Is it possible to travel through time?

On another note. This whole "Past, Present and Future" seems too.... 2D.
It's not as if the human race is the fountain of all knowledge... what if time is 3D :D
what if it's not? i think part of the "out" that titor had was about the whole butterfly effect you alude to. i think he was saying that essentially the world he came to in 2000 (our world) was a different timeline (or worldline as he says), a different "quantum reality" to steal a TNG phrase than the one he comes from, so he's not really fing his timeline up at all.
In response to the origional question....
Is it possible to travel through time?

Duh.... You're traveling through time right now. We're all traveling through time. I don't think time has stopped.
LittleB said:
Haven't you guys read "Timeline" by Micheal Crichton?

Oddly enough, I did just yesterday. It seems that they messed up the movie version like they did with Sphere. It's a quality book though.
I read somewhere that in high speed particle collisions, tiny particles are seen to appear moving away from the collision nanoseconds before the collision actually takes place. The theory is that these particles travelled back in time from the point of the collision
Ive read some of that John Titor stuff yesturday and i am going to try to finish it up tonight. Very intreging. I have a shotgun so mabye I can join the Shotgun Unit! :sniper:
Although I find the whole John Titor thing intriguing, the thing that pisses me off is that there are most likely people out there who are changing their lifestyle because they believe a civil war is coming to the U.S.

What if there is someone out there who has been squandering his money on a bomb shelter or something because he believes John Titor. If you want to tell your poodle that you're a time traveller, fine by me, you can babble on until you're 85.

But when you start pulling other people into your own delusions of grandeur (In this case, a noble soldier from the future trying to warn us in the past), you just end up hurting or confusing innocent people.

If a civil war breaks out within the next two years, I'll eat my hat.
Seriously people, time doesn't exist. It's an illusion based on consciousness. You think a mayfly has the mental concept of "later on today"? There is no time, only existence. Tomorrow only means how many second cycles until so many cycles have passed.

Seriously, how can time exist? I just- I can't comprehend the concept of time. And even if time does exist, it's not a linear 1-dimensional thing. I'd say it would have to be 5 dimensional. Then maybe time makes more sense. Even though I'm not.
Well, thnk of other animals that have some consiousness. Like... cats. I wonder if cats have the concept of time?
wow so much to respond to. okay one thing that sticks out, is the general ... half understood special theory of relativity. i saw one post talking about going faster than the speed of light. it's not actually possible to do this. even approaching the speed of light is very difficult. this is not because of mass dilation(mass becoming infinite as the object nears the speed of light, that's a misconception) it's because of the energy requirements. the kinetic energy (on a graph of velocity vs. energy) becomes infinite as you approach the speed of light i.e. the line becomes a vertical asymptote at V = 3.0 x 10 ^8 m/s (speed of light). further, travelling in one direction and only one direction is LIKE time travelling because time to a reference point that is stationary (earth) appears to slow down with respect to you, because from your reference frame, you are motionless and life goes on as normal, but the time on earth seems to go slowwwww... however, due to your accelerations to get to relativistic speeds, and to slow down from them, you'll(say you're going to alpha centauri) have aged very little, while the earth has aged a few years. on trying to get back to the earth... you'll find that you're not as far "into the future" as you'd expect ... ~10 years is what you'd think to find... but the act of accelerating from one reference frame to another makes it more like, you've only seen the earth age about 8 years or so... slight difference but ehhh..

i saw a post talking about blackholes "sucking in" light. this is untrue because it makes the assumption that gravity is a force. true, we see it as a force from our frame of reference, but if we were to observe gravity from a 5th dimensional reference frame, we'd see that the "force" of gravity is actually a warping of space/time due to the presence of mass. so, light isn't exactly "sucked in" it's more that due to the extreme space/time warping, photons emitted by the mass in a blackhole(mass is actually a 3 solar mass neutron star, collapsed beyond the schwarzchild radius[aka event horizon]) haven't the ability to curve: light never curves, it ALWAYS follows a straight line on the space/time grid, it's the grid that's curved due to gravity, not the light(photon reference frame, you're ALWAYS going straight, it's the gridlines when observed from our vantage point that are curved, making it appear that light "bends" or curves). now, that being said, when a photon is emitted from the surface, it stays at the surface, travelling in a straight line, that happens to be wrapped around the blackhole... again due to the severe warping of space/time.

