Is it that big of a difference?

Nov 7, 2004
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is there that big of a difference between pc2700 ram and pc3200 ram? Does it provide a difference in gamming? And if you have one stick of 3200 and 2 of 2700 dont all 3 run at 2700?
i wouldnt know if it would make a huge difference but putting a 3200 with 2700 will make the 3200 run at 2700 speeds
really depends on your processor, because if you have ram running at 3200 and your processor only has say a 333mhz fsb, then your processor won't be running in a 1:1 ratio with the ram and the cpu will actually cause a performance bottleneck. Its teh same if the cpu's fsb runs at 400mhz and the ram runs at 333mhz, the cpu will cause a bottle neck in performance. And yeh the ram will all run at the slowest speeds, and that goes for frequency and also timings too so if one has a CAS latency of 3 and the other has a latency of 2, then it will run at 3.
jellydoughnut217 said:
is there that big of a difference between pc2700 ram and pc3200 ram? Does it provide a difference in gamming? And if you have one stick of 3200 and 2 of 2700 dont all 3 run at 2700?

Yes yes and yes.

Generally speaking.
so the cpu/mobo says it supports dual channle DDR 266/333/400 does that mean i can run 2 512 sticks at 333mhz and 1 256 stick at 400mhz without causing any problems? Because thats what i plan on doing, but i dont want it to hinder my system performance in any way.
jellydoughnut217 said:
so the cpu/mobo says it supports dual channle DDR 266/333/400 does that mean i can run 2 512 sticks at 333mhz and 1 256 stick at 400mhz without causing any problems? Because thats what i plan on doing, but i dont want it to hinder my system performance in any way.

There shouldn't be any problems unless teh mobo doesn't like teh conbinations of DIMMS (made by different companies??) Also as said in posts above it will revert to teh slowest dimm.