Is there a god?


Oct 16, 2004
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Do you believe in a higher power?

yes, no or undecided

this is for educational and research purposes please help me out here.

feel free to give me your thoughts on this.

Yup. Everything just seems a little too orderly to have just happened.
I'm not really sure, but a higher power in some form probably exists. Not that it would influence or change anything.
Thanks guys and girls for your quick responses keep them coming your help is much appreciated.
Yes, a higher power does exist. It's silly to thing aliens don't!


For God? No. I find it silly that everything was created by one man that nobody has seen but crackjobs. I'll find out when I die, and if I just repeat my life again, I'm going to be pissed that all you religious people were liars.
Anyone who says they know without proof is an idiot. I doubt proof will come from a forum post.
CyberPitz said:
For God? No. I find it silly that everything was created by one man that nobody has seen but crackjobs. I'll find out when I die, and if I just repeat my life again, I'm going to be pissed that all you religious people were liars.

Who's to say you haven't already repeated your life 1,000 times?
Nat Turner said:
Who's to say you haven't already repeated your life 1,000 times?
haha I know. I have a belief that that is where Deja Vu comes from...
How about people give their reasons as to why they do/don't believe in some form of higher being?
yes that would be good aswell go ahead by all means.

And once more a big thankyou to everyone for sharing this with me.
No There's no god, why is there suffering/poverty? A ballance maybe?

But déjà vu. Ha, i seem to get that alot. A sence of knowing what just happend had actualy happend before. Like you had dreamed about what just happen (have i lost you yet, good) the day before.:eek:
I say no because the only thing I've seen any sort of religion do is make wars with countries/people/families. Doesn't seem like some great god to me.
I go with "The Giant Floating Teapot" theory.

There could be a giant floating teapot in space somewhere.

There could be a god.

We have proof of neither.

Personally I don't believe in any "higher power", shit just happens.
To the people who belive there is a God, how do you know that he/she wants there to be peace?
Sparta said:
How about people give their reasons as to why they do/don't believe in some form of higher being?

Of the specific deities I've researched, they are contradictory, meaningless, and unworthy of worship. Deities in general lack substantiation through verifiable means and I do not find intuition alone (ignoring theist pseudoscience) to be justification enough to warranting belief.

For the most part I have used rationalism, logic, and science to come to these conclusions only to be confronted with the assertion that God exists above, outside, and independently of such human concepts. Touche. If such is the case, then its meaning to me is like that of a square circle: nothing. An entity unable to relate to me in a humanly understandable fashion valueless to me.

theSteven said:
To the people who belive there is a God, how do you know that he/she wants there to be peace?

That's a question I've wondered myself. Theists (well, most theists) assert their God is a peace-loving benevolent entity, never bothering to think that surely an omnipotent being is capable of playing a giant cosmic prank and only wants to watch you squirm as you burn in Hell and wonder what the **** went wrong with your faith.
SpArKs said:
Ah you mean FATE?

Not quite, that would mean things have a pre-ordered pattern and way of playing out. Shit just happens y'know? No reason, no planning, no Creator in the sky causing it, it just does.
SimonomiS said:
Not quite, that would mean things have a pre-ordered pattern and way of playing out. Shit just happens y'know? No reason, no planning, no Creator in the sky causing it, it just does.

1. The supposed force, principle, or power that predetermines events.
2. The inevitable events predestined by this force.

Whether you believe it or not, in this case there is still a higher power, controlling these events. What, i don't know, but there's still a force controlling this.

*picks nose*
SpArKs said:
1. The supposed force, principle, or power that predetermines events.
2. The inevitable events predestined by this force.

Whether you believe it or not, in this case there is still a higher power, controlling these events. What, i don't know, but there's still a force controlling this.

*picks nose*

Why must there be a force controlling life, the universe and everything? Because people can't face the fact that perhaps, there is nothing "looking over" them? Maybe some people can't handle that possibly there is no reason or meaning behind life, that maybe we are just here, and things just happen.
if rationality and a so called divine deity or god can bring humanity to the likes of world war, consumerism, poverty et al then the true name of reson and religion and reason is insanity.

I think a few of you in this forum may like the art and ideology of the dadaists.
SpArKs said:
1. The supposed force, principle, or power that predetermines events.
2. The inevitable events predestined by this force.

Great. Now where does predestination fit into shit just happening?

Except Short Recoil.
look mate if you dont care, dont bother posting something like that. Its a waste of time for me and for the rest of us that are genuinely interested.
Lol, just joking.

I do not believe in god.

edit: or if you mean Shodan, please ignore this post.
No God.
I think religion came about because we didnt understand anything about the world, so som1 had to explain it; plus people didnt (and dont) like the idea that there is no meaning of life, we have to make meaning for ourselves.

I get deja vu though which is really weird, especially when ur positively sure that you have experienced that moment before.
lol yer i was talkin to shodan

no need to be sorry 15357 passion is good.
look shodan y are you being negative about it. WHY??? WHY no seriously mate stop trying to pick at knits and give us all a decent opinion. Religion and politics are two different things and besides this is in the general off topic chat room. Thankyou very much

MetalHead said:
Do you believe in a higher power?

yes, no or undecided

this is for educational and research purposes please help me out here.

feel free to give me your thoughts on this.


And then:

MetalHead said:
if rationality and a so called divine deity or god can bring humanity to the likes of world war, consumerism, poverty et al then the true name of reson and religion and reason is insanity.

I think a few of you in this forum may like the art and ideology of the dadaists.

A little tired and confused, that's all.

Think there's a few typo's in the second quote, could you explain that again please?
ohh yer you're right i should have re read that

it should be

if rationality and the belief in dieties and gods can bring humanity to the likes of world war, consumerism, povery et al; then the true name of reason and religion is insanity.

i was just agreeing with what some of you have already said sorry for the confusion
I don't believe in God. I think the that some nut job has written that bible & wenton a spamming spree told his mates a stoy of what happened & they all fink it was sum kind of being. This being has now developed over the years & has magically turned into God.