Is The Day After Tomorrow...tomorrow??



Just a quick question...

I know its probably been discussed in some detail before, but does anyone feel that global warming or at least natural climate change may be catching up with us? Ice shelfs collapsing, mudslides in the UK, the worst hurricane season in US history??

I live in the North-East of the UK and we are expecting our coldest winter in over 150 years!! a month worth of below minus degree temperatures. A lot of people say global warming is to blame, and they may be right, but we also shouldn't forget that earth just naturally has an ice age evry 10,000 years or so, and ours may be overdue...

Anyway, I'm probably talkin poo, but hit me back if you wanna, laters!!
Wait, global warming or an ice age, which is it? :rolleyes:

We'll be fine.
I pity da fool who fear global temperatures rising a few degrees.
Raeven0 said:
I pity da fool who fear global temperatures rising a few degrees.
"The study by NASA and the National Snow and Ice Data Centre predicts that at the current rate, the ice cap could disappear completely within 60 years."

What could a few degrees do :p
Ikerous said:
"The study by NASA and the National Snow and Ice Data Centre predicts that at the current rate, the ice cap could disappear completely within 60 years."

What could a few degrees do :p

So tell the people not to build towns in lowlands next time.

Really, if the earth's been around for millions of years, it and its occupants must logically have survived both heat spells and ice ages. The most advanced race on the planet has more to fear in its own capacity for stupidity than in the total submergence of its low-lying cities.

Santa's lab is an unfortunate loss, but I'm sure he'll find work elsewhere. Maybe he could make do in Norway... Should we send evacuation helicopters to save his elves?

Oh, yes, and the penguins... Well, I guess we've gotta save the penguins, too. They can have Siberia.

Look on the bright side. If the ice caps melt, we'll finally be able to reach Atlantis!
lol no...bad weather has been occuring since the beginning of the Earth...sometimes you just get bad seasons.
I agree with Zeus.
This october was the warmest on record (in the UK). There's always climate change and global warming going on. And yes, the ice age is overdue. Shit happens.
150 years isn't a very long time.

Although global warming may have something to do with stuff.
Lawl. First of all it's not the on-coming of an ice age because you know what? We're just getting out of one!!! Normal temperatures (between ice ages) are tropical in most areas of the world.

EDIT: Forgot about second of all...
as i said, i'm probay talkin crap startin this thread anyway!! lol

never mind! i'm obviously not as well educated on the matter as some of you guys, and i do honestly mean that sincerely. i'm probably just too susceptible to media hype!! always have been.
Didn't we have an ice age before? Hasn't the natural temp been rising since? Oh wait...the earth doesn't do things naturally I guess anymore.

Politics forum anyone?
I'm not an idiot to argue with people far beyond my intelligence (read: climatologists), so I'll accept that stuff is changing.
But I also agree with the (seeming) majority of them in that this is a really, really long term process. We're still figuring out what it means.
All of our pollution and stuff adds fractions of percents to global warming, all we need is a few more volcano's to go off and it will happen even faster. Volcano's have added MUCH MUCH more to global warming than any other factor on earth. We've added so little.

The fact is that yes Global Warming is occuring today, but it will be very slow not weeks or a few months. It will happen, there will be another ice age. It will happen soon, soon as in decades to centuries. Day of Tommarow basically shrinks 30 - 100 years into a very short span of time.

Wait, global warming or an ice age, which is it?
Global Warming will cause an Ice Age.
A few ice caps melt and people go nuts. Just think of it this way: nothing CATASTROPHIC will happen during your lifetime, your children's, their children's, or their children's. And plus, by then, you'll be long dead... so who cares?
By the time the natural occurance global warming occurs we should be just about ready to leave the planet.
America does not fear your pathetic weather!

but seriously, do you guys think that the millions of miles of feet deep asphalt we laid down may have something to do with temperature also? It certainly retains heat much longer than dirt.
The amount of asphault we have laid down compared to the rest of the uncovered dirt makes the asphault negligable. The factor in global warming that I see is "green house" gasses released into the atmosphere from vehicles but by a lagre margin mostly volcanos.
I love how people get so afraid of things they don't understand..espicially global warming. If it happens..guess what...we'll adapt. It's not the first time either..just sit back..relax...and watch your skin turn a very dark brown.
Global warming has everything to do with CO2 emissions. When we burn our fuels, CO2 is released into the atmosphere. Due to our consumption of plants and co2 consuming organisms, plus our insanely high CO2 emissions, the Co2 in the atmosphere is building up. This traps the heat from the sun on earth because it enters the atmosphere, reflects off earth, then reflects again off our atmosphere due to higher co2 levels. There is a real cause for concern due to our ever growing population, which in turn requires more land, which in turn requires the destruction of co2 consuming plants. But once were wiped out, there will be so much CO2 in the atmosphere that plants will be able to flourish again and the cycle will start over. The extinction part was my little theory, but the rest is from my college chemstry class. So yeah, global warming is a threat.
Last One In said:
Global warming has everything to do with CO2 emissions. When we burn our fuels, CO2 is released into the atmosphere. Due to our consumption of plants and co2 consuming organisms, plus our insanely high CO2 emissions, the Co2 in the atmosphere is building up. This traps the heat from the sun on earth because it enters the atmosphere, reflects off earth, then reflects again off our atmosphere due to higher co2 levels. There is a real cause for concern due to our ever growing population, which in turn requires more land, which in turn requires the destruction of co2 consuming plants. But once were wiped out, there will be so much CO2 in the atmosphere that plants will be able to flourish again and the cycle will start over. The extinction part was my little theory, but the rest is from my college chemstry class. So yeah, global warming is a threat.
If CO2 is heavier than N, then how does it get in the atmosphere?
(I agrea with you, but i was asked this once and am curious)
Red68 said:
Just a quick question...

