Is The Gman Evil?

Is The Gman Evil

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Oct 7, 2008
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Use this thread to argue ove the gman's evilness, although most people would say yes (hopefully)

and preferrably vote on the poll.
I had a dream about the Gman last night. I dreamt I was playing Episode Three last night (with my ex, for some reason). I vaguely remember him being part of a plot to wipe out the earth and was involved with lots of sand, Egyptians, an exam and Jeri Ryan.

But I have to tell you, Episode Three was frickin' awesome!
Evil is a preposterously simplistic term.
that was weird what you said druckles because I remember some guys saying about dreams they had about episode 3 and telling me it was b****cks ?!?!?

not that it will be I, KNOW VALVe wont do that to us!

ps- I cant remember, is swearing against forum rules?
Is bollocks considered a swear word that needs to be bleeped out?

Regarding the poll, I voted "yes and no?!" simply because I cannot generalize for both sides. One thing I don't understand, and I hope someone will clear this up for me, is what did the Gman mean by "The border world Xen is in our control for the time being, thanks to you..." at the end of HL1?

Who is "our?" I thought the Combine took over Xen which is why they portal-stormed their behinds onto earth. Not to mention, he's standing next to a bunch of tanks on Xen when he says that. Where'd those tanks come from?
"Our" refers to the G-man's employers.

The Combine cannot get to Xen. They have never set foot on the borderworld.
The Gman certainly doesn't have humanity's best interests at heart. Just because he appears to be a supporter of the insurgency against the Combine in HL2, it's easy to forget that he was behind the experiment which plunged humanity into the shitter (and seems to have attracted the Combine) in the first place. Arguably he's already done greater damage than the Combine have; we might see the back of the Combine at some point, but antlions, headcrabs, barnacles and leech-infested seas are going nowhere.

Quite why he 'helped' the rebels by releasing Gordon isn't clear, but you can bet it wasn't out of the milk of human kindness.
I don't really see how the G-Man could be evil or good(i made a mistake when voting:angel: )

So i say yes and no...

Yes and No.

In HL1 he was definitely evil. BUt in HL2 he actually helps Gordon, though he takes something at the end of ep2 in exchange for that "help"
The Combine cannot get to Xen. They have never set foot on the borderworld.
How do you know that?

Nihilanth was running from the Combine, in Laidlaw's own words they had thier "back to the wall" so it's all but certain that the Combine have access to Xen (a place of "continual contention"). From there it isn't a big leap to suppose that they could have been there in the past even if they aren't there now (and it's possible that they are).
How do you know that?

Nihilanth was running from the Combine, in Laidlaw's own words they had thier "back to the wall" so it's all but certain that the Combine have access to Xen (a place of "continual contention"). From there it isn't a big leap to suppose that they could have been there in the past even if they aren't there now (and it's possible that they are).

I'm sure I remember reading something about Valve comfirming that the Combine never set foot on Xen at all.
Not "evil". Not "good." Just Joe Interdimensional Sixpack trying to get through the day.
that would make sense, although he must have an 'evil' side to him.
Who is "our?" I thought the Combine took over Xen which is why they portal-stormed their behinds onto earth. Not to mention, he's standing next to a bunch of tanks on Xen when he says that. Where'd those tanks come from?
I wondered about that as well. However, if you look closely, you will see that there is sand there as well; in other words, an earth-like surface. I think there was a powerful portal that could shift a portion of earth, and whatever is on it to Xen. That is probably the source of the isolated rocks in Xen as well: they all seem to come from some home plant.


Regarding the Gman, why is it that everybody listens/speaks to him from HL1 to HL2, yet,nobody ever talks about him?. I mean seeing somebody with a formal suit walking around amidst all this chaos must be cause for some talk.
Regarding the shift of portions of Xen to Earth and Earth to Xen, that was supposed to have happened across wide sections of both places during the resonance cascade. Portions of Earth were to be Xen-like in appearance, but this was never shown. As for the sand, it's not known whether that was terrain transported to Xen, a hallucination, or simply sand that was already present on Xen that we did not see in other environments we visited. It could easily be any one of those three things.

As to the G-man, not a lot of people saw him following the resonance cascade. Mainly, he was viewed by Gordon and Adrian, the Black Ops, and members of HECU.

Prior to that the scientists of Black Mesa knew him as a liaison, so nobody spoke about him because he was a common sight. There were several such people walking around the facility at any given time; it just so happened that the G-man was special and didn't let that on.

So at no point would anybody be talking about him during HL1, and nobody really knew him in HL2.
Yes and No.
Hes a mecenary, his status of evil and good depends on his MONIES
Well thats not the full detailed story but more or less the character plot i guess
As to the G-man, not a lot of people saw him following the resonance cascade. Mainly, he was viewed by Gordon and Adrian, the Black Ops, and members of HECU.