on the time topic. time is an experience for us because we are physical creatures. time exists as we can measure it based on our own constructs. time is the distance between events. space/time is also 4th dimensional, so we're 4th dimensional beings, thus we observe time as something real. when time DOESN'T exist, is when you're God or a blackhole or something of that nature. instead of saying God or a blackhole, i'll just say "realm of the absolute" so athiests and others alike can all understand this without ego getting in the way. the realm of the absolute is the 11th dimension and what you'd observe if you could actually survive being IN a blackhole. the observation that would be made is one where past/present/future all exist at the same "time." in a black hole, this is due to the severe effects of gravity on the warping of the space/time grid(or, the MASS warping space/time, us observing it as gravity). this is known through einstein's general relativity, as far as the 11th dimension deal, you could probably see past/present/future as one earlier than being in the 11th dimension, probably just need to be 5th or 6th dimensional, but ehhh. one way you can infer this is that the 4 forces of physics become unified at higher dimensions, but to unify them, they have to stop being forces (like the gravity example from earlier). but also, the observable effects of a lower dimension change as you go higher, dimensionally. so, yeah.

oh yeah, the radiation from a blackhole may or may not kill you. true the radiation is many thousands of times higher from a blackhole, (the heat radiation WOULD kill you) but the energy emitted from the event horizon is at the poles and is in the form of ultra high energy gamma rays(which pass right through you with no effect).

sorry for the length of this post, if i've left anything out, please let me know.
*dies* :x
edit: my smilie didn't work :(
I knew some those things I just simplified it so I wouldn't have to write that whole thing.
But it's still a very informative post. More dimensions than I knew are accounted there...
Sprafa said:
I knew some those things I just simplified it so I wouldn't have to write that whole thing.
But it's still a very informative post. More dimensions than I knew are accounted there...

yeah lol, i didn't wanna write an essay, but then i also wanted to be very clear in what i was saying so as to minimize the confusion hehe :x
Wow jackal, that was good. I knew most of that, but you explained some things that I didn't get before. Good post. *applaudes*
But Jackal do you have a physics degree or are do you just read a lot?

By the way do you agree with wormholes are possible ?

I've studied a bit and assumed that it would be necessary a very adv. tech to do one.

And I don't think some radiations you talked about were 100% right, since from I've learned, black holes only emit radiations when active and while inactive, they're undectectable, something like giant masses with huge gravity.
And isn't most of our knowledge about them assumed anyway since we can't actually «see» them only detect their consequences in the surroundings?
Yes you can travel in time, but only forward. I have devised this contraption called a "bed". You lay on top of it, close your eyes and magically when you reopen your eyes you are 5-8 hours into the future! :dork:
Sprafa said:
But Jackal do you have a physics degree or are do you just read a lot?

By the way do you agree with wormholes are possible ?

I've studied a bit and assumed that it would be necessary a very adv. tech to do one.

And I don't think some radiations you talked about were 100% right, since from I've learned, black holes only emit radiations when active and while inactive, they're undectectable, something like giant masses with huge gravity.
And isn't most of our knowledge about them assumed anyway since we can't actually «see» them only detect their consequences in the surroundings?

mostly do a lot of reading, but i have taken some higher level astrophysics classes (my professor was something of an expert on black holes... i actually think he was a bit intelligent most physicists/astronomers are either closed minded and unimaginative or just good at regurgitating old information) i'm going for a bachelors of fine arts, so right now i don't have much time to get deep into astronomy and theoretical physics so it's more of a hobby to read what i can at the moment. ummm... yes i totally think wormholes are possible. but the energy requirements are way beyond our capabilities right now, i'd guess. i think wormholes will be the best means of space travel, and time travel. since... space/time is kinda a unified thing, i think that by the time we can play with wormholes, we'd be able to go anywhere in space/time.

