Is the MEC attack heli overpowerd.

Gray Fox

Aug 22, 2004
Reaction score
Seriously, I came from a few games where I only died 3 times and had a score of 158 on a ranked server. I mean holy shit, anything that isn't a tank, really has to fear thos thing, especially infantry, I was gunner and you like only have to hit in a radius of 1 meter from the infantry and they are dead. This thing, with me in the gunnary seat simply annihilates everything in vicinity.
The US, and especially the Chinese, have totally sucky guns compareed to this thing. It's infantry killing capacity is amazing, you can take a flag easly, and a BH simply has no chance.


Am I overreacting.
No, it's not. It's the perfect anti-Blackhawk helicopter. Fly your helicopter into a good position and the gunner can pretty much shoot out everyone inside.

I can't help but notice that people are complaining about everything.
But the thing is amazing at killing infantry, to ****ing amazing. I mean nobody stood a chance. you just have to fire in their general direction and they are dead. the gun is stronger then the gun on the apc. it's not long before people start abusing this thing more then the bh.
Yup, they rule all heli asses. I jumped in the gunner seat of one where it spawned at at an enemy flag, and i wasted everyone. They have a really big turning radius too, you can kill people that are right under the helicopter
I dunno, I havn't had as much luck with that thing as you guys have. The blackhawk seems so much better with killing infantry. I mean..the overheat timer is so freaking long O_O

Maybe I'll play some more with the MEC heli to see if this is true. We are talking about the transport not attack right?
CyberPitz said:
I dunno, I havn't had as much luck with that thing as you guys have. The blackhawk seems so much better with killing infantry. I mean..the overheat timer is so freaking long O_O

Maybe I'll play some more with the MEC heli to see if this is true. We are talking about the transport not attack right?

Nope. Attack heli.

And I tell you, you're right. That bastard IS overpowered. I was in a round yesterday where we got pinned into the last base because the US wouldn't stop Helo whoring us, and they had our airbase so they kept taking our attack helis. I tell you, even when you were indoors, he just has to hit the wall next to you and the explosion will kill you. That thing is nuts.
Its way more powerfull than the other heli guns, but the fire rate is much lower too.
awesome gun, awesome sound :D
It's not overpowered, it just does a lot of damage per hit, but fires slower. If the gun was as powerful as the chinese and USMC helicopters then it won't stand a chance.
It has a pretty high rate of fire, but even though the others have higher rate their damage is way lower then the percent of how faster they fire. With this gun it's like the bh, you just fire near them, I can easly kill dudes in buildings, just fire next to them. I tried with teh chinese heli and it takes long to kill infantry, you have ot hit em several times , this thing jut fire in general direction. And it does decent damage to armored vehicles to, and the overheat meter is really really slow.
choppers aren't meant to be perfectly balanced next to each other, the factions are supposed to be balanced. And they are, each side has its upsides and downsides. But I think the Chinese need a better APC, because they have awesome jets but really sucky infantry weapons.
Pesmerga said:
choppers aren't meant to be perfectly balanced next to each other, the factions are supposed to be balanced.


In my opinion, the sheer awesomeness of the Chinese Jets, and the American Blackhawks, evens out with the MEC attack choppers.
xcellerate said:
me with minigun > w0rld

Me and a guy in Foxtrot's clan completely dominate any map with a Blackhawk. He's the pilot and I'm the gunner, and we win the round everytime we play. It's amazing the sheer power of it, it can even cut through APCs without overheating. But it is a bit vulnerable to suicide bombers and Stingers.
Pesmerga said:
But I think the Chinese need a better APC, because they have awesome jets but really sucky infantry weapons.

I dunno- the chines spec ps gun is pretty dam good, and the medic's gun (AK47?) is awesome- the US medic gun is the worst of the lot- the AK101 just absolutely owns- far better than the unlock even.
But you're right- their APC sux balls.
Well I know all about balance, I know the jet of the chinese is the best, the bh of usmc is very good, and that the buggy's of mec and china are amazing(even though a lot of folks don't realize it). And it's all great in clan matches, but most games are played in pubs, where people don't work that closly together, and lets be honest it's far easier to work together in a bh then on the ground bringing it down. And then you also have to think about the maps, in sharqiu peninsula there is no bh for the USMC, plus their base can be taken so they don't have any heli. So in those maps the MEC do have an advantage. Unless you skybox, or whatever that might be.
Yeah, it is incredibly powerful...but the other team just has to put priority on keeping it out of the action. You can't be moving very fast (at least for a chopper) and still hit stuff reliably with that cannon, so the chopper becomes vulnerable to AA, AT missiles, support guns, and even TOW launchers. If you're gonna run roughshod over a team its because they're gonna let you.
Direwolf said:
Yeah, it is incredibly powerful...but the other team just has to put priority on keeping it out of the action. You can't be moving very fast (at least for a chopper) and still hit stuff reliably with that cannon, so the chopper becomes vulnerable to AA, AT missiles, support guns, and even TOW launchers. If you're gonna run roughshod over a team its because they're gonna let you.
exactly, with that kind of team work it's fairly balanced, but even then, first thing I ddi when I came to a flag ,was take out the tow, then the aa, and then all the buggies ,and then we just took the flag, and all those things can be destroyed in mere seconds, before the gun overheats. But the map is small so a heli is visible from almost every aa, so that is indeed a good way to keep air control.