is it me or?

Of course they're fatter. They've eaten humans for years!
Why not fatten up while waiting for freeman to arrive in City 17 they have nothing better to do. I bet some people out there are getting fatter just waiting for Half life 2
DaFreak said:
yeah they r definatly fatter.

OH NO! They have evolved :p

Yes! They have evolved into Poison Headcrabs, and starting to eat at McDonalds...:O
OH NO! They have evolved

They definately have grown. Just a technicality, headcrabs don't evolve, they mutate. It's what the scientist says at the beginning of OP4. Something to the effect of "can you imagine what the next stage of mutation looks like?"
I have seen what it looks like :) all I can say
They look like Doom 3 spiders
Tyrsenus said:
They definately have grown. Just a technicality, headcrabs don't evolve, they mutate. It's what the scientist says at the beginning of OP4. Something to the effect of "can you imagine what the next stage of mutation looks like?"

He's referring to the further mutation of infected humans. Remember how later in the game you face the bigger, badder head crab guys? I think they can even shoot you.
Remember how later in the game you face the bigger, badder head crab guys? I think they can even shoot you.

They didn't shoot you, they tore chunks of flesh off themselves and threw them at you :LOL:
FoB_Ed said:
They didn't shoot you, they tore chunks of flesh off themselves and threw them at you :LOL:

Really? I always thought they were tomatoes. :p
Yeah, the Gnomes did that. I suppose they can relate to fast zombies? Because they attack you ina frenzy and are scary lookin.
has anyone heard if these mutations are gunna be in hl2? I just loved layin a clip into them =-)
beating them with the crowbar then moving away before they swipe at you and laughing at them was fun...
Ever saw a McDonald's on Xen? No. Well, there's your answer.
PvtRyan said:
Ever saw a McDonald's on Xen? No. Well, there's your answer.

It is a multi-dimensional restaurant, as opposed to a multi-national fast food restaurant
this is a good thing, right? fatter headcrabs = slower headcrabs = easier to kill :p
fatter headcrabs = more muscular headcrabs = headcrabs will jump at you and hurt more due to weight = pissed off gordon = crowbar timE= MC²!!
dreten707 said:
Do the headcrabs look fatter then the one's from half life?

No. Maybe a little bigger but its just the gfx are so much better. More detail etc.
are there any screenshots of head crabs i still havn;t seen any
thats an ugly looking... something :p
plz tell me thats not a real creature :)
It's a giant isopod. Looks like a headcrab to me.
Rafa 5.0 said:
Hollywood made or real world, excuse ma ignorance :(

It's real. Google 'giant isopod' if you wanna see more pictures. I didn't mean to throw this thread completely off. :E
maybe since it's 10 years later Freeman has become old and slouched like a grandpa so the headcraBs aren't bigger, they're closer!

EDIT: lmao, not headcraps i meant headcrabs..
That "Giant Isopod" looks like a Balmain Bug/Slipper Lobster... them's good eatin'...

By the sound of it, we're seeing several different headcrab species/subspecies...

Original => Zombie => Gonome => ???

Skinny and Yellowish => Fast Hijacked Corpse Zombie

Poison => ???(Possibly that weird zombie in that concept art, the one with all the bubbles on his chest)