Is portal gun The Project?


Aug 24, 2006
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It's just a theory: They (Black Mesa?) were developing portal gun in some arctic base before the combine invasion. Then the portal storms and the invasion began and the project abandoned. Later, in EpOne resistance send Judith to check the incomplete project and how much damage that can do if it was discovered by Combine (because portal gun is based on local teleport technology which Combine don't know yet). Gordon or resistance will find portal gun and we will play with it in Ep 3 if Valve gets good feedback from portal, otherwise they will never find the gun and it won't be included in future HL games.

I'm sure there are too many stupid things in this theory, and I'm sure you'll give me a hundred reasons to prove why it can not be. Still, it's fun to think about HL :)
1: Aperture seems to be a completly differnet place/organization to BM.
2: I doubt we'll see the portal gun outside of Portal or at least not in the 3 episodes.
well, it 100% is Black Mesa Facility. Valve have said that Portal takes place in HL2 universe, and according to "the cake is a lie" right AFTER gordon was put into statis (OHL) Originale Half-life.
I personally don't see how. I mean, if it is the project then it isn't something for them to get excited about. In HL2 they had just, after about 15 years, just put together a working teleport that goes back and forth between bases. Just.

The project is something they built, then abandoned, during the 2 decades of Combine rule. It has to be, and it needs to be something to stop the Combine from coming to Earth. A portal gun would not benefit the resistance IMO. It'd need to be mass produced and it wouldn't work in a singleplayer game, at all.
1: Aperture seems to be a completly differnet place/organization to BM.
2: I doubt we'll see the portal gun outside of Portal or at least not in the 3 episodes.

Actually I remember reading about Portal, and apparantly if they do get good feedback from it it will be used in future Half-Life game, but yeah, not in the episodes.
I would love to have a portal gun in HL3 or something, imagine there are some zombies or w/e on the other side of the wall and you know they are there, you just open up a portal right behind them and lob a grenade or two in the portal, close the portal and as they tur- BOOMSPLOSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It would be a perfect weapon for perfect pwnage, but to make sure the game isnt too easy, they should make it battery powered and you would have to find seperate batteries for your HEV suit and the portal gun. Tis a good idea.....................DO IT VALVE GODDAMN YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I personally don't see how. I mean, if it is the project then it isn't something for them to get excited about. In HL2 they had just, after about 15 years, just put together a working teleport that goes back and forth between bases. Just.
I'm not addressing whether it's the "project" or not in HL2, but about the Portal gun itself. My understanding is that the portals the gun creates are located in close proximity to each other correct? I"m just going by the one video I've seen before and it didn't seem like you were teleported more than a room away. So I was thinking this could very well be a prototype of their local teleportation technology. Relatively speaking it wouldn't take as much power or energy to teleport things upto a certain size and only a few meters away. Where as putting machines together that are in Kleiner's and Eli's lab would've taken a lot longer. But this is kind of based on the assumption that Portal takes place in the timeframe most seem to agree upon (after BM).
Maybe Portal happens about 8 decades after the liberation of Earth from the Combine,maybe Valve got tired of goin near or behind the timeline of the Combine's reign of Earth, maybe ApertureScience corp. developed smaller teleportation technology which required less power and allowed creation of the portal guns
well, it 100% is Black Mesa Facility. Valve have said that Portal takes place in HL2 universe, and according to "the cake is a lie" right AFTER gordon was put into statis (OHL) Originale Half-life.

That doesn't mean it's in Black Mesa. Just because it's in the same universe doesn't mean it's in the same location.

Half-Life 2 is in the same universe as Half-Life, but it takes place in eastern europe (whereas Half-Life was in New Mexico)
Well, it says 1982 Apetrue Science on
That guys mentions twenty years old.
So 2002 is when Portal happens, and HL1 is in 2003 according to RtB...So it happens a year before :O
Well, it says 1982 Apetrue Science on
That guys mentions twenty years old.
So 2002 is when Portal happens, and HL1 is in 2003 according to RtB...So it happens a year before :O
Christ do you understand how people talk at all? If you where talking about 21 year old technology you would probably just say 20 year old because people like to round things off. Also, the 2003 date has never been confirmed.
Christ do you understand how people talk at all? If you where talking about 21 year old technology you would probably just say 20 year old because people like to round things off.

Thankyou! At last someone said it!
Christ do you understand how people talk at all? If you where talking about 21 year old technology you would probably just say 20 year old because people like to round things off. Also, the 2003 date has never been confirmed.