I know its probably been discussed in some detail before, but does anyone feel that global warming or at least natural climate change may be catching up with us? Ice shelfs collapsing, mudslides in the UK, the worst hurricane season in US history??

I live in the North-East of the UK and we are expecting our coldest winter in over 150 years!! a month worth of below minus degree temperatures. A lot of people say global warming is to blame, and they may be right, but we also shouldn't forget that earth just naturally has an ice age evry 10,000 years or so, and ours may be overdue...

Anyway, I'm probably talkin poo, but hit me back if you wanna, laters!!

No, humans just can't seem to come to reason that they've put themselves into an artificial enviroment, and eternally doomed themselves.

While the entire human race is freezing to death, animals will be evolving ala natural selection.

We're just too used to our cornucopia cuccoons.

Oh and on global warming, no, people are just being stupid, running around screaming, "AYSUS! GLOBAL WARMING IS HERE!"

/me watches everybody wikipedia "aysus". I love being a flip :)
Hopefully thing turn out for the best and I will be able to build a floating outhouse when the world is flooded.
For many of you europeans, do you even know of "The great conveyer belt?" If you havn't look it up, becuase if it stops your going to have other things on your mind. Like how to grow crops in snow.

Oh and to make things chillier for all you folks. Ice ages don't transistion in and out over thousands of years. They start and end over a period of 3-4 years.

If the Great Conveyor Belt, which includes the Gulf Stream, were to stop flowing today, the result would be sudden and dramatic. Winter would set in for the eastern half of North America and all of Europe and Siberia, and never go away. Within three years, those regions would become uninhabitable and nearly two billion humans would starve, freeze to death, or have to relocate. Civilization as we know it probably couldn't withstand the impact of such a crushing blow.
Kyo said:
For many of you europeans, do you even know of "The great conveyer belt?"

I'm not from Europe, and I know what it is.

Do I get a cookie?
Woudn't volume displacement happen and the sea level not change at all?
sinkoman said:
I'm not from Europe, and I know what it is.

Do I get a cookie?

By the time I got off my lazy arse and mailed it to you I doubt it would taste good anymore. :p
Well, all I remember from the discovery channel is that temperatures right now are pretty cold compared to what the earth usually is like. And soon it will be like..............Aussie world.
I want cold weather! WE JUST GOT DONE WITH 80 degrees! IN NOVEMBER!! D: D: D:

Yeah, it's global warming.

In 60 years, the ice caps melt..I won't care enough ;) Hopefully be dead.
xcellerate said:
America does not fear your pathetic weather!

but seriously, do you guys think that the millions of miles of feet deep asphalt we laid down may have something to do with temperature also? It certainly retains heat much longer than dirt.
There is actually a known phenomenon in which urban areas retain much more heat than rural ones, in part because of this. It can be so marked as to actual affect weather.
I was too lazy to read the thread and just came to say that winter is exesivley freezing in Australia, one night it t'was -1 and in the morning it was too cold to have a shower.
I just went into yahoo, to check the weather... but some retarded Flash advertisement of Harry Potter blocked the icon for Weather.:|

Harry Potter, ****s up the weather!

Today: 81 F Highs to 51 F Lows. WINDY! 15 to 25 mph winds!
If the atmosphere gets warmer, more clouds will form because warm air holds more water. Water in the atmosphere also reflects the sun rays.

So, global warming will correct itself.
I hate the 'oh well, I'll be dead' attitude. Yeah, that's going to be just great for future generations. They'll really appreciate it.
Sulkdodds said:
I hate the 'oh well, I'll be dead' attitude. Yeah, that's going to be just great for future generations. They'll really appreciate it.
Don't be. After all, when they're dead, YOU can go about murdering and raping their children, pissing on their parents graves, destroying their entire reputation and life they used to have. We can do it, they're dead anyway. So they won't care. :hmph:
MiccyNarc said:
If the atmosphere gets warmer, more clouds will form because warm air holds more water. Water in the atmosphere also reflects the sun rays.

So, global warming will correct itself.

I doubt it will just self correct, it'll either get warmer and warmer, an accumulation of the effect, etc, until it's too warm (a positive feedback process), or it'll get warmer, causing clouds to form and the sunlight will be reflected off them, causing the globe to cool (a negative feedback process).

I don't see either of these being particularly great for us in general.

Also, I love Beerdude's reasoning :LOL:
By 60 years time we will be on the moon. Says NASA
We hav a better chance of surviving on Mars but will of-course take longer to terra-form.