Is metal becoming unpopular?

Metal is by no means dying. In fact its reviving, if anything. When I went to Big Day Out, Trivium, Muse and Tool received INCREDIBLE reception from everyone, including myself.
My like in Metal is precise: Tool.

I can't say I listen to any other "metal"-like genre. I can't stand most metal. The headache-inducing, non-stop guitar is obnoxious as well as the screaming. What the hell; calm down and stop screaming.
I know quite a bit of socially normal people who love their metal. 'Nuff said.
I'm socially normal. i like metal. and i get treated like shit for listening too it. :| i seriously don't know what's up, oh well probably just kids at my school , mainstream metal is not my type of metal... its just too ... repetitive for me i guess
I can't say I listen to any other "metal"-like genre. I can't stand most metal. The headache-inducing, non-stop guitar is obnoxious as well as the screaming. What the hell; calm down and stop screaming.

It's when people say things like this I just find it hilarious. Do people even try a decent search when looking into particular genres? There are hundreds if not thousands of metal bands that don't have 'screaming'...

Metal itself has never meant to be mainstream, I think sea summed it up pretty well again.
Metal has definitely started to see a comeback with bands like Avenged Sevenfold, In Flames and whatnot becoming more popular every day. It's getting more and more airtime on MTV, and the Internet has made it easy for people to find information on even the most extreme and obscure of bands (just do a Google search on Ildjarn, Xasthur or The Lord Weird Slough Feg). I know that if it wasn't for the Internet, I'd still be listening to Nickelback and whatever else is popular in the mainstream of rock these days.

To say that metal fans are socially awkward is a little bit of a strange statement. Sure, the stereotype is that of a highly introverted and anti-social white male with long hair who wears leather and ripped jeans, but most metal fans simply don't fit this image at all. The people who do dress this way really do live for their music, but they make sacrifices by doing so - people are less likely to approach them in social situations, or take them seriously when they go in for a job interview. Plus, keeping long hair healthy does take more work than most guys want to put out.

I suppose you could say I fit the metal stereotype in some ways: I have long hair, I am relatively introverted most of the time, and am not the best person when it comes to approaching others, especially those I don't know, though I'm certainly not a social outcast. And yet, nobody has once called me up on it. I don't feel like it's my music that is limiting me or making me the way I am. I have always been this way; the fact that the music I listen to reflects some of the traits I have means nothing save that there are other people out there who think like I do.

I suppose that liking metal is socially acceptable among metalheads, and most people these days seem to be fairly tolerant of it, even if they don't like it themselves. I mean, your grandparents aren't likely going to be overly enthusiastic about it, but I doubt they're into trance or rap or whatever either. The most important thing I can say here is that you really cannot judge music by its fans, or the fans by their music. No matter where you go, you will find people of all types, and while metal may attract certain personality stereotypes you don't see as much elsewhere, those people are still in a very small minority.

i have a very wide music taste and dont listen much to metal at all, but i think pantera, overkill, slayer, and some modern bands like fear factory and avenged sevenfold are really good. anything nonformulaic like tool are particularly awesome
Avenged Sevenfold


Evily poor wannabe 'metal' band
Not a chance--just next week, in fact, I am going to see Destruction, Sadus and Municipal Waste in Philly. Does the lineup get much more metal???

\m/ \m/:bounce:
Not a chance--just next week, in fact, I am going to see Destruction, Sadus and Municipal Waste in Philly. Does the lineup get much more metal???

\m/ \m/:bounce:

I'm seeing Municipal Waste and The Haunted in May I think. Dates just got posted today. :D :D :D 3rd time for the Waste, 4th for The Haunted.
I've just started getting into metal within the last couple months... very good stuff
Metal sucks. That simple. Heavy Metal = Stop SCREAMING.

Rock = God.
Yeah, any Scream music sucks. I love metal, as long as noone is screaming!
The 'hardest' metal i listen to is NIN, simply because songs like Closer, You Know What You Are, The Perfect Drug and The Hand That Feeds are songs.

Personally i prefer rock from the likes of Incubus and Lostprophets (but hell, even they go 'hardcore' sometimes).
Metal sucks. That simple. Heavy Metal = Stop SCREAMING.

Rock = God.

My god, have you read this thread? Not all heavy metal is screaming, that is more often Death Metal

Metallica - non screaming
Maiden - non screaming
Mastodon - non screaming (bit proggy)
Machine Head and Fear Factory - mix sscreaming/singing
In Flames - fair bit of singing
Lamb of God - deep gravelly voice
Bodom - mix of Flames/God
Rob Zombie - non screaming
excuse me wtf r u doin


I meant "Metal" bands formed from around 93 and on. Pantera was started in 81, and continued to make good metal through the 90s.

Sorry, my post was kind of skewed, I blame the alcohol.
Some of their tracks are industrial metal :P

Head Like A Hole (live), Terrible Lie (live), Wish, Last, Happiness in Slavery, Gave Up, Mr Self Destruct, Heresy, March of the Pigs, Ruiner, Big Man With A Gun, Eraser, Reptile, Downward Spiral (at the end), Somewhat Damaged, Star****ers Inc, You Know What You Are, Hand That Feeds, etc
I've never been a huge fan, fool.

much better music out there.
Well look, I don't like metal because I find it cheezy. Most of the singing is one of two extremes: overly agressive and angry or far high-pitched. Metal lyrics seem entirely unimaginative to me, and the technique, while technically difficult is just so overblown as to be gaudy. I'm sorry, but whenever I hear a double bass lick or a 5-measure guitar solo consiting of three notes played very fast I just shut it off.