Valve even gets the satisfaction of creating ambiguity over how old stuff is. Gotta love 'em.
Well, it says 1982 Apetrue Science on
That guys mentions twenty years old.
So 2002 is when Portal happens, and HL1 is in 2003 according to RtB...So it happens a year before :O

I think it just refers to the date the operating software was made (just like DOS). It doesn't necessarily mean that the current date is that. I just looked it up, the first version of MS-DOS was made in 1982. :)
I think it just refers to the date the operating software was made (just like DOS). It doesn't necessarily mean that the current date is that. I just looked it up, the first version of MS-DOS was made in 1982. :)

So we're talking about 24 year old equipment. It would be more appropriate to round it off to 25.
Oh, I reliased I forgot about combine-like technology used in Portal. That complicate things. And if portal happens in 2000s that complicates things even more. That may, maybe, imply someone (Breen?) was in contact with Combine somehow before the invasion, developing portal gun under their supervision. With doesn't make sense at all.

And maybe resistance isn't looking for The Project to use it, but to prevent Combine from finding it.
Well I guess I was way off then......It had to be around about the time of Black Mesa before the Combine came to Earth, unless the Combine took no notice of Antarctica whatsoever and a corporation was able to work there developing technology based on the current teleport technology that was available without being disturbed or even suspected by the Combine. If not those two then I'd say after Combine reign. Some of you may refer to Judith Mossman talking about the project, there's no confirmation or hints that it has anything to do with EP1, even though it is the most possible tie in with Portal and the HL universe
With the portal gun and the dangerous obstacle course in Portal, I've started to have this odd idea that the HalfLife Universe ties in with the Cube Universe
Oh god... let's not talk about that movie. Wait. A game like that would be awesome, but you have to have NPCs trying to get out too. Then you can watch them die horribly. Muahaha.
I don't think we'll ever see the Portal gun in a singleplayer adventure. It just wouldn't work, or at least be a nightmare to design. An absolute nightmare.

"Uh oh gordan, the bridge is out! Youll have to go through a zombie and trap infested detour to get acr- hey! Stupid Gordan and his fancy portals"
Considering that the turrets fire the same energy rounds as the combine turrets and safety of personel is not a high concern, it would seem like the combine are trying to test out portal tech.

Remember the combine doesn't have to do everything through the use of the overwatch and synths. They operate on the civilian level too, probably working on all sorts of crazy projects just like apeturescience thing.

It seems to me that the rebels are trying to steal it from Kraken base before the combine can finish making it work.
Marc Laidlaw says something like "portal fills in the blanks in HL story" and I also read about how "a few retroactive references may pop up in Episode 1", I feel more and more like my theory may be accurate. Is there any other way than The Project that may be connected with Portal in EpONe?
It could be that the project was never abandoned and that it didn't start during black mesa. Considering how you are told that "you will be missed" after testing is done, yet Laidlaw implies that we will be seeing more of Portal girl int he future, it makes me think that she is rescued at the end of portal. So I think that what we can expect to see is that at the end of portal, the rebels finally bust into the Portal testing ground to retreive the portal tech and your character ends up joining them.
One thing is for sure, the ApertureScience Enrichment Center is not affiliated with any Earth Resistance groups. Neither does Aperture Labatoires seem to be an Universial Union entity; Combine architecture would have profilated in the Enrichment Center if it was. However it does seem this organization is able to reverse-engineer Combine technology for their own purposes (like the Dark Energy orbs and the redesigned turrets), and even able to improve on it (as the Portal Gun's teleportation process most closely resembles that of the Combine's rather than those developed by Earth scientists).

At rate, the only possible existing candidate for ApertureScience's affiliation is some branch of the faction controled by G-Man's employers. However these chaps could merely be some other intradimensional company that decided to set up shop on Earth and might possibly be rivals to the G-Man's employers.
i dont know about shit... i just know that i do what Gordon to have the portal gun some where along the line... or a mod would be nice too...
What Black op was saying seems plausible, or it could be that valve just got lazy with ideas and decided to build a similar looking turret. Thats about as far as the similarities go.

The thread has found out a few things about the backstory of Portal, it would seem that particular idea Black Op doesnt really mesh with whats been divulged by Valve themselves.
I think (IF ever introduced into the hl series) that the portal gun will only work in a controlled laboratory environment. Or in a barnicle-gun-way. It won't ever work in "the wild". It would just wreck all gameplay logic we're used to.
I think (IF ever introduced into the hl series) that the portal gun will only work in a controlled laboratory environment. Or in a barnicle-gun-way. It won't ever work in "the wild". It would just wreck all gameplay logic we're used to.

But that's what the portal gun is all about- wrecking all gameplay logic we're used to. ;)