Prior to that the scientists of Black Mesa knew him as a liaison, so nobody spoke about him because he was a common sight. There were several such people walking around the facility at any given time; it just so happened that the G-man was special and didn't let that on.

So at no point would anybody be talking about him during HL1, and nobody really knew him in HL2.
I see. But in HL2 for instance, you see him talking to Colonel Odessa Cubbage. Additionally, you see him talking to a security guard in Opposing Force, after the resonance cascade (though I am not sure that we can count on anything in OP4's presentation).
But often, he doesn't need to be spoken about in those instances. I mean, there's nothing for Odessa Cubbage or a security guard to convey about the G-man to Gordon Freeman or Adrian Shephard. So it's not that nobody wants to talk about him, there just isn't anything to say about him. In Col. Cubbage's case, I'm sure the G-man's had prior dealings with the resistance, so they're used to him, or at least aware of him.

It's kinda like, "There's that weird guy that shows up with information." Now you, as Gordon Freeman coming in, why would the rebels feel compelled to tell you anything about him? They don't know your connection with him, and there's no reason to mention their connection to him.

Also, you can count on some things in Opposing Force's story. It's partial-canon, meaning anything that doesn't contradict with HL2 or its episodes is fine. But if HL2 overwrites something OpFor says, then take that as fact.
sorry, im confused what are you talking about now?

oh other people noticing him, that was not the thread subject I believe.
The Combine had not set foot (not that they have feet) on Xen prior to the resonance cascade. After is another matter and we simply don't know. Anyone who claims otherwise is speaking out their arse.
I voted yes and no because I can't be arsed to decide because I am tired but will probably not got to bed for a while yet anyway.
I don't really think it's accurate to put the G-man in the category of good or evil, seeing as he doesn't really seem to have any preference for the outcome of events besides achieving what he is "paid" to do. So I guess I vote both.
I had a dream about the Gman last night. I dreamt I was playing Episode Three last night (with my ex, for some reason). I vaguely remember him being part of a plot to wipe out the earth and was involved with lots of sand, Egyptians, an exam and Jeri Ryan.

But I have to tell you, Episode Three was frickin' awesome!

I thought this meant your ex was a him.
I don't really think it's accurate to put the G-man in the category of good or evil, seeing as he doesn't really seem to have any preference for the outcome of events besides achieving what he is "paid" to do. So I guess I vote both.

good point but in the end I bet he'll turn out evil somehow.
He's good, at least until you enter a mod where you can use friendly fire (g-mod, s-mod), then I kick his ass.

I.e. Yes and no.
It's a mod that just adds shitloads of crazy shit and guns and enemies to HL2 SP.
I think the G-Man is good and evil. The point is, Gordon's contract was open for negotiation. The G-Man wouldn't care either way.
One thing I don't understand, and I hope someone will clear this up for me, is what did the Gman mean by "The border world Xen is in our control for the time being, thanks to you..." at the end of HL1?

Not to mention, he's standing next to a bunch of tanks on Xen when he says that. Where'd those tanks come from?

I'm pretty sure he "meant" humans - considering the tanks. And those were HECU corpses lying around there. I don't think they honestly had a solid backstory at the time of HL1 - Gman was merely a "mystery figure" working for the goverment. However, once HL became a big thing, it was necessary to add an interesting backstory - and thus it became unclear who Gman works for in HL2. I think there wasn't too much of a serious background plot. more like... ZOMG TESTING FACILITY ANOTHER DIMENSION ALIENS ZOMG BOOM BOOM MUST SAVE THE WORLD RATATATAT GET AWAY FROM THERE FREEMAN, WHO ATE ALL THE DONUTS AGAIN?
I don't think they honestly had a solid backstory at the time of HL1 - Gman was merely a "mystery figure" working for the goverment.
While I agree that the backstory hadn't been fully fleshed out, I don't think this part is 100% accurate. While the implication was meant to be that Gman was somehow affiliated with the troops, there are certain key things that point to him being more than just 'a mystery figure working for the government.'

You have his mysterious appearances/disappearances in danger zones, his strange mode of speaking and, most importantly, the Nihilanth saying 'You are man, he's not man, for you he waits, for you.' I'm not sure if this line was definitely used in the game or not, only that it's there in the game files, so I can't comment on whether it's canon. Still, regardless of whether or not it is, it's proof that Valve already had an idea that Gman should be far more than just a representative of 'the government.'
Darkside already hates me for not loving the bombastic cries of 'GO GET EM, GUYS!' etc. between rounds in SF Alpha 3, apparently.
"he's not a man" could easily point to the lack of morals on gmans part :p
I don't think that The G-Man is evil, because a lot of times he helped to Gordon and he never hurt him.