Is it possible Half-Life2 is ready to ship?


Jun 16, 2004
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I was wondering if VALVe (and Vivendi) were capable of secretly manufacturing Half-Life2 and setting them up to ship to stores on time for Doom3's release?

i mean, they keep saying Half-life2 is done, just needs tweaking, and we have no choice but to beleive them. would VALVe really suprise us with a sudden game release early august?

lots of questions... few answers
hmm i bet it will come in august,they already said it would come this summer for sure.
hmm but this time they say its for suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure ;)
To the original poster, the short answer is no.

The CS:S beta finishes on 24th of August or thereabouts, and that has to finish before they can even consider going gold.

Half-Life 2 is still quite a way off in relation to Doom 3.
:( i cant wait anymore thats a torture for me ;(
Well... they could sorta do that. They are doing beta testing for CS: S for five days innit? Maybe if there aren't any problems on the fifth day Gabe just points his mighty finger at the marketing division and says: The Source engine works. Ship the game! and a week later:

"Rise and shine, Mr Freeman..."
AJ Rimmer said:
Well... they could sorta do that. They are doing beta testing for CS: S for five days innit? Maybe if there aren't any problems on the fifth day Gabe just points his mighty finger at the marketing division and says: The Source engine works. Ship the game! and a week later:

"Rise and shine, Mr Freeman..."

Takes around 3 weeks for a game to go from gold master status to arriving in stores... imo sept 30th this year is a good date :)
eber said:
they already said it would come this summer for sure.
No they didn't. They said they were aiming for it and fully acknowledged that they weren't the best at scheduling.
I agree with [Matt] about 30th Sept. That'll be just in time for the start of my second year of uni - oh well, no working for me...
Yeah...All the good games are coming out when i go back to education. Ah well, I will just have to become a rubbish man.
Welcome to the rubbish man club Farrowlesparrow, and you should sign up to the annoyingly-long-and-hard-to-type-name club while your at it.
I dotn think that they would releace it without telling the public. They woudl get more sales if they anounce the relece date because more people will know.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Yeah...All the good games are coming out when i go back to education. Ah well, I will just have to become a rubbish man.

Sigh... Dont I know it...

This past year has been UTTER SHITE for me concerning my education in sixth form...

I'm skrewed if I cant get my act together very soon at the beggining of next year. :(
sHm0zY said:
I dotn think that they would releace it without telling the public. They woudl get more sales if they anounce the relece date because more people will know.

I got a question, ever think before you post???

Of course they will announce gold, they will do what id did, probably just give predicted release date for the game, all hoping VU doesn't sit there and not do shit.. :rolleyes:
I don't think we'll be looking at any more delays, now that the boxes and CD's are finalized, but I think it'll be mid-September before we see the product.
you have to remember, VU WANTS this game out ASAP... its possible they might just test the RC for a few hours (remember, hl2 has been done and in "tweaking and bug fixing" for months now) and fast track it to manufacture...

VU stands to make millions from this game, and im sure its very polished and almost bug free by now... so i dont see why they would hold it off any more then they have to...

also remember, thru the magic of steam, you can throw in a coupon for "get CS:S for free with HL2" in the box, and technicly that means you have it, even if it is still in public testing... right?
Sandler said:
Right now only CS: Source is delaying HL2 :\

It's not. They've said many times that their first priority is Half-Life 2, not CS:S, and as such, they wouldn't delay H-L 2 for it. By the time testing is complete, and VU has tested the release candidate, CS:S should be done.
They have to tell the stores when they are shipping, and the stores WILL make it public, so unless they send out people to jam it on store shelves at midnight and slap a price tag on it, I don't see how they can suprise us.
Half life 2 was done 2 years ago they just want to make you dream about hl2 in night :X.
tkato said:
Half life 2 was done 2 years ago they just want to make you dream about hl2 in night :X.
This is no joke: I HAVE dreamt of HL2. I woke up about two o clock in the mornin coz I dreamt a headcrab jumped me from behind.
AJ Rimmer said:
This is no joke: I HAVE dreamt of HL2. I woke up about two o clock in the mornin coz I dreamt a headcrab jumped me from behind.
lolz huh ? that was no dream . . muhahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa :devil:
hmm afraid now . . ? :naughty:
eber said:
lolz huh ? that was no dream . . muhahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa :devil:
hmm afraid now . . ? :naughty:
Hey this isn't funny man I almost had a heartattack! I jolted so hard in my bed I hit my head on the wall.
hmmm interesting . . . this supports my theory :p, you going to have to be removed from these forums. :):)
bullshit ,we are making fun (well i really hope that)