Is masturbation wrong in the minds of pro-abortionists?


Jul 25, 2007
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Probably the wrong place to ask since everyone here has a bias towards the opinion, then again if I were to ask this question in a forum where members are largely against it, they'd probably would say I was a baby-killer. THEN AGAIN, probably almost every man has done it in the past. (or still do even if they are married)

I'm so confused. :|

This sounds like something you'd find on an episode of South Park or something.

EDIT> I meant for the title to be "in the minds of anti-abortionists" and I can't edit it now.
Erm, no.

For many reasons.

I don't see what logical case there is for it to be wrong on ethical grounds in that context.
Could you name a few reasons? Remember, you have to imagine yourself an anti-abortionist and what they would probably think.

BTW, again I screwed up the title.
Only in the eyes of GOD.
And he has eyes EVERYWHERE.
In your house, in your bread, in your marmite, and in your salami.
Cells dying pre-conception ... it happens a gajillion times every milisecond in nature, I don't think anyones crying about it, whether they're in the body at the time or not.

But still, don't do it. God kills kittens. You don't want the kitten lovers on your back, do you?
masturbation is healthy and normal. If god didn't want us to touch it, then he wouldn't have put it within hand's reach.
Mother nature herself though is a baby-killer. What about the millions of beanie babies that die during the fertilization process?
In conclusion, who cares what anti-abortionists think anyway. Not that abortion is good, mind you.
In conclusion, who cares what anti-abortionists think anyway. Not that abortion is good, mind you.
Oops, what have I started here? lol

Why do doctors say it's healthy though? I hear that all the time, but nobody ever goes into detail.
Relieves stress, makes you happy. Sexual acts in general make you live longer, especially intercourse.
Oops, what have I started here? lol

Why do doctors say it's healthy though? I hear that all the time, but nobody ever goes into detail.

Relaxes the shit out of you after you are done due to the dopamine explosion throughout your brain. Best anti-stress method ever. But this is just one thing.
Masturbation is wrong for many medical reasons. First of all, it causes blindness and don't underestimate the chance that you get transformed into a Charger when a zombie apocalypse takes place.
Let's get logical. Usually the value that pro-life people attach to a pre-natal 'life' is really in terms of its potential for later life. Abortion, I've heard it said, is wrong because it prevents a life from forming as it would normally have had the abortion not been performed. At this point one can make the obvious objection: where does it end? Are we murdering the future if we take the morning after pill, if we wear a condom, if we simply abstain from having sex?

But a distinction can be made between these actions by adopting a legal idea - the 'chain of causation'. In crimes against the person, like murder, where are often cases where one has to decide whether the defendant can truly be held responsible for the thing that killed the victim. In considering the actus reus, or material act (there's also the mens rea, or guilty mind, but it's not relevant here) judges follow the rule that there must be an unbroken chain of causation between the defendant's actions and the victim's death.

So masturbation does not and would never lead to the creation of an actual life. Wearing a condom is similar. But once a conception has occured, once a sperm has fused with an egg (is that how it works?), a chain has been established between action and consequence and we have gone beyond the point of no return. To briefly invoke another legal parable, it's like an attempted crime - we have stepped over the boundary of 'creating a life' and we cannot revoke our actions. When the pregnancy test shows positive, this is even more firmly established. Wearing a condom broke the chain of causation; leaving it off allowed the chain to begin. Now, if we try to get rid of that life, we will be breaking the causal chain and preventing it from ever reaching fruition. Rather than never embarking on the course at all, we have leapt into it, and now are trying to abort. This is what separates abortion from masturbation.

That's the logic, as far as I can tell. Obviously, it's problematic, because some would argue that the distinction made between prevention and abortion - the 'chain' beginning at the moment of conception - is rather arbitrary. Furthermore, taking a morning-after pill is in this analysis also (potentially) breaking the circle of life, and can constitute negligent manslaughter. But when was the last time you heard anti-abortion campaigners also decrying morning-after birth control? They might have done so because of their religious convictions but never by the same cause-and-effect you're-killing-a-future logic. That difference is crucial. Anyone objecting to masturbation will probably do it on the basis of a moral opposition to self-indulgent pleasure, just as anyone objecting to birth control is usually doing it on the basis of a moral opposition to its (supposed) effect on society and public morality. Because these are very religious attitudes, there's going to be some overlap between the positions and the people who hold them. But the logic of the pro-life argument is different and based on different principles.

