Is it me or does this look like a sitting duck?

CptStern said:
"when including underwater structures"

oh how is that fair? it's freakin underwater!
I have a hard time understand why some people try to discredit Canada on every turn; its kind of idiotic if you really think about it.
heheh, I see what you mean :E

meh I dont care if people say canada is an imperialist nation bent on world domination :)

oh and really tall phallic buildings are good for suicidal people and errr the penis-imparied
Kyo said:
Structures are structures. Now full on office buildings are a different story, Taipei 101 would be the leader in that market.

ya but unless they have a roof with a spot for snipers, they're not buildings IMHO ...I mean how're you supposed to go the roof if it's underwater? ;)
If Skyscrapers can be hit by hijacked planes and underwater buildings can be hit by hijacked nuclear submarines, what about building an underground skyscraper, like a bunker for example. Or a giant pyramid, then you would need lots of planes to make it fall over. Or what about a metal armoured coat surrounding the building and laying a few metres awa from the actual building, which takes the impact of any plane crash and distributing it down the sides of the armour rather than into the building?
CptStern said:
meh I dont care if people say canada is an imperialist nation bent on world domination :)
You wouldn't want that :LOL:
No Limit said:
You wouldn't want that :LOL:

it might be nice ...just think of the freedom canada could be spreading to the unwashed heathens in 3rd world countries
Razor said:
If Skyscrapers can be hit by hijacked planes and underwater buildings can be hit by hijacked nuclear submarines, what about building an underground skyscraper, like a bunker for example. Or a giant pyramid, then you would need lots of planes to make it fall over. Or what about a metal armoured coat surrounding the building and laying a few metres awa from the actual building, which takes the impact of any plane crash and distributing it down the sides of the armour rather than into the building?
I think people are a little too obsessed with security. Come on now, something like that happens rarely, I can only think of 2 instances of where a building was destroyed like that and one case was from an American terrorist. I say live your life and don't be so damn paranoid. No matter how many security percausions you take there will always be a new way to destroy something. Nobody expected 2 planes to knock down 2 of the largest buildings in the world; now everyone expects it so they will simply find a new way to attack us if they were capable of another attack.
CptStern said:
it might be nice ...just think of the freedom canada could be spreading to the unwashed heathens in 3rd world countries

And if the heathens fight back, they're too ungrateful to be blessed with freedom. :angel:
Razor said:
And if the heathens fight back, they're too ungrateful to be blessed with freedom. :angel:
I think your new avatar has become a new low for this board.
No Limit said:
You liberals are free to spread your freedom over here whenever you want, we need it. But you will need to upgrade your military a bit, this isn't cutting it:


ya well we canadians are resourceful ..who would suspect a handful of operatives in a bunch of rowboats?

btw I find it extremely funny that that pic has this caption:

"canada sends its naval forces to aid the US in afghanistan"

might be hard to do since Afghanistan is a LANDLOCKED country :LOL:
CptStern said:
ya well we canadians are resourceful ..who would suspect a handful of operatives in a bunch of rowboats?

btw I find it extremely funny that that pic has this caption:

"canada sends its naval forces to aid the US in afghanistan"

might be hard to do since Afghanistan is a LANDLOCKED country :LOL:

That is the beautiful of such a shallow floating boat, can easily sneak up rivers and be airlifted by light aircraft. Turn the boat upside down, cellotape it to the bottom of a Cessna and the canadian's have a fight plane :).
cessna? that's only for rich countries ...we use handgliders's tough cuz you always have to find a really tall cliff to take off from before the start of a mission ;)
This design would probably be better than the original. From what I've read, the placement of the supports was the biggest factor in the collapses.

It does look sorta too reflective though. Like 'you might have to shield your eyes on a sunny day' reflective.
Mechagodzilla said:
It does look sorta too reflective though. Like 'you might have to shield your eyes on a sunny day' reflective.

You'll "never forget" if you have the damn thing shining in your eyes the entire day.


