Is valve going to fix the SPEEDHACKS??



Played on several servers tonight that were TAKEN OVER by speedhackers. (EMF was one)

Is there going to be a patch to fix this? Completely ruins the game. First time I've run into obvious haxors.
yeah...this speed hack issue is starting to get out of hand.
before i was encountering one, maybe two speed hackers a week...its increased to say the least.

today was playing in a server and not one, but two speed hackers in the same server... :|
i really hope something gets done about this.
I have yet to see one speedhacker. I've seen 2 people that I suspected wallhacked but they covered it pretty well. Maybe I'm just lucky. Get xfire and just play with your friends :)
Speedhackers only distract usually they run into ur bullets, but still we need VAC 2.0 now. I saw an entire scoutz server filled to the max with them and it was impossible to play.
Yes, i have encoutered a growing number of people speedhacking, the thing with the speedhack though is, anybody using the hack cannot exactley deny that they are hacking, so it gives you a good indication of how widespread the hacks are. At the moment, it is not that difficult to find a server that isnt infested with cheaters, but the sooner VAC is out, the better. Lets not forget though, we had anticheats for 1.6 and there was still the usual aimbot/wallhack/speedhack. There will always be cheaters, we just have to accept that, but hopefully soon, there will be alot less of them.
Dr. Freeman said:
yeah...this speed hack issue is starting to get out of hand.
before i was encountering one, maybe two speed hackers a week...its increased to say the least.

today was playing in a server and not one, but two speed hackers in the same server... :|
i really hope something gets done about this.

Heh - I was in a 18 person server and only 3 of us WEREN'T speedhacking . . . it was that bad.
Valve has already taken Some action.;14815x#487939

From a poster:
Hell March Valve... HELL MARCH. Spare none. I don't care if the creater of these cheats are 32 year old virgins and the users are 12 year old blind kids... THERE IS NO JUSTIFICATION FOR USING CHEAT PROGRAMS DURING ONLINE GAME PLAY. If your are enjoying a cheat program or command-line in the privacy of SOLO play, that's fine. But every cheat-program-user proves one thing about them:

1. They SUCK at Counter-Strike. They need these cheat programs as a crutch to lift their crushed self-esteem after getting owned repeatedly by legit badasses

2. They are lazy. Too lazy in fact to play the game fairly often enough to gain skill in it.

3. They have grossly inadequate genitalia. Luckily, most of these people are virgins and will continue down that path, so they're cheating chromosomes will be left out of the Gene-pool.

4. Nobody loves or even likes them. Their parents probably hate them; why not, everyone else in the collective gaming world does. Shoot, if a cheater asks me for directions, I'm totally sending them to the part of town where bullets fly and parked cars wind up on cinder blocks. They'd last about 2 minutes.

5. They are going to hell.

Valve has every right to take them to court. However, I doubt they will have much legal right in the matter. Personally I would take a different approach. Raven Shield/Athena Sword for the PC has been using PunkBuster for awhile now with amazing success. If Valve would jump on the PunkBuster Bandwagon, things might improve. Since steam is already running in the background, they could just build it into it. I digress, such a feat of programming is beyond me.

I've ranted long enough.

Valve Smells Blood.
Cheaters Smell like Poop.
I smell victory.
LOL that poster rox, haven't come across speed hackers yet but i have seen some players shoot thru doors and such and get kills, maybe it's just CS-S i don't know, but it gets annoying.
DarKnyt said:
Heh - I was in a 18 person server and only 3 of us WEREN'T speedhacking . . . it was that bad.
Here's a tip: goto console, and type "disconnect" (Without the quotes). Then, you won't have any more speedhackers.

Also, the speed hack isn't made for one program. What it does is speeds up your O/S by many times, and any applications running are sped up by a lot. For some reason this works online, and could work for any game.
You'd think the server would notice the flood of packets saying "I'm here!" and then "now i'm over here, in a completely impossible manner!" and maybe do something about it.

Or maybe not.
speedhackers, or hackers overall are in every game out there.. whether its a large majority, or a small amount...
Are there any sure fire ways to tell if someone is hacking? I'd like to make sure before I kick and ban someone.
CADMonkey said:
Are there any sure fire ways to tell if someone is hacking? I'd like to make sure before I kick and ban someone.

honestly? there really isn't.

and im not sure, but is there an aimbot out there? i don't think so, but a lot of people throw claims about the top fraggers using aimbots. sometimes, its rather sickening.
i dont think that there is an aimbot out of Source, yet. I hope there never will be either, that will ruin the game... :\
CADMonkey said:
Are there any sure fire ways to tell if someone is hacking? I'd like to make sure before I kick and ban someone.

well speed hacking is very obvious...the player using this hack moves/runs 10 times after than normal.
theres also this other hack where the player with a swing of the knife travels from point A to B.. exmaple: the hacker starts at CT spawn in dust2 and with one swing of the knife, travels to the double doors of bombsite B.

anyway hope that helps.
hacks are funky.. I remember once when the other team accused my WHOLE team of cheating...then this guy on my team logs on saying "no.. THIS IS HACKING!" and starts running around with a speed hack.. ..oy... how can you hit anything like that? lol

as for aimbots, I've seen them for other games, and watching my sucky friends play a few games with them on their comps they're not too advanced... maybe they advanced more to hit moving targets better, but they pretty much stink....