with active/inactive black holes... i think what you mean would be if the black hole has an accompanying accretion disk(disk of matter swirling into the black hole). supposedly black holes live for like... 20 billion years before they'd "die." with the radiation emitting blackholes, i think an accretion disk is mandatory *thinks back* because the radiation that is emitted is from the matter becoming super energized at the event horizon, and ... is it hawking radiation? hmm can't remember the exact name right now, but there's an equal probability that the matter will fall into the black hole, or be emitted at the poles of the black hole at the event horizon (following the magnetic field lines) and ejected at relativistic velocities(there's also a probability that photons/energy that's inside the event horizon... well more on the inside edge ...edge as in, edge of a plane/surface, ... the photons may be emitted out the poles ... so yeah redundancy whoohoo!) anyways i can't believe i'm writing so much about almost nothing. anywho i think the active/inactive blackholes, from what i can remember are dependant upon interactions with matter falling into the black hole. because, yeah i agree, blackholes are virtually undetectable(i say virtually, because it may be possible with future technologies) without an acretion disk.

edit: .... shit what was i gonna mention... oh yeah, black holes don't have to be huge masses, any mass that collapses beyond the schwarzchild radius can become a black hole. for the earth, it'd have to become the size of... i think a basketball... hmm or was that the sun... blah but most black holes are only a few times more massive than the sun. the minimum mass is 3 solar masses. (of course the super massive blackholes are millions of solar masses, and these are the AGNs or, active galactic nuclei at the centers of galaxies) in the CD galaxies (the ultra massive elliptical galaxies) the AGNs are something on the order of a couple hundred million solar masses.... oh also, read some stuff on super string theory, it's really fascinating, some good authors are Michio Kaku, umm Ed Witten... and this other dude i can't think of his name... he wrote the book "Elegant Universe" which is a good read. (michio kaku is my fav physicist right now... he's got a great way of explaining incredibly complex concepts so most anyone can understand them) okay *dies* :x
FortisVir said:
Although I find the whole John Titor thing intriguing, the thing that pisses me off is that there are most likely people out there who are changing their lifestyle because they believe a civil war is coming to the U.S.

What if there is someone out there who has been squandering his money on a bomb shelter or something because he believes John Titor. If you want to tell your poodle that you're a time traveller, fine by me, you can babble on until you're 85.

But when you start pulling other people into your own delusions of grandeur (In this case, a noble soldier from the future trying to warn us in the past), you just end up hurting or confusing innocent people.

If a civil war breaks out within the next two years, I'll eat my hat.
lol....ill eat my hat!
Comeon people, of course timetravel is possible!! I mean, just look at mchammer75040s sig!!

"Okay so I just got a PM from myself.."

Clearly Bad^Hat got a personal message from his future self!! :borg:

I remember that, that was really funny..

Yeah I know, really stupid post, but whatever, sue me..
Well Einsteins theory does invite the idea of time travel but if it is possible its far beyond are intelligence and technology at the moment.
BlackWolfdrk said:
Well Einsteins theory does invite the idea of time travel but if it is possible its far beyond are intelligence and technology at the moment.

Einsteins special relativity does allow time traveling.
It says that anything with mass can't accelerate to light speeds (photons are massless particles and thus travel at lightspeed) but it allows particles which have always travelled faster than light, because they have never accelerated to that speed and didn't need the infinite amount of energy needed to accelerate something with mass to LS.
They call these tachyons, but there is no evidence they really exist, but theoritically they could. And this would allow travling in time. Atleast you can go forward (stuff happening before it started)
Just one thing to respond to...

Why haven't we seen time travelers from the future?
1.) Human beings haven't figured it out before the collapse of the universe, or the probable exinction of mankind. (This doesn't mean it isn't possible, just that no one managed to do it.)

2.) It is possible, but the human body can't take the pressure and spontaneously combusts.

3.) In the future, there is a penalty of death for those that give away the secret.

4.) Time travellers manage to get into some sort of parallel universe, not disturbing this universe but rather another.

Keep in mind I know nothing about this type of science; it's just some practical guesses. Feel free to respond!
PvtRyan said:
Einsteins special relativity does allow time traveling.
It says that anything with mass can't accelerate to light speeds (photons are massless particles and thus travel at lightspeed) but it allows particles which have always travelled faster than light, because they have never accelerated to that speed and didn't need the infinite amount of energy needed to accelerate something with mass to LS.
They call these tachyons, but there is no evidence they really exist, but theoritically they could. And this would allow travling in time. Atleast you can go forward (stuff happening before it started)

this is true... but i don't think special relativistic methods are a very practical means to time travel.