Okay, that was low. And it sucked. Somebody shoot me.
I dunno. I kinda like the design. It's cool and modern. I first thought they would build something like a memorial park or something equally stupid. This is good, they almost did the exact oposite to what the terrorist wanted. They didn't succomb to their fears and build a really low building that no-one ever can crash into with a plane, instead they will build a new building that's taller than the previous ones.
Yes, the design isn't too bad at all. Plus, anyone thinking that terrorists will even consider trying to pull off another 9/11-type hijacking is giving them no credit at all. They were extremely clever to get that operation going and nobody saw it coming. Don't get me wrong, what they did was despicable, evil, and set a new low for mankind, but the plan was genius. I expect if they are ever able to get anything going again, esp. with their network in the shape its in right now, it will be something no one expects, just like 9/11 was.(Scary, but potentially true).

Frankly, I don't see it happening. This will no doubt inspire flames from some, but one could argue that Bush did us all(well, the USA folks, at least) a favor with the Iraq mess because above all else, terrorists want to kill Americans. Where's the best place for that? Why, Iraq, of course! Its like ducks in a barrel for them over there...except the ducks are heavily armed and well-trained in the art of war. Not so easy to kill Americans when they are trained and are armed and ready rather than completely helpless and unawares, like the civilians in the WTC. Iraq is now like one of those electric bug-zappers for terrorists--it attracts them in swarms and then they get zapped. Or with any luck, they end up zapping themselves. Stupid waste of the precious gift of life, IMHO. The poor suckers who fall for the suicide terrorist hype too, what a shame. They prey on the poor(like the fundamentalist cults on college campuses in the US seeking out 'loners') thinking that they either have nothing to live for so why not die "gloriously" or they have a family to feed and they will blow themselves up under the impression that the terrorist organization will then send money to the family. What a gyp!

That's also why we don't see the suicide bombings over here like they do over there. Does anyone think they would waste the precious 'sleepers' over here gathering intel by having them detonate themselves at a shopping mall, killing the fashion zombies in Hot Topic and the geeks at EBX? Not a chance. It will either be large scale or nothing at all.

I do miss the Twin Towers very much, though. Every movie I watch with them in it makes me sad and angry and nostalgic for a world I'll never know again.
CptStern said:
ya well we canadians are resourceful ..who would suspect a handful of operatives in a bunch of rowboats?

btw I find it extremely funny that that pic has this caption:

"canada sends its naval forces to aid the US in afghanistan"

might be hard to do since Afghanistan is a LANDLOCKED country :LOL:

Thats where those wheels come in handy. ;)

But as for the design, Looks modern, but where does the memorial part come in? The part to remind you of those who died? Maybe they will incorporate something. But if they just do this to make a building that attacts tourists, I'm going to f**king kill them. As for security, you people are way to paranoid. I have to agree with No limit, that hasn't happened any time before. And with security at most airports now, It would be impossible. (Just try to do something like that in the LA airport. The people waiting in line would get you before the cops, because if the cops found you, the people waiting in line would be there for hours.) And when have terrorists hijacked a Nuclear Sub? As for VictimofScience, and EVERYONE ELSE, read Black Hawk Down, or Not a Good Day to Die.
No Limit said:
I think your new avatar has become a new low for this board.

A new low?

Charlie Chaplan mixed with the Dilbert Boss mixed with Cpt do you mean?
Razor said:
A new low?

Charlie Chaplan mixed with the Dilbert Boss mixed with Cpt do you mean?

Dilbert? I see no Dilbert?
I do see Stern
And maybe a certain German Leader... only maybe
Razor said:
A new low?

Charlie Chaplan mixed with the Dilbert Boss mixed with Cpt do you mean?

well I dont take offense ...I can see how it can be misinterpreted (equating me with hitler) but I'm pretty confident that that wasnt your intent .........right?
I was wondering why hitler was wearing glasses. :p
Maybe you should change it to Groucho Marx.
CptStern said:
well I dont take offense ...I can see how it can be misinterpreted (equating me with hitler) but I'm pretty confident that that wasnt your intent .........right?

Of course not, no, lol. My actual intention was to move my Dilbert avatar into yours, but a goatee could never fit on that chin of yours :).
I can't believe you guys never heard of the secret weapons lab in our Canadian North. The place makes Area 51 look like a gheto. Remember that incident in Phoenix Arinzona, I think in 1999 when a huge flying ship that went over the city? That's us! :E