Is it possible that HL2 doesn't come out?

Sep 12, 2003
Reaction score
I mean, we're talking rare circumstances.
But with the court case and all.
WHat are the chances HL2 does not get released.
Has it ever happened before? To another game?
Games have been cancelled but I doubt any game would've been cancelled after it goes gold.
Usually publishers will cancel the game if it's looking shoddy or they don't think it will sell well early on. I can't ever remeber a game being fully finished and the publisher analising the developer in such a way....
There's no chance of Half-Life 2 not coming out. Do you really think Valve have poured five years of hard work into this product full of blood and sweat not to have it release?

If the worst comes to the worst, we'll just have to be in for yet another agonisingly irritating delay.
VU are complete ****ing assholes who should all be killed, but the most they can do is delay is 6 months, and that is what they probably want to do. Half-Life 2 isn't too big of a money maker for them and they wouldn't mind delaying is 6 months, hell they would probably think it would make even more money.
But the game isn't OFFICIALLY gold yet, and we're dealing with a high price court case here. I think thats the big difference between HL2 and other games.
Valve gets the game back in 6 months? I'm not privy to their contract with Vivendi, but the game is worth hundreds of millions. I doubt they are too stuck.
Concept said:
There's no chance of Half-Life 2 not coming out. Do you really think Valve have poured five years of hard work into this product full of blood and sweat not to have it release?

If the worst comes to the worst, we'll just have to be in for yet another agonisingly irritating delay.

It's not about what I think. It's about how little control Valve has over this situation right now.
Mr-Fusion said:
Usually publishers will cancel the game if it's looking shoddy or they don't think it will sell well early on. I can't ever remeber a game being fully finished and the publisher analising the developer in such a way....

To cancel a game suggests publishing funding though if it happens through the publisher... To cut both financing and contract involvement.

Valve are bound by the latter, but in terms of economics, Half-Life 2 is self-funded. So unless the management of Valve have all suddenly become disco zombies with all the intelligence of a two-year old bunny, then they're not going to cancel their own development. A development which I might add they probably see as their future jewel in the crown.
Foxtrot said:
VU are complete ****ing assholes who should all be killed, but the most they can do is delay is 6 months, and that is what they probably want to do. Half-Life 2 isn't too big of a money maker for them and they wouldn't mind delaying is 6 months, hell they would probably think it would make even more money.

HL2 has the potential of being Vivendis biggest product for the next 3-4 years. SO I disagree with you sir.
razorblade kiss said:
It's not about what I think. It's about how little control Valve has over this situation right now.

Valve is bound by a publishing contract dependant on release. Not whether the game comes out or not. Vivendi aren't going to cancel the world's most anticipated videogame.

If they did, and the title was left in limbo, you'd see it released by Steam in all eventuality.
Concept said:
To cancel a game suggests publishing funding though if it happens through the publisher... To cut both financing and contract involvement.

Valve are bound by the latter, but in terms of economics, Half-Life 2 is self-funded. So unless the management of Valve have all suddenly become disco zombies with all the intelligence of a two-year old bunny, then they're not going to cancel their own development. A development which I might add they probably see as their future jewel in the crown.

Valve doesnt have to cancel it. Vivendi could. For example. WHat if Vivendi feels that releasing the game via box (aka on store shelves) won't be profitable because too many people are going to download it through steam? Why would they waste their money on publishing, boxing, printing and shipping HL2 if millions already pre-loaded it? Far fetched? Maybe, but I'm trying to look at this from all angles.
razorblade kiss said:
But the game isn't OFFICIALLY gold yet, and we're dealing with a high price court case here. I think thats the big difference between HL2 and other games.

Yeah but the game's going to go gold in a few weeks. (And I don't think Vivendi can stop it going gold.)
Feath said:
Yeah but the game's going to go gold in a few weeks. (And I don't think Vivendi can stop it going gold.)

They make the decision to go gold, dont they?

Hey Im goin to bed guys. Good feedback and input. I look forward to reading more replies in the morning. Lets keep this flame free btw. Night dudes!
razorblade kiss said:
Valve doesnt have to cancel it. Vivendi could. For example. WHat if Vivendi feels that releasing the game via box (aka on store shelves) won't be profitable because too many people are going to download it through steam? Why would they waste their money on publishing, boxing, printing and shipping HL2 if millions already pre-loaded it? Far fetched? Maybe, but I'm trying to look at this from all angles.

Then Valve will find another publisher; games normally don't get cancelled as in the developers aren't allowed to work on them, a lot of games are just dropped by their publisher.
It will go gold but after that "the final milestone" they have up to 6 months to get it out on shelves

I really hope they don't drag out the already delayed game into next year like they did with CS:CZ........... although i hate that game
razorblade kiss said:
They make the decision to go gold, dont they?

Well, look at it this way. Vivendi have six months to release it from when it reaches its "Final milestone" (ie Gold). If they delay declaring it gold, then they'd probably be in breech of contract because they'd be trying to delay the game further. Valve will expect RCs to go through testing, and if they don't get any reports from Vivendi, they'll claim that Vivendi isn't obeying the terms of the contract.

EDIT: I'm sorry, that probably doesn't make any sense. It's 4am and I'm tired.
Concept said:
There's no chance of Half-Life 2 not coming out. Do you really think Valve have poured five years of hard work into this product full of blood and sweat not to have it release?

If the worst comes to the worst, we'll just have to be in for yet another agonisingly irritating delay.

Ya i agree. 6 years btw.