Is this supposed to look cool?


The Freeman
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
I refer, of course, to our new forum skin.

It's absolutely terrible. It looks like a ZX81 made of solid lead.

Make it stop.
I think it looks tidy and neat, but its somewhat drab and the text needs working on.
Dark...colours...depressing...oppressive...combine dictatorship...ten ton elephant...bright, intrusive, horrible fit in...AAAAAAAAAARGH!

Shut up you moaning old fart.
someone should make a poll with the poll options being a different skin (with pics) and that way i suppose we would win.
Fine, I'll just smear my head in shaving cream. Maybe that will numb the pain.

The text is a bit too bright, I see it for a few seconds after moving my eyes away from the screen :p
It burns me precious!

There is a reason text is always black you know.
Sulkdodds said:
Fine, I'll just smear my head in shaving cream. Maybe that will numb the pain.

Mind if I set fire to it?
I like the old one better...the text just..digs at my eyes. Can't we choose what skin we want still? :(
I agree that this skin is worse than the last one.
Sulkdodds said:
I refer, of course, to our new forum skin.

It's absolutely terrible. It looks like a ZX81 made of solid lead.

Make it stop.
dont like it either, too dark and drab, what we've gone from orange to light grey to dark grey, hmmm :|
As Samon said, it does look a lot tidier, however it hurts the eyes a little at first, but it'll do :p
I really dont like this one...its so many different stuff with different colors that make everything look so messy.

For example, the text is now white...a big change. I rather have the old one.

Anyway, i think you guys do a good job working on the site, but it would be better if you let the members vote
Black text on a black background. That's the way to go.

No, I don't like this. It makes me wince when I read too long.
Ravioli said:
I really dont like this one...its so many different stuff with different colors that make everything look so messy.

For example, the text is now white...a big change. I rather have the old one.

Anyway, i think you guys do a good job working on the site, but it would be better if you let the members vote

Don't be silly, then we'd have idiot people going i know, lets go with a traditional hl theme and have a black background with illuminous orange text !
Sulkdodds said:
I refer, of course, to our new forum skin.

It's absolutely terrible. It looks like a ZX81 made of solid lead.

Make it stop.
Quite rly.

The new background looks like shit. Bring back the grey.
This is awful. I'm sure I'll get used to it, but I don't want to get used to it. :(
Bah, now I can't tell the difference between these, and the other forums.
bloody women, i didn't even notice it had changed, its not much different. You'll get used to it. Looks fine tbh.

Oh and whoever questions freedom of choice, it never existed, the forum rules differ from real life. Now get in my van! :sleep:
miss a few days and i miss a i have mixed feelings about it tbh.
The text is begining to hurt me eyes, and now all the posts I made in green are illegable D:
Munro, we know you love us, but you don't have to copy our forum colour scheme.

EDIT: although this is slightly less brown
I can't tell the siggys from the spam!