Is this Valve's secret "Vortex" project?


Content Director
Aug 27, 2004
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This goes back to the Nerdist Podcast interview that was recorded last September. At 30:30 into the track, Gabe Newell briefly mentioned a Michael Abrash project called "Vortex", but there was no information on the technology. Our best guess is that it involved augmented/virtual reality because Abrash has been busy working on that technology at Valve. But, maybe the Vortex is this...


The term refers to the spiral shape of some copper wiring found on a pair of LCD contact lenses. That's right; LCD contact lenses.

Ben Krasnow, a mechanical & electrical engineer at Valve, posted a video to his Youtube in 2011 that shows him demoing a prototype pair of LCD contact lenses. And if you look closely, there's a very cool vortex-like spiral on the eye. This technology is good for augmented reality because it allows video to be beamed directly to your optical nerve, making for one very immersive experience.

Ask Yanis Varoufakis, economist-in-resident at Valve, because he recently had the opportunity to demo this futuristic technology, and he shared his experience in a Greek paper Lifo. [EDIT: Some are suggesting that this article could possible be a fiction.] "Despite the fact I could see the technician moving [the virtual character] around with small adjustments to her console, his presence was absolutely real to me," he said. "His every step not only seemed, but sounded real (obviously, through stereoscopic speakers that gave the necessary depth to the sounds he made), his breath as well, even the sounds he made as he dragged his clawed hand against the wall, making my hair stand on end."


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This is starting to sound like technology from years ahead.
Probably something I wouldn't wear, I hate contact lenses. It looks rather painful.
I wear contact lenses. This is wicked.
TIL Valve has a secret underground lab.
TIL Reports of disappearing homeless people in the Seattle area were in fact kidnappings orchestrated by Valve Software as part of a larger plan to steal our ocular jelly for use in their canteen confectionery.
OMG they stole Darkside.
Oh shit I didn't know Derkseid lived in Seattle, cool.

Also TIL what TIL means thanks to Google, thanks. my head is full of ****.

im not gonna rant, but all ill say is that Valve is beginning to embody Aperture Science with their endeavors.

ive always believe that Valve personifies their company through the fictitious corporations portrayed in their video games, which is why their characters, stories and environments are so memerable and immersive.

Black Mesa was Valve before Steam, Aperture Science is Valve after Steam.
Meh I'd say they're Aperture Science after the release of the Orange Box mate.
I would be absolutely shocked if this technology was anywhere near the level that Yanis' story makes it sound like.
Contact lenses? Too bad for me, can't stand these things for the life of me...

I hope it's not going to be the real thing. Oculus Rift was looking so much better.
YEh that what they make us think, but probobly Valvਞ is working on a totaly diffrent project :blackalien: