Is Steam busy now?


Aug 4, 2003
Reaction score
I can't log in on Steam now and when I try to it uses 100% of the CPU, which isn't normal!?
My friend can't create his user neither?
What the hell is wrong with this piece of shit... it worked perfectly earlier this day, but now - nothing!
Yes, this sucks, I just logged off automatically. Gotta wait till tomorrow I guess.
I also have this problem. I type in my password and click login and it just sits there...doing nothing. Anyone know how to solve it? Steam is the biggest piece of crap ever. I absoloutely hate it.
Ive had the damn game for five hours now and still not seen a friggen thing wtfs going on !!!!!!
same here. if valve continues to use this steam crap ill never get another valve game again. you shouldnt have to jump threw hoops to play a game that you PAYED for.

**** this, im going to play halo 2.
I've got the same problem, really sucks, so freakin stupid.
Many, many people are having the same problem. I'm amazed I even managed to get in there earlier and authenticate. Fat lotta good that did tho as I can't play it any more than you can now anyway...

Yes, you're absolutely right about it being a piece of shit.
i can only hope a no steam crack comes out. normally i dont condone that kinda thing, but after this bullshit i think its deserverd.
I say we go get ourselves some crowbars and take those men in suits at valve down a peg! Stick it to the man huh?

...that or b*tch and whine untill we can get some of the goodness that is HL2.
Its great when a security device used to, i presume stop copies being played, stops you from playing you own original damn game. Thats a bit too damn secure for me. This is stupid, unproffessional and just plain wrong.
If they were better prrepared for the flow of gamers trying to play then there would be no problem, I think Steam is a great idea just improperly executed.
Can't login in, so I think ok I'll play offline seeing as I authenticated HL2 earlier. BUT NO, now because I can't login, it won't save my password on my machine and tells me I can't play at all until I login in again online!

how do youy play without steam? i authenticated it on my dads laptop, but it has the dreaded shader bug that is commen in the 9600 mobility , and im trying to play it on my own computer, so i drug the steam folder to my harddrive over the network. is there a way to run hl2 without steam running?
**** Steam ..vavle Is A Big Ass Company And Cant Even Have Enuff Bandwith Or Whatever U Let People Register Wtfffffffffffff Uy!)(%*&()_+!%(m)_%!*)(!() !%*)m!&*))!(*!)_$ib()u*$iv{ "v}
I Hate U P!"}!$ )(y$(u !ip_{$*( !) **** &*!^($*)($!_ )pvale&!$(*$()$_and Steam@&*$@()$@_$
**** Steam ..vavle Is A Big Ass Company And Cant Even Have Enuff Bandwith Or Whatever U Let People Register Wtfffffffffffff Uy!)(%*&()_+!%(m)_%!*)(!() !%*)m!&*))!(*!)_$ib()u*$iv{ "v}
I Hate U P!"}!$ )(y$(u !ip_{$*( !) **** &*!^($*)($!_ )pvale&!$(*$()$_and Steam@&*$@()$@_$
This is bullshit. I thought Microsoft activation was bad, but this is just awful. Thanks for screwing your loyal customers, Valve.
i get a differnt error everytime i try and creat an job valve
"Failed to find MasterAuth Server"
"Connection refused"

wow i bought the game NOW so i could play it NOW .... WTF>!&^$!($&*)$_$!+$!
It took me an HOUR to create a steam account. I'm extremely frustrated, and against my better judgement sent a message to Mr. Newell asking him to 'make the call' (activating 7gbits more bandwidth). is extremely busy, too.
I just wanna play Cant register with Steam. It took 1 ****ing hour just to create a Steam account, and now it is hung at the cd key window.....AARGGG frustration. This whole thing is BUNK. is clagged tooo.. ARRRGGGG