I think a good 90% of my kills are headshots....does that mean I'm super elite? .. not really... it just seems like hits anywhere else don't kill with the weapons I use, so an intermittent spurt of bullets towards someone's upper torso and/or head, the lucky bullet that hits the head does the fatal damage... or sometimes it's so weird I know I'm not even aiming at someone's head, I just see someone and blast their groin and down still counts as a headshot... so some of the 'elite hacking' might be at fault of the engine... since game logic doesn't read it as a one hit kill only for headshots

anyway, I agree, hackers ruin the game... although I must be lucky I've only encounted 1 potential hacker in probably 20 servers I've been in... and believe me, I don't call every elite player a hacker, I watch people very carefully before I think they do, mostly the travel related hacks, and I never call them one outright in chat... what would it amount to anyhow

for now unfortunately you'd have to /disconnect from a server overridden with hackers... even if it's great ping .... or a good level, or mod... or your friends know it ....

just hope admins catch it.... the most obvious is the speed hack... which is the dorkiest thing ever
ya..... speed hackers, and they say its because they "lag"
I've played quite a bit of source and i haven't seen any cheaters yet? I'm lucky I guess :D
I was accused of speedhacking once, (I don't do it or know how, nor have I seen it done) but it was in a server that had the buytime removed so you could move right away, giving everybody three seconds more time to get to the chokepoints. Those who assumed they had buy time were left in the dust. (or dust2... or aztec... I crack myself up...)
Tried 3 different servers tonight, all 3 had speedhackers on them (one had about 5 or 6 people at once using the hack). I don't think I'll even bother playing CS:S anymore until Valve does something about this... this is rediculous.
The problem with speedhacking is that a legitimate program is used, one that (so I've heard) is pretty well undetectable. I doubt vac2 will fix this. From what I gathered when I went to valve, vac2 isnt going to be all that special. Mostly just vac for CSS.
NoXi said:
i dont think that there is an aimbot out of Source, yet. I hope there never will be either, that will ruin the game... :\

lol Aimbot is a joke and the easiest one to detect, juts look for the guy constantly twitching around to everyones heads, including his teamates.

And as for never getting rid of speed hacks, thats not true at all.
All idiot vavle needs to do is develop a system like punkbuster that checks every player's info CONTINUOUSLY. Therefore when the it checks to see the movement of player x for one point to another in the span of .2 sec itll check its packet rate and nail em'.

Really i dont think anyone realizes that is not that big of a problem to solve and that valve is goin about it all wrong. Thats why Punkbuster works and VAC doesnt
PunkBuster is not flawless... I don't want to name-names but my "friend" uses wallhacks in BF1942 and Rainbow Six 3 Ravenshield. He's been using them for two months and hasn't been banned from a single server. Truth: Hackers will always be one step ahead of anti-cheat programs. Not only do they use programs relatively undetectable, there are programs that can disable anti-cheat scanners all-together.
Speed hacks, wallhacks and people with warez copy can join!!
STop this shit!!!!!!!!!!!
Who makes aimbots?

If he/she like cs, why to give that hack to others?

What about an aimbot that allows player to shoot only if bullet will hit? It is almost impossible to detect. It also makes already good player to an extreamly good player.

sry my english
sorry to get ur hopes downe guys but vac2 is gona be just as easy to bypass as vac1, theres allready a ton of cs:s websites dedicated to vac proof hax for cs:s.
admins are your best bet for playing in a good server
Vac2 will be good, but an admin is always better imo
Hey guys, I'm new here, so don't flame me on my first post if it sucks lol.
If valve were to build their own program, like punk buster, they could disable steam from working if the user has any programs running which could edit the game in any way. Isn't that a good idea? And surely
if they try to edit the program which disables steam from working, valve could build in another program which will ban their account if they try to edit this certain program. Now THAT's how you get rid of hackers. Booya!
This is why I rent my own server :) It will be up during next week or so. It will be so sweet to ban morons who cheat or spam....
It's actually hella funny when a single spedhacker joins a server.

The one I met once was really fun, as he limited himself to an uzi.

Me and a few CTs (aztec), looked forward to buying shotguns, forming a firing line, and blowing his ass to hell with a combined random spray of fire. The speed hacker and us shotty guys got a kick out of nailing him just about every round.

Good times, lol :smoking:

Speed Haxxors

I, myself, have been playing Source since the day it came out (or around that time, maybe a few weeks past ). I noticed one server in particular, which had a bunch of speed hackers, and was always on the same map, De_dust1. I cannot recall the name of the server, but I can give you details...

The first time I played a round, I bought an SMG and some ammo. I then began to rush with my fellow terrorists into A. Suddenly, everyone around me were just dying. I was playing for a few seconds, and already the speedhackers arrived. They boasted that they were the best, and moved x40 faster than anyone else. I then joined the spectators after dying, and I was seeing what the hackers were seeing, and everything was a blur, literally. Their names were like Al Jazerra, always starting with an 'Al.' They were racist scumbags, always spraying pics of hitler. I left the server and came back a week later, only to find the same people hacking away.

So I sum up, Valve is not doing anything to deal with the hackers, and slowly, every server is being corrupted by hackers. I tell you, they make thousands of nerds cry every night.
:dork: + :devil: = ;(
So I sum up, Valve is not doing anything to deal with the hackers, and slowly, every server is being corrupted by hackers. I tell you, they make thousands of nerds cry every night.
But they are, the longer they work on Vac2 the more chance of it doing better when it is released.
Even in the last steam news they promised it was coming. Accounts will be banned. The front is coming, and when it does ban shall commense.

The day of legit is coming.