TLDR; the answer is no.
I thank you for that tl;dr, Sulky.
Someone on this very site recently mentioned that sperm start to develop deformities if they're left in your balls for a long time. I expect they also die after a very long while.

I honestly couldn't cite any facts, but I know that masturbation is generally healthy. Although it can still increase your risk of getting cancer, just like EVERYTHING EVER
Sperm die after one month of not being ejaculated from the deferens.

There is also a chemical that is released along with semen that actually cleans out your urethra. A bit a bleach, if you will.
Let's get logical. Usually the value that pro-life people attach to a pre-natal 'life' is really in terms of its potential for later life. Abortion, I've heard it said, is wrong because it prevents a life from forming as it would normally have had the abortion not been performed. At this point one can make the obvious objection: where does it end? Are we murdering the future if we take the morning after pill, if we wear a condom, if we simply abstain from having sex?

But a distinction can be made between these actions by adopting a legal idea - the 'chain of causation'. In crimes against the person, like murder, where are often cases where one has to decide whether the defendant can truly be held responsible for the thing that killed the victim. In considering the actus reus, or material act (there's also the mens rea, or guilty mind, but it's not relevant here) judges follow the rule that there must be an unbroken chain of causation between the defendant's actions and the victim's death.

So masturbation does not and would never lead to the creation of an actual life. Wearing a condom is similar. But once a conception has occured, once a sperm has fused with an egg (is that how it works?), a chain has been established between action and consequence and we have gone beyond the point of no return. To briefly invoke another legal parable, it's like an attempted crime - we have stepped over the boundary of 'creating a life' and we cannot revoke our actions. When the pregnancy test shows positive, this is even more firmly established. Wearing a condom broke the chain of causation; leaving it off allowed the chain to begin. Now, if we try to get rid of that life, we will be breaking the causal chain and preventing it from ever reaching fruition. Rather than never embarking on the course at all, we have leapt into it, and now are trying to abort. This is what separates abortion from masturbation.

That's the logic, as far as I can tell. Obviously, it's problematic, because some would argue that the distinction made between prevention and abortion - the 'chain' beginning at the moment of conception - is rather arbitrary. Furthermore, taking a morning-after pill is in this analysis also (potentially) breaking the circle of life, and can constitute negligent manslaughter. But when was the last time you heard anti-abortion campaigners also decrying morning-after birth control? They might have done so because of their religious convictions but never by the same cause-and-effect you're-killing-a-future logic. That difference is crucial. Anyone objecting to masturbation will probably do it on the basis of a moral opposition to self-indulgent pleasure, just as anyone objecting to birth control is usually doing it on the basis of a moral opposition to its (supposed) effect on society and public morality. Because these are very religious attitudes, there's going to be some overlap between the positions and the people who hold them. But the logic of the pro-life argument is different and based on different principles.

TLDR; the answer is no.
So, to sum it all up, people who are against it, 99% of the time it's because of moral and religious convictions and not the principle that one who partakes in masturbation is destroying a future life? That makes sense. Thanks Sulk!
I honestly couldn't cite any facts, but I know that masturbation is generally healthy. Although it can still increase your risk of getting cancer, just like EVERYTHING EVER
What? I've heard several times that it reduces the risk of cancer.
That's mostly a myth, riomhaire. There isn't much solid evidence.
I was kind of joking.
Although I did hear that in young men at least, frequent masturbation can cause problems down the line.
where does it end? Are we murdering the future if we take the morning after pill, if we wear a condom, if we simply abstain from having sex?

1. Walk up to hot girl
2. "we need to have sex now!"
3. "what?"
I was kind of joking.
Although I did hear that in young men at least, frequent masturbation can cause problems down the line.

What I found while researching that for a friend is that ..

At first they had linked frequent masturbation with reducing your chance of getting prostate cancer.

Then, studies indicated the opposite.

Now, they suspect that men with a stronger sex drive (who naturally masturbate more frequently) are more likely to get prostate cancer. So it may actually have nothing to do with masturbating, but instead with an aggressive sex drive.

But more research is needed because they don't know for certain yet.
Wearing a condom broke the chain of causation

Ive seen cats and dogs play with their balls... and if they're allowed to... why the **** wouldn't i be.
*drops pants*

i came into a trash can last night...i forgot to prep for my adventure and seconds before the finale i scrambled to find something besides my chest to place my little men. Then it came to me...TRASH CAN. Never had an easier clean up.

So he's stating the obvious for absolutely no rea- oh, it's barbarbar ok.