Is there something wrong with the postcount system?

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Mar 22, 2005
Reaction score
I dunno, but there seems to be something wrong with the postcount system to me, sometimes I see my postcount increase even though I havent posted much lately, and I my postcount seems to increase faster then the number of posts I make. Maybe I'm just posting more than i realise, I dunno.
JellyWorld said:
I dunno, but there seems to be something wrong with the postcount system to me, sometimes I see my postcount increase even though I havent posted much lately, and I my postcount seems to increase faster then the number of posts I make. Maybe I'm just posting more than i realise, I dunno.

me too!

i think i'm here too much..

i seem to remember me havin 1175, now its 1195
Its weird... every time i post it goes up!!!1

Is there somthing wrong with my megahurts!?! :O
Yeah, my post count has been affected too. If some mod/admin will set my post count to 20,000 it will appreciated.
Harryz said:
Yeah, my post count has been affected too. If some mod/admin will set my post count to 20,000 it will appreciated.

/me foresees Harryz's post count being 0

:P :laugh:
/me forsees 15357's post count being 0

Harryz said:
Yeah, my post count has been affected too. If some mod/admin will set my post count to 20,000 it will appreciated.
Yeah just like Harryz, my postcount has gone DOWN!! It used to be exactly 90,000,000 but now it's some weird low number :(
someone stole my megahurtz!
I'm not a post whore like you fools. I've been here for years and I don't have 10,000 posts.
Danimal said:
* Danimal forsees 15357's post count being 0


;( ;(

/me gets back on the unknown topic of this forsaken thread

my post count was the same as my name.....
Danimal said:
* Danimal forsees 15357's post count being 0


If only all moderators were like Danimal.

If anyone touches my post count, I'll slice you up.:E
Harryz said:
If only all moderators were like Danimal.

If anyone touches my post count, I'll slice you up.:E

it would be hell for us spammers......
Yeah back on topic or danimal will use his penis.

A slap in the face with danimals penis isn't something you gonna be able to forget in a hurry.
burnzie said:
Yeah back on topic or danimal will use his penis.

A slap in the face with danimals penis isn't something you gonna be able to forget in a hurry.

/me runs away

anyway, shouldn't this be in site suggestion thingy?
Ritz said:
What the hells a post count?

You remember the Count from Sesame Street? Well, he lost his Countship and so he just became Post Count. Quite sad really.
Haven't noticed anything odd recently, except at times I get a bit spammy. Not as bad as 15357426148 though. :P
SimonomiS said:
You remember the Count from Sesame Street? Well, he lost his Countship and so he just became Post Count. Quite sad really.
Haven't noticed anything odd recently, except at times I get a bit spammy. Not as bad as 15357426148 though. :P

Getting a rep is he? :p
hmmm, 1993 before post, and...

edit: 1994 after this post, looks fine to me shockingly enough :O
Holy shit crush it went up one.

You better check for viruses man i think someone is stealing your megahurtz or something...
I think he's addicted to the forums but is in denial.
Pressure said:
I think he's addicted to the forums but is in denial.

I concur.
Lemme try : 2806 now...

EDIT : 2807, nuthin' wrong here
If people honestly care about their post count they need to get out more, boring conversation topic of numbers which mean nothing, aside from you spend too much time typing pointless words. Those who have been here years and kept it down are the true heroes, i salut you.
Lets see, 455 before...

Edit: 456 after. It looks ok..but my instincts tell me there's something wrong...
456 before...

Edit: 457 after. megahurtz seem to be in perfect working order.
Ohh thats right Glenn, I rock... and roll...

...sweet suzie.​
bvasgm said:
456 before...

Edit: 457 after. megahurtz seem to be in perfect working order.
I really want to know why they have yet to warn you/ban you. Lately, I have noticed that pretty much everyone of your posts have been complete and utter spam... I don't know if anyone else noticed..

Also, this thread is just complete spam, too... Don't know why Crush or Danimal didn't close it yet..
Shamrock said:
I really want to know why they have yet to warn you/ban you. Lately, I have noticed that pretty much everyone of your posts have been complete and utter spam... I don't know if anyone else noticed..

Also, this thread is just complete spam, too... Don't know why Crush or Danimal didn't close it yet..

Because Crush himself is...spamming
SimonomiS said:
You remember the Count from Sesame Street? Well, he lost his Countship and so he just became Post Count. Quite sad really.
Haven't noticed anything odd recently, except at times I get a bit spammy. Not as bad as 15357426148 though. :P

i was a good person until the infection and the epidemic of tr0n and cremator that resulted in danimal getting warned...
Hectic Glenn said:
If people honestly care about their post count they need to get out more, boring conversation topic of numbers which mean nothing, aside from you spend too much time typing pointless words. Those who have been here years and kept it down are the true heroes, i salut you.
I'm not a true hero? :(

/me is a sad panada now
Hectic Glenn said:
If people honestly care about their post count they need to get out more, boring conversation topic of numbers which mean nothing, aside from you spend too much time typing pointless words. Those who have been here years and kept it down are the true heroes, i salut you.

/me salutes his fellow low poster
needs more JIGGAWATTS!!!

ok sry last off topic post. Anyays my post counter is perfect.. though the rankings are a bit bland. And yeah I get tired of post counts being a big deal :-| if anything the higher the post count the more you need to get out more :laugh:
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