is the new HL2 pc gamer issue in stores yet?


May 16, 2003
Reaction score
just wanted to know so i can save a trip to the store at lunch if its not?
Just in case you're in Canada, mine came out on Wenesday - I'm on the west coast.
the screenshots!! O_O

oh man, and the writer of the review is about to crap his pants while writting he is so friggin excited and so am i oh man i'm pumped and psyched for this game. <-- period. ^_^;
I read the article online and I probably wouldn't buy the mag. It's not like they are telling me anything I don't allready know.
wonkers said:
I read the article online and I probably wouldn't buy the mag. It's not like they are telling me anything I don't allready know.

Same here. I already knew it was going to be great. Read the review and was like "cool, so it's awsome good thing I preordered."
Tredoslop said:
Safe Way? Holy crap, are you shitting me? They have it there?

Safeway (in Canada) has been selling mags for years.
Cunni said:
Just in case you're in Canada, mine came out on Wenesday - I'm on the west coast.

They're also here on the east coast!! I found mine in a Shooper's Drug Mart. Go Figure. :D
got it, but boy was I disappointed, i thought it came with a HL dvd of all the movies and such. was this for subscribers only?