Is Kevlar armour worth getting?

What Kevlar is worth the Money?

  • Kevlar Vest is always good enough

    Votes: 5 10.9%
  • Kevlar Vest & Helmet is the only one worth getting

    Votes: 21 45.7%
  • Get the best you can afford

    Votes: 20 43.5%
  • Forget it! Armour is a wast of precious $s

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Apr 12, 2004
Reaction score
Hi, I'm a big FPS fan that's just getting into CS Source and I'm wondering what people think about the kevlar.
I used to always get armour if I had the money spare which would mean that if I was nearly broke and did badly then the next round I would be stuck with only a pistol. But I have heard people say that everyone always goes for headshots so it's never really worth the money.
My question is, if I can buy a gun (say an AK), ammo, a grenade and flashbangs and still just have enough money for armour is it worth spending my last few $s on it, and which type is worth getting if I can afford both?

thanks :)
Yes always buy Kevlar&Helmet, it doesn't make you invincible or anything but reduces damage from frag grenades and small arms fire (low caliber pistols and submachine guns mostly).
If you got the cash, by the Kevlar&Helmut. Dont try be the hero!Its always gonna give you that little bit of a better chance. Frag grenades can really F**k u up without kevlar. Even if everyone always goes for headshots, just keep your distance, and the chances are that even if the reticule is bang inbetween your eyes, bullets will hit you in the chest or miss you.
find that you can take quite a few more direct hits with kevlar and a helmet.
So i say get it whenever possible.

1 AK round to the head will still kill you though.
Mr. Redundant said:
1 AK round to the head will still kill you though.

As it should. ;) I just wish the M4 did the same, but CS can't be too real. :sniper:
Would it be best to a) Kevlar/helmet crap gun

or b)Great gun no body armour

for a novice.
Chaops said:
As it should. ;) I just wish the M4 did the same, but CS can't be too real. :sniper:

It does happen, some times :) generly 2 shots in the head will sort um out good and proper!


Always get vest+helmate ALWAYS ! if you cant afford VH+gun dont buy anything and save up your money for the next round.
Buy the protection if the other team is using a lot of frags and small arms like submachine guns, but if they use frags little and almost all the time rifles then don't wast you're time on the protection, just buy a good rifle, that way you will have a better chance of survival.
Exept if lets say u are almost sure you're team is going to win, and the other team has good rifles, then buy protection and follow you're team mates with the big guns and when they kill the enemy grab their guns, that way you have protection and a good gun.
tomo13 said:
Would it be best to a) Kevlar/helmet crap gun

or b)Great gun no body armour

for a novice.

Always buy the weapon first. ;)
Kevlar+helmet is the most important item.. alwys buy them if u can afford
u can also only buy kev+helmet and just stay back till some ppl die and steal their gun :)
The way I buy things is (If you start on a server with $800), The desert eagle thing (B1,4), ammo for it, then I don't buy armour that round.

After all, a good offence is a good defence. And remember, you can't kill people with a bullet proof vest. ;)