Is this possible?


Jul 3, 2003
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Me and my friends have some cool ideas... and I know Source can support most of it. Problem is, we want to make maps for CS:S and we're not sure if the following is possible:

* Flickering lights
* Placing security cameras and having a tv screen that shows what's on the camera.
* NPCs that walk around (not a biggie)
* Controllable turrets

We have a sweet map in mind and if we can do those things it will rock. :afro:

Also, I'm not asking HOW to do those yet, just if it's at all possible for a CS:S map.
WTF. Of course this is all possible!
It was all also in the first HL!!!!!!
Uh, Ok, thanks then...

I haven't ever done mapping before and I hadn't ever downloaded maps until CS:S came out. So excuse me if I didn't know. :hmph:

But anyways, this is good news.
try to learn the mapping basics, before doing those things ;),
there are some good tutorials on this forum that are
Sorry, didn't mean to offend you. I automatically assumed you knew how to map.
Thing that annoys me is that no one has yet to have lights that flicker that accutaly totaly go out. (The physical light object still have a constant white light on it)

Nor has anyone got lights that when shot, go out AND go black. Again the light still have a bright white texture :(
thats only possible with dynamic lights. most lights used in source are static, and bake lights. doom3 is maybe the only engine that uses only dynamic lights.
farcry does as well.. but it is definately possible in source... not sure if you can do it just by adding a dynamic light, but you can do it by making some trigger work :D
Hmm... A theory for making shot lights die:

Make a destroyable object to rep. the lightsource. Put a light near it and give it a name.
Then set under outputs for dest. obj., kill "name" when triggered(or destroyed or whatever)
I think it's possible to setup like that. Havent yet tried.
Woo, just played HalfLife source, a bitty there on "map devmap" and it has flickering lights that FULLY go out when they flicker.... woooo.

Also, theres a map "Zen corp" or something like that, maybe has an X in there somewhere that has lights you can shoot out. But again, the lights are still bright white :(

However, the fact that HL Source has lights that flicker and totaly go out means it should be possible to do the same when you shoot it out :D