Is this common?

irksome. youre a real loving and accepting christian. hope those beliefs are working out out for ya.. ****head

As a matter of fact they are working out for me, very well. So thank you for your concern. I hope being an amoral, faithless, heathen works out for you. I pray for your mortal soul.

Also IVF goes against Gods will - if he created you without the ability to produce young then too bad. Go become a soldier in Gods army and spread the glorious word of Christ.
As a matter of fact they are working out for me, very well. So thank you for your concern. I hope being an amoral, faithless, heathen works out for you. I pray for your mortal soul.

Also IVF goes against Gods will - if he created you without the ability to produce young then too bad. Go become a soldier in Gods army and spread the glorious word of Christ.

Oh noez! God made me deaf so I can't use science or technology to hear!

Oh noez! God stopped me walking... I shouldn't use a wheelchair!

Oh noez! God made me blind, I shouldn't use a bloody guidedog!

Oh noez! I have cancer. Guess I'll just have to die. Because God wants it.

Oh noez! An invisible force wants me to die. And I don't even know where I got the idea. Maybe it's because I'm a miserable, depressed f*ck and I just want to use my God as an excuse so my church won't hate me.

Oh noez! I don't have arms. Guess I can't use robotic arms to do things for me.

Oh noez! I have no nose, how do I smell?

Oh noez! I can't see. I should throw my glasses down in disgust because they're not God's will!

Oh noez! I'm undead. Guess I'll just have to kill someone, because it's God's will!

Oh noez! I'm a psycho. Can't seek treatment, it's God's will!

Oh noez! God made me thick, maybe I should become Christian!

Oh noez! Jesus is dead. Maybe it was God's frickin' will!
You should read this sometime...
You should read this sometime...

You're ignorant beyond that which your small mind can even comprehend.

I've been brought up in a Christian household. Not just an ordinary Christian household like people go to church everyday. It was more of a "Must burn Harry Potter because it has witches in it" kind've Christian.

I had no TV for 18 years of my life, because my parents thought it was a bad influence. That wasn't necessarily because they were Christian, but that's what kind've people they were. Add that to Christianity, and it's just ridiculous. I couldn't ever "not go to church" until I was barely 17ish. I just had an argument with them and just "didn't go". Was such a relief. I've been to more church services than you have hot meals, and I've probably read the bible more than you've ever had a shit.

I know what's in the Bible. And it gives me knowledge enough that I know how hypocritical it is, and I know how much bullshit is in there. It's not simply that, because the Bible would stand for a perfectly good religion, but the people who believe it are so full of Bullshit themselves. Like you, for instance, you're just ridiculous, preaching across the internet, attemtping to tell everyone you're right, not even attempting some kind of argument. You just believe it so strongly, and with such ignorance, there's little point even talking to yet, and yet you still continue to do it, not even thinking properly about what you're doing.
You should read this sometime...
Oh yeah, I remember giving that a read once. It didn't really make much sense though, and that God character acted like quite the fragile little asshole, so I gave it back to my friend and went back to science.

Also, isn't it ironic how you're using a JPEG image and an Internet forum in the face of your anti-science ramblings? I mean, clearly God didn't want us to be able to communicate with people in other countries using computers, or he would have invented them for us!
Oh yeah, I remember giving that a read once. It didn't really make much sense though, and that God character acted like quite the fragile little asshole, so I gave it back to my friend and went back to science.

Also, isn't it ironic how you're using a JPEG image and an Internet forum in the face of your anti-science ramblings? I mean, clearly God didn't want us to be able to communicate with people in other countries using computers, or he would have invented them for us!

Don't forget the "we don't have wings" "planes" argument
Oh true.

I wonder if I'm allowed to use winter coats, too? It's pretty snowy here, but I wouldn't want to get sent to Hell for preventing frostbite.
Oh true.

I wonder if I'm allowed to use winter coats, too? It's pretty snowy here, but I wouldn't want to get sent to Hell for preventing frostbite.

Tut tut. Frostbite is God's way of saying he doesn't like you.
Abortion = murder. So regardless of whether or not the woman solely makes the decision to kill her baby or the couple come to that conclusion together, the fact remains the same...they killed another human being. They're mortal souls are already in danger becuase they weren't chase before they married, add on top of that murdering their unborn child...well lets just say it doesn't look good for them.

No, they are destroying a fetus, not a human bieng.
Every time someone has sex and uses contraception, they are "killing" human life. Everytime you decline sex, your killing a human.

Hell, if you take it to the extreme, every moment of your life spent not having sex is denying someone the possiblity to exist.

Also, I read the bible once. I've also read the Qu'ran. And the Torah.

All three of them are bullshit. Sorry, if Christianity was compatible to science I almost certianly would be a christian, but every page of it is filled with scientific, historic, moral ridiculous ramblings. Not to mention it contradicts itself.

Just think for a minute about how selfish you are. People who hold a different oponion ot you are going to hell. You quite happily say "Your gonna burn for ever" and push them into the back of your mind. I can't think of something more selfish or immoral. Thats right, anyone who believes billions are being tortured forever are either insane or babarians.
But what about that warm feeling you get when your skin starts turning black and cracked, and all the pain goes away because there's no blood left in your limbs? Surely that is His love, His mercy! Oh God, were my arms still attached to my body, I would surely praise thee for your kindness!

And Sea, I was literally just about to post that.
God made me intelligent so that I could formulate my own decisions and opinions.

I use these skills to become an Atheist.

God made me Atheist.

It would be much better if the penis had a switch on it. One side would be "BABIES PLZKTHXBAI" and the other would be "JUST HAWT SWEATY SECHS KTHXBAI".
Hell, if you take it to the extreme, every moment of your life spent not having sex is denying someone the possiblity to exist.

I think I'm going to become an extreme sexist... and it's not what you think :D

Why are you apologising to someone who would gladly burn someone because he thought she was a witch

And lots of lols to most other people :p
As a matter of fact they are working out for me, very well. So thank you for your concern. I hope being an amoral, faithless, heathen works out for you. I pray for your mortal soul.

Also IVF goes against Gods will - if he created you without the ability to produce young then too bad. Go become a soldier in Gods army and spread the glorious word of Christ.

It's people like you who give Christianity a bad name.

Pity you weren't alive in the 13th century I bet you woulda loved being part of the Inquisition.

Edit: ah you were flame baiting. Ok, people like you were pretending to be.
As a matter of fact they are working out for me, very well. So thank you for your concern. I hope being an amoral, faithless, heathen works out for you. I pray for your mortal soul.

Also IVF goes against Gods will - if he created you without the ability to produce young then too bad. Go become a soldier in Gods army and spread the glorious word of Christ.

Irksome, you're an idiot. There's just no way around it. You could have created something beautiful with your religion but instead you're acting like a brainwashed jerk.
Newsflash, Irksome was trolling we all fell for it.