Is there any way to play a VCD on my computer?

With dvd playing software...?
(Or you can get some vcd software to rip the mpg from the disk)
Have you tried using regular dvd playing software like PowerDVD?
open windows media player and drag the biggest file into it. i think it ends in .dat or something
Yes, I've tried PowerDVD. It doesn't work. Right now, I think it's a VCD. Is there a way to check? When I tried to use PowerDVD, it says the file was in a invalid format. I forgot whatever drove me to the clonclusion that it was a VCD. My friend who I barrowed the disk from has a lot of VCDs.
I'd try what Pickled said, and if that doesnt work, try VCDGear
It'll let you extract the video from the VCD
there should be a folder called MPEGAV and in it is a file called MUSIC01.DAT. Drag the file into an open video player program.
Yeah, opening the video file from the CD probably would be best. Windows Media player or PowerDVD should play it... I use PowerDVD all the time with my VCDs. Although VCD's are not like DVDs with the menus. So if you don't select the file specificly but load it normally you have to type the track you want to play and then enter, like an Audio CD.
VCD's seem huge in Asia when I went on holiday, hardly seen any in the UK though.