would like.

That said, I think the point of the story very clearly shows people who don't like HL2. HL, as Samon says, tells its story in a unique way. There's no standard story progression or storytelling. I think, personally, that people who say HL2 has no story are the ones for whom HL2 isn't really the right game. These people aren't stupid or worse or anything, they just prefer a different kind of a game.