Is Star Trek dead?


Oct 3, 2003
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So few dreamers in the world today. Too much introspection with myspace, internets, reality shows, orange county... nobody is looking outward anymore. As such Enterprise died and the franchise looks quite dead and stagnant.

It seems to irrelevant to the modern generation. If i tell anyone i like star trek they'll laugh. Even now there are forum posters/lurkers laughing at the very concept of star trek. GTFO :)

These same people will then go and watch a million CSI spinoffs. Just watch the news for 5 minutes to get your daily dose of horror and terror. It doesn't need to be created for art!

J.J. Abrahams is penning a script for a new Star Trek movie. It's supposed to be a reboot of the star trek franchise detailing Kirk's involvement at the academy with spock I believe.
Somehow two grown men fit into the crook of the two biggest branches, and although we are comfortable we've got all our limbs wrapped around each other to keep from falling down. The rich fragrance of nature merges with the scent of Spock's skin and hair, and I inhale deeply and leisurely. The position excites me, and my arousal strains against my pants.

Nope. Bethesda Softworks (Oblivion) is working on a new game...and they just recorded William Shatner for voicework!!! Nice move that--the guy rules. :thumbs:

All of this attention means that is still alive and very well.
Nope. Bethesda Softworks (Oblivion) is working on a new game...and they just recorded William Shatner for voicework!!! Nice move that--the guy rules. :thumbs:

All of this attention means that is still alive and very well.

Seriously? You got links?
star trek always kind of sucked, but imagination is far from gone
Yeah, I never really got into the whole Star Trek phase. I watched a movie or two, tried watching the show, and overall it just felt kinda "meh." Star Wars FTW.
star wars sucks ass :)

star trek was best during the Next Generation series and the originals of course
:O tsk tsk

it's a western in space perhaps comparable to the original star trek series ...Kirk would kick their asses anyways...double-fisted hammer punch/judo chop/flying feet of death to the chest ftw
PSH. He might've been able to give em a fight 30 years ago, but now...well...Kirk wouldn't stand a chance. Quick drawing gun ftw.
I love the original series and Next Generation, but the newer ones are just meh...
you forget Kirk was also TJ Hooker


a mean double hook and baton-pwning ability ftw

AND a gun slinger

Firefly > Star Wars > Star Trek Original Series > Star Trek TNG > Star Wars 2nd Trilogy > All other Star Trek
Star Wars isn't as good as Star Trek, yet both are still massively overhyped.

Right now, Star Trek is merely getting the level of hype its current content deserves: next to nil.
Star Trek at its best was great, but the overall hit-to-miss ratio of the four serieses and ten movies is a berjillion times higher than even Lucas' "2-out-of-6-ain't-bad" crap spree.
I prefer Star Wars, however, I watch Star Trek if there is nothing else on. When I'm not on the PC. When I'm really bored. Really.
I see nothing good about firefly. And besides, you can't compare the two, they're entirely different genres. Firefly is about cowboys cruising around in rusty metal cans and star trek is about philosophical europeans cruising around in shiny metal cans.
It's practically the same genre. Science Fiction western. Firefly focused more on the western aspect, Star Trek on the science fiction. And Firefly was just as philosophical as Star Trek, please. Did you even see the final episode? They reference and quote one of Sartre's books throughout the entire episode. And the other episodes dealt plenty with the characters and their own philosophies. If it had lasted longer, we would've seen much more of that. But alas, Babylon.
but alas, I only watched the first episode, was unimpressed by it, and stopped watching it. The characthers just didn't seem...spacey enough. I just didn't like them. I dont know, it was a long time since I watched it.

EDIT: who the hell wears silk dresses in space?

granted, this stuff doesn't look much better
Once again, the show focused on the western aspect unlike Star Trek. She's a companion or "legal whore." A buddhist legal whore. She always wore extravagant things, that's who her character was. Perhaps this is why you didn't like it? You want more "space," the characters were more "western."

And I can't see your last image...someone's stealing bandwith ;)
but alas, I only watched the first episode, was unimpressed by it, and stopped watching it. The characthers just didn't seem...spacey enough. I just didn't like them. I dont know, it was a long time since I watched it.
Spacey enough? Re-route all auxilliary power to the engines we're attempting a transwarp jump!!!!

Captain Malcolm Reynolds isn't about that. He's all about giving the finger to the man and living on the edge.

You know, not altogether...wise to sneak up on a fella when he's handling his weapon.
Mechagodzilla said:
Star Wars isn't as good as Star Trek, yet both are still massively overhyped.
Truth. The good things about Star Trek were Captain Picard and the First Contact film. Beyond that, I can't really muster up any interest in it.
He owns one but never used it in the season. The gun he does use is meant to look like a futuristic one to evoke that western feel. Most of the weapons are just updated models of current ones. Laser guns are few and far between. Some people do have weapons currently available.
Star Wars isn't as good as Star Trek, yet both are still massively overhyped.


Star wars is far better than Star Trek. The best thing about star wars though, is the extended universe as defined by the books and the pen and paper roleplaying game.

THAT'S where the beauty of star wars lies.
star wars is a mindnumblingly generic good vs evil melodrama masquerading as science fiction ..the first 2 were best of the bunch but after the subsequent movies it's painfully obvious the first 2 were probably more of a fluke than anything else lucas has more money than talent
star wars is a mindnumblingly generic good vs evil melodrama masquerading as science fiction ..the first 2 were best of the bunch but after the subsequent movies it's painfully obvious the first 2 were probably more of a fluke than anything else lucas has more money than talent

It can be said that star trek is mind numbingly preachy in all the shit that the federation does <chuckles>

But still, I don't care for the movies as much as I do the extended universe. Which is infinitely more complex than the movies.

And I don't credit lucas for the extended universe. Seriously though, give the old west end games star wars tabletop rpg books a look, and you'll see how amazing it is.
Is Star Trek dead? Not yet.

Theres still at least 3 more games (Legacy, Tactical Assault and Online) and one movie.

I'm really disappointed about what the movie is going to be, hopefully it will be miles more interesting than the dull original series.

Enterprise (1st and 2nd seasons weren't fantastic, but still entertaining) was just getting better and better throughout seasons 3 and 4 (OK, lets forget the finale), and had the Romulan Wars starting soon. They have the potential to make an amazing film/series based in that time.
To be honest, I always liked scifi series... I never end up watching them though.
I love Star Trek, I'm not a "Trekkie" in that I go around in Star Fleet uniforms and go to Conventions and the like but I enjoy watching the series'. I didn't really watch too much of Enterprise since it didn't really appeal to me but it'd be a shame if there weren't any more spin-offs.

Also Firefly sucks. The movie wasn't that bad though.
I hate Star Trek, I hope it's dead. Star Wars is better, it always was, and always will be.

That's all I have to say on that, now here come the flames and the lecture on how Star Wars wouldn't be, if there wasn't Star Trek. So before I get lectured on that, I have to say 2 things, Lucas said his inspirations didn't come from Star Trek. 2. Im not listening, so it would waste your time.

Ok, done.