Is my cpu too hot?


Sep 13, 2003
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just got my new system back today and I have a thermaltake xaser 3 case and a P4 2.8GHz C 800MHz FSB with stock heatsink/fan. The BIOS on my motherboard (ASUS P4C800) is reading the temprature at over 65C, whereas the "hardcano" LCD screen linked by probes to my CPU is reading in the high 30Cs to low 40Cs when idle. I dont know what is going on, I`m sure that 60C is very hot for a P4. Plus, when I play games, it can also shoot up to 60C on the LCD screen on my case. I was wondering what temperatures I should be getting with this processor when its not overclocked, plus my case has 7 fans in it too. Right now, the LCD screen reads at 33.7C whilst im just typing this and browsing webpages. Also, the probes are not in direct contact with the CPU, so it might not be giving a completely exact reading, but close enough.

Any suggestions? Is my heatsink not cooling properly? How can my bios be wrong? What is the maximum operating temperature for this CPU?

I have a xaser 3 case with a temerature reader on it. The BIOS read the CPU temperature at -24C earlier, as for motherboard monitor 5, it read -124C! I honestly dont know what is going on. I had a shop build this PC and I`m sure they done a good job. I used the retail CPU fan that came with the 2.4 P4.
I unclipped the cpu fan clips but I couldnt get the fan and heatsink out of the mobo, but i managed to pull the probe wire out slightly, so now its just in between the heatsink and fan. I think it was in between the cpu thermal pad and the top of the cpu before. Now in my bios, I get 47C when I`ve just booted up. Mobo monitor is now saying I`m getting 35C whilst I`m web browsing. I still think 35C for Idle is too hot, plus 47C should be way too hot for a BIOS reading.
What do you think?
Odd... What I can say is that if it is 65 degrees, its way to hot. You shouldnt be over 50. The rest I cant give any help on.

Edit: In response for the above you posted after this: It sounds a little better. I havent checked the temp, but I know mine runs at about 45C (never seen above it at least) (a 2400+).
Plus, intel p4s are usually cooler running than the athlons...
I had an athlon 2700+ XP and it ran upto 67C in the summer, thats at its absolute hottest, but usually at around 55C.
I dont know why the temperatures were shooting straight up that high when I was playing a game, but they dropped right back down after I had left the game.
It seems like it would be the CPU fan isnt functioning properly, but I`m using bios defaults, and it spins at around 2700 RPM....
My Athlon XP 2200+ is about 51C in idle and while playing only raises a little bit, max 55C and I have the heatsink that came with boxed version of processor.
Is there anyone with an ASUS P4C800 board, that can tell me how to speed up the fan? Also, would a better fan and arctic silver solve this, or will it merely reduce heat a little?
My P4C800 3ghz is running at 31 degrees idle and intense games goes up to about 44-47, highest i have ever seen it is 52 in August during an intense game of Battlefield. I hav a Zalman Cu7000 fan as well.
hmm, in mobo monitor 5, it says around 31C idle, but I dont think this is accurate. Plus, it jumps rapidly higher when haming. Still, I think I should be safe.
The thing I dont understand is, I went from a Jetway mobo (peice of crap) with a 2700+ XP to an ASUS P4C800 with a 2.8GHz 800FSB and RAM now in dual channel and I`m not getting a better performance! Is the 2700+ XP faster than a 2.8 GHz 800FSB P4?
Also, I`ve been using a 300 or 350W PSU, could it be that my computer isnt getting enough power, and is running slower than it should? or does PSU not affect performance?
I know mine idles around 38C which I guess is a little high, but it's not that big of a deal. It's a P4 1.8 not overclocked. Stock heatsink and fan.
38C is good...
Id say anything 42 and below is good for Idle in my opinion.
If I hit 50C load though then I'd want to change my cooling setup just because thats me. Nothing wrong with 50C.

Unreal, get a monitor program and see what it says for temps.
Si sandra I believe can tell you temps as does motherboard monitor (but you have to set it up).

Athlon XP's doesn't have a heatspreader so they cant get rid of heat as quickly as CPUs with heatspreaders (P4,Athlon64/Opteron).
Although they actually give off less heat than the P4 and consume less (i think).

