is the AI as good as the proof of concept videos?


Sep 21, 2003
Reaction score

i havent got to play hl2 yet, even thought it was ready to play on my steam account at 8am, im waiting till a replacement for my broken x800 shows up. :(

i am just wondering if the ai is as clever as valve made out in the early binks, which turned out to be scripted. will they soldiers shoot through windows and the kick in blocked doors? what other clever things have ppl seen?

pls try not to give any big spoilers tho :D

having beat the game, I never got a chance to block a door with a piece of furniture. If I had to make the call, I'd say they fell alittle short of what they were promising. But it's not a big deal, combat is still amazingly fun, and who know's, when I play through again on Hard they may be even smarter :)
ive seen some very good only at part 2 though as i am playing it very very my opinion great ai
Recently I fought some combine who had barricaded themselves inside a house, I threw in a grenade and they went out the backdoor...

It depends entirely on your style, if you just rush in and gun em down (That is a tad bit too easy to do IMO) you wont get much time to notice any of there manevurs, but I have noticed that if I run for cover they throw a grenade after me...

I have not tried barricading a door against combine but I slammed a door in the face of a fast zombie once and It went through the roof...
i baricaded a door when a fast zombie was flying about outside.... (u kno just before the elevator)

and smash it came through the roof :(
I havn't had a chance to barricade a door with combine trying to get through yet but so far they have seemed very good. Although like HunterSeeker said, if you just rush them then they won't seem particularily smart. Try and put strategy into your combat and suddenly they seem alot smarter, at least they did to me anyway.
Yeah, the AI is great, almost as good as Farcry's and easily better than DOOM 3's.

Neither have I tried blocking doors or anything, but then again, maybe thats because the friggin' soldiers are chasing me around and I'm too afraid to think correctly! :LOL:
haven't tried barricading doors, but I have had them throw stuff at knock over the crates I was behind. they are smarter then FarCry's I think, but that may just be because of the lack of a radar, which really killed the whole AI corner attacks.

the fast zombies are VERY smart IMHO, maybe just because of how fast they are....
Those fast zombies are scarily mobile, and I actually find large groups of Metrocops quite difficult to clear (I have been playing tactically, and the AI seems to react quite well to it). I've yet to meet any soldiers, but I hear they're slightly smarter, with the Elites being even more so...
I have yet to see a situation like the one shown in the demo reels.
AI isnt as agressive as I thought it would be, but never the less, they are resourceful.
When you throw a nade at the combine they rush just out of range of the blast and cover their ears....that's pretty smart...don't wanna lose your hearing and all.
turner_brown said:
When you throw a nade at the combine they rush just out of range of the blast and cover their ears....that's pretty smart...don't wanna lose your hearing and all.

Woh - enemies avoiding nades, what will these crazy devs think of next ;)
I was on a rooftop.
I could hear enemies (keeping this spoiler free if I can) climbing up to my location. They scared me. (Cus they're freakin' EVIL and I was already hurt ok?!) So I ran inside and shut the door thinking I'd be safe. (These enemies didn't seem to open doors unlike some others.) I heard them banging on the door a few times and I laughed at them. My mistake. There was a skylight I hadn't seen and the climbed up and came jumping through. AI rocks.

(And just look at what you can do when you meet DOG!)