is it possible to revert to the old Counterstrike radar?


Sep 13, 2006
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The new radar is too complicated and it gives away your position to the enemy. It's kind of lame too. Like in real life your fellow teammates are going to have the time to tell you the position of the enemy while they are in the middle of a fire fight. well.:|
Yes because in real life the comms would probably be on "volume = walkie talkie on" so that they don't have to press any buttons. That way, if they get shot at, you'll know there's an enemy there.

But there's this transparency setting ingame that gets rid of the map, but I can't remember what it is. Just google for something like "Radar transparency" or something.
Yes because in real life the comms would probably be on "volume = walkie talkie on" so that they don't have to press any buttons. That way, if they get shot at, you'll know there's an enemy there.

Their voice would be inaudible with all the firefight going on.

But there's this transparency setting ingame that gets rid of the map, but I can't remember what it is. Just google for something like "Radar transparency" or something.

would I need to modify a script to do that?
Too complicated?? This is the best radar ever made!! It shows the entire level with full detail, it's excelent!
'cuz of people like this that I stopped playing CS when I was thirteen...
If you don't like the looks of the radar, just type "hideradar" in the console.

But what's better for people like you is "cl_drawhud 0". It removes the crosshair, radar, health status and the bank status.
I've always found the radar useless.
The option to disable it would be a welcome addition imo...
If you don't like the looks of the radar, just type "hideradar" in the console.

But what's better for people like you is "cl_drawhud 0". It removes the crosshair, radar, health status and the bank status.

True. They are complaining about the radar..for some reason, then hell, take IT ALL OFF. It's uber realistic then!
Yes because in real life the comms would probably be on "volume = walkie talkie on" so that they don't have to press any buttons. That way, if they get shot at, you'll know there's an enemy there.

But there's this transparency setting ingame that gets rid of the map, but I can't remember what it is. Just google for something like "Radar transparency" or something.

There is no handheld radar for every CT in reality. :rolleyes:
The only thing I didnt like about the new radar was that it didnt turn when u turned, so I would have to think about where I was on the map to know where the enemy was. But then I found out how to do that and now I love it. :D
You must be really stupid if you think it's complicated.
it has a built in map, whats so complicated. It makes things easier, you know which corner is which when going around, exact positions of team, etc.
I've always found the radar useless.
The option to disable it would be a welcome addition imo...

i guess you see your teamates and TK alot huh...

Radar only is used for matched where tk is on... when no match... i barely look at my radar unless 1 guy left and hes in a bombsite and we go in from three sides like in B from dust 2 HOLE MAIN