My Athlon XP is at 35C idle right now and goes to 38C Load in game (most resently in Call of Duty demo 1280x960). Only a 2200-2500RPM 80mm fan on there but with a Thermalright SLK800U. :)
Thanks for the reply, I`m using ASUS pc probe utility that came with the mobo and it says right now its 36C. In games it gets around 50C MAX. I think pulling that thermaltake probe from the CPU helped it.
Oh, and dis, change your avartar, thats disturbing.
Hmm if you wan't better temps i would suggest throwing away that thermal pad, because they're just crap and switching it for some Arctic Silver III or if your brave try the new one, i think its called Arctic Silver V(as in 5).
The BIOS hardware monitor (on ASUS boards) is completely inaccurate when it comes to temperature reading. Ignore it and use tools like Asus PC-Probe to view cpu idle and full-load temperatures.
And that ain't 100% accurate either, the most accurate temp readings comes from a probe beside the core. But that on the otherhand might make the heatsink rise a little bit, cause temps to rise aswell :/.
Originally posted by Pobz
Ignore it and use tools like Asus PC-Probe to view cpu idle and full-load temperatures.
Originally posted by Unreal
I`m using ASUS pc probe utility that came with the mobo and it says right now its 36C.
Yeah, pobz that was a bit of a contradiction, considering the PC probe or any utility to monitor temps, get their readings from a thermal reader on the mobo.
wtf?? My athlon XP 2800+ runs at 35c idle and 38c underload. You guys are whack, 40c and below is low. Who ever says pentirums run cooler than athlons can come and see my pc.
Ive got my oced xp 1700 at 27c :p 31 load, but thats using water cooling.
my overclocked 2600+ hits about 57c under load...........and i have plenty of cooling......and a good cpu fan..
My overclocked 2500+ is 42-46ºC idle (depending on room temp), about 51 under load
Yeah but what Heatsink/fan and what's the abient/case temp?...
Increased voltage?
My vol11 sucked. Was loud as ever and couldnt get much below 42C yet it was a copper cooler. The fins arn't mounted the best though.
My Thermalright SLK800U (cheap 2400RPM LED fan) I can hit 34C idle yet the highest it has been is 38C load. That's in the same system that my vol11 was in. Some cooling solutions are just designed poorly and usually are cheap.
If you're asking me, Asus, I'm running my 2500+ at 14x166 with a Vantec Aeroflow..

The stock HSF sucked horribly for me, my temps were in the 60s, for whatever reason, so I HAD to get rid of it..
I have a friend who has the Vol11, and his temps suck, I have a Vol7 for my XP 1700+, and it's as loud as a jet engine (well, lol, not THAT loud)
I have a Vantec aeroflow and its great....34-35c idle and 37-38c underload like i said before.
my 2700+(at stock) runs at 57c when idle...


it's always run this hot though and i've had no probs

edit: case running at 40c... anything i should do?
Originally posted by pHATE1982
my 2700+(at stock) runs at 57c when idle...


it's always run this hot though and i've had no probs

edit: case running at 40c... anything i should do?

57º C is very hot for idle temps.. how many case fans do you have? And is your heatsink properly seated on the CPU?
Just the one case fan, but i often have the entire side of the case off.

The heatsink is properly seated yeah. When i touch the heatsink it is warm, rather than hot...

edit: my mobo came with pc alert aswell... that always shows the temps a bit lower. Plus it has this random "coolerXP" mini program that drops temps down to about 51c
After fitting a new fan and heatsink (the stock ones were laughable) Ive got my temps down from 66 idle 71 load, to 58 idle 63 load. Bearing in mind that it is a micro atx case with no fans, i think this is quite good. I will cut holes in the sidepannels and fit a brace of 80mm's. should be seeing 30-40 then.
sod it... i'll start to worry when it hits 85c

thats when they start to break according to AMD :)
I use Fuzzy Logic 4 for my OCing and i have a temp of 38-42C when at 2.4 but when i hit turbo it goes to 40-46C at 2.7 Probibly is safe to use at 2.7 but I dont because 2.4 is fast enough for me :) (at least right now)
i'm runnin a 3200+ w/an alpha heatsink and i forget what kind of fan but i get around 34-36 idle and 38 when playin games....

and not oc'd.... yet