Is that Duck Tape?!

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yo woadies. i woulda cum sooner but tha mods jacked up mah account. i had to make a nutha 1.

yea woadies i can confirm, that tape is dayam ghetto. i dunno bout ghettofab cos she aint iced up or got any bling. more like a hood rat.
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeees Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!!!!!! Make Another Thread Fab!!!!!!
please.. please dear god G-Fab, can you 'ice her up' for us?? we will love on you if you do :)
well basically this is what would have ta happen b4 anyone might consider her ghettofabulous. she gots that ice now and she gots her pimp, and there be thugs in tha backround puttin it down so that u no u really are in tha ghetto.

yea this is ghetto fabulous here.


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Six Three said:
Yeah, I know, I just call it "Duck Tape" cause saying Duc then slowing down to add a "t" is to slow. DUCT TAPE!! HARHAR

Duck Tape is a specific brand of duct tape. :P (Good brand too -- not that cheap stuff that doesn't work.)
G-Fabulous said:
well basically this is what would have ta happen b4 anyone might consider her ghettofabulous. she gots that ice now and she gots her pimp, and there be thugs in tha backround puttin it down so that u no u really are in tha ghetto.

yea this is ghetto fabulous here.

Damn, Alyx is pimpin' :E
I think she has duc-T tape cuz HL2 is kind of set in THE MIDDLE OF AN ALIEN WAR and you cant really get new clothes in a war so she patched her sweater up so that it wouldnt fall apart while she's fighting and you know... hehehehe....
Nah, he's mad because she patched her sweater... hah... oh well... there's always mods WaterMelon... there's always mods...

Nice signature color, by the way. :)
When I saw the Duct Tape all I could say was, "WHAT THE F*CK!"
G-Fabulous said:
yo woadies. i woulda cum sooner but tha mods jacked up mah account. i had to make a nutha 1.

Pressure said:
When I saw the Duct Tape all I could say was, "WHAT THE F*CK!"

Hey you never know, maybe in like 20 years people are gonna be lookin at the clothes we're wearing rite now and be like :eek:
Another ghetto lost... 'tis a sad night... but not too sad... plus we have medication for these types of things don't we? :rolling:
ugh.. with the banning of G-Fab, for what reasons who knows, i think i may start fadding away from these forums.. you never know, but it's starting to feel mighty sterile around here. not a place i feel so welcome sometimes.. oh well..
Lil' Timmy said:
ugh.. with the banning of G-Fab, for what reasons who knows, i think i may start fadding away from these forums.. you never know, but it's starting to feel mighty sterile around here. not a place i feel so welcome sometimes.. oh well..

He's come back for a third time. I'm sure the mods had a reason for his removal, a few of his posts were pure spam, and most involved alot of vulgaraties.
ok boys and girls... "duct tape" ironically not something you want to use on air ducts(thats where it gets its name)....because it doesn't take heat well. for that you want an adhesive foil tape.

Its works well for about anything else though. and will work on ducting if thats all you have or can afford.

And now-a-days....... there actually is "duck-tape" manufacturers figure thats what every calls it so some have changed the name, so it not hard to find real "duck-tape" ...but its the same as "duct-tape"

confused yet?
Geez i cant believe im not banned already... i guess im smart.

ok, but why do you people think she used duct-tape and not other tape? like scotch tape *AHAHAHA*?
another classic image of Alyx by G-Fab :laugh:

i don't know what hes done this time to get banned.. but damn.. some times i wish he could just avoid getting banned.. cause every time he posts an image.. omg hahaha :laugh:

oh well.. :|
some stuff from an old school project (as if any of you will read it):

The Many Uses of Duct Tape

In over half a decade since its invention, duct tape has been used for a variety of things. Originally, it was used as it was designed: to seal ducts. Soon the military began using it to keep ammo boxes dry. As it caught on with civilians, many new and novel uses were discovered. Besides the typical repair jobs, people have used duct tape for such things as pranks, clothing, cheaply made items, wart removers, and as a last resort against bioterrorism. Every year, the Duck Tape Company offers a scholarship for a couple to wear a duct tape tuxedo and dress to prom. NASA has even used it on more than one occasion. Flaps were built over the lunar rovers back tires from duct tape and cardboard to keep the billowing dust away from the driver. Also, the astronauts on the space station built a table out of duct tape and refuse. Duct tape’s versatility allows literally anything to be made from it.

Historians are unsure of the true origins of duct (duck) tape. They claim from as early as 1920 to as late as the second world war as the date for the invention of this miracle product. Even the origin of the name, or for that matter which name is correct, is debated. Some say that “duct” tape was invented to seal ducts by combining multiple layers of adhesive onto a polyethylene compound. Others say “duck” tape was intended to keep ammunition cases dry during World War II and is so named because it repels water like a duck. What is known is that is was used extensively in the war because of its water resistant properties, as well as its strength and ability to be ripped by hand. After the war, the rubber coating was recolored to flat grey and marketed for public use in America’s now booming economy. Other names for duck or duct tape include gaff tape, 100 mile per hour tape, missile tape, and Jesus Tape.
Duct (duck) tape is made of a cotton mesh on one side coated with a polyethylene compound and on the other with a sticky rubber-based substance. The mesh gives the duct (duck) tape strength while allowing it to be easily torn. The Polyethylene backing is flexible, allowing the tape to be applied to irregular surfaces, but still keeps out moisture and abrasion. This is applied to the cotton mesh melted, and then is stored in rolls until the adhesive is applied. The adhesive is different from that of most other tapes in two ways: firstly it is applied in greater amounts, and secondly, the adhesive itself is in fact stronger and longer lasting than most others. To create the duct (duck) tape, the adhesive is first made in a machine called a Branbury-type mixer, in which the bonding agent is heated and spun while the ingredients are added. The rubber elements or the paste are then added in pellet form, while the rest of the compounds are mixed in. The adhesive is then combined with the fabric. The glue is melted, then using high tech rollers, is applied to the cotton mesh, which has already had the polyethylene resin applied to it. At this point the adhesive is merely lying across the surface of the cotton. Another series of sophisticated rollers is then used to put the two together. This process is known as “coating”. After coating and another process known as “calendaring”, the newly made duct (duck) tape is round onto large cardboard rolls about five feet wide and with a radius of approximately one and a half feet. During “slitting” the tape on these rolls is then cut into a smaller size and wound onto smaller cardboard rolls. This is then packaged and shipped for sale.

and thats all you need to know about duct or duck tape
Another use for duct tape is restraining little sisters, with the aid of a handy wall or pole.
I know what we can do with G-Fab when he comes back (and he WILL be back...), we can send him over to Central! He'd get along real well over there! Anyways, im going to watch the binks again to see If I can see more fashionable wear.
Six Three said:
Yeah, I know, I just call it "Duck Tape" cause saying Duc then slowing down to add a "t" is to slow. DUCT TAPE!! HARHAR

Well... it IS Duck Tape! Or rather, the ORIGINAL is Duck Tape. Copyrighted and all. "Duct Tape" is the term used by anyone else making the same thing. Like Velcro is Velcro, and anyone else is "Fabric adhesive".
Poo. I'm all out of Duct Tape....

Oh well, I've got the next two best things.

100 MPH tape and Black electrical tape by 3M(not the cheap imitation electrical tape)
Don't disinter threads, there are enough zombies in the HL universe as it is!
Six Three said:
the stuff you have to chew through?

oh HELL no! u dont chew this shi te its like leather with PVA glue spread on it...

e.g. tuff as shit and taste's terrible..

You will all be askin!... "how does he know?"... simple answer is that I tried to chew through it :o
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