Is valve or sierra porting HL2 to PS2?



The reason why I ask this is that HL2 is going to XBox. And it doesn't make sense for XBox to hog all the PC ports while PS2 only gets lucky leftovers in a rare case.
This actually only interests me because I don't like one console to monopolize a market, since I already brought HL2.
Last I heard, they weren't going to do it. I doubt PS2 can even handle HL2 in terms of hardware.
twinscythe said:
The reason why I ask this is that HL2 is going to XBox. And it doesn't make sense for XBox to hog all the PC ports while PS2 only gets lucky leftovers in a rare case.
This actually only interests me because I don't like one console to monopolize a market, since I already brought HL2.
This all comes down to hardware capability. The X-Box could handle Half-Life 2. The Playstation 2 has far inferior components and isn't up to the job, or at least capable of suistaining the kind of picture quality and framerate that would make it worthwhile to make the game on PS2. In the future, console exclusivity may well be broken: When Sony and Nintendo make machines capable of running the game and making it look good, Valve will consider console ports of HL2 for those systems.
I knew typically the reponse would be something like PS2 is to weak to handle this "game title". Well console versions of these games can be optimzed to use less complicated code, since HL2 is half oreintated towards heavy physics and multiplayer. I would be possible to make some compliments if its the hardware thats preventing a port.
PS2? As if! :p

Valve have said they got Source running on an X-Box once but there's no deal with MS that we know of.
twinscythe said:
I knew typically the reponse would be something like PS2 is to weak to handle this "game title". Well console versions of these games can be optimzed to use less complicated code, since HL2 is half oreintated towards heavy physics and multiplayer. I would be possible to make some compliments if its the hardware thats preventing a port.
Not Half-Life 2. Despite any optimisations, we're talking about a game that is truely 3 years ahead of the hardware of a PS2. My recollection is that the X-Box's GPU was comparred to a GeForce 3. The PS2 wasn't even up to that level, and HL2 hardly looks dreamy on a GF3.

And optimisations take time to code. Why bother, if the end product isn't going to look all that great for your work, especially as by the time you finish, the next generation of consoles will be around and you wouldn't have to optimise the code...

Simply, No.
Well, I know it makes u feel better to say that HL2 would be too powerful for the PS2, since saying that would mean that HL2 is indeed a great piece of code. And if it does come on a PS2 people might think its an inferior game since it can run on a console that is so 'weak' by public's standards.
What I meant in monopoly doesn't need to be voluntary (i.e. signing contracts). MS didn't sign contracts when it integrated IE, but it was still found guilt of monopolizing in that field some years ago. Now since its console archetecture is so similar to PC's, its almost a given that many PC games will be ported to XBox, which is invuluntary
If valve tried hard enough, they MIGHT be able to squeeze out a playable version on the gamecube, but NOT the PS2. Even if the gc or ps2 were powerful enough, Valve wants to keep hl to the pc as much as possible.
twinscythe said:
MS didn't sign contracts when it integrated IE, but it was still found guilt of monopolizing in that field some years ago. Now since its console archetecture is so similar to PC's, its almost a given that many PC games will be ported to XBox, which is invuluntary
But, given that the PC market is pretty small and uninfluential, isn't the benefit from a monopoly of such a kind irrelevant? Especially as the X-Box itself is only the second place console. If a PC game is successful enough to bother porting it, they'll usually port it to both Sony and Microsoft's consoles. So long as making a PS2 port is easy enough and worth the effort.
HL2 will absolutely not make it to PS2.

PS3 however remains a possibility.
Probably. This is one of the reasons why Western games don't penetrate that well into Asian markets. Hardware limitations always takes away some degree of opportunities. Even if a game is ported 2 years later, people would have lost interest in that already.
Ummm i have a question on this topic, a friend of mine just recently got and x-box. In the box there was a demo disc and it had a video of half-life 2 on it, (it looked ok) anyway, my question is, would they put somthing on a demo disc that isnt going to be released on that console?
You could do it on a PS2. It wouldn't look much like the PC version, but you could do it.
MS has a contract with PC game companies. While Sony doesn't. And we don't even know how will PS2 version of HL2 will turn out to be. Probably watered down version of the original.
Dagobert said:
You could do it on a PS2. It wouldn't look much like the PC version, but you could do it.
Did you happen to play the PS2 version of Max Payne 2? The graphics and textures were consideribly worse and there was quite a frame rate problem. I don't think PS2 could handle HL2 even if they did lower the quaility and graphics.
Well its good to know there are some people wouldn't mind to see it on PS2. Most of them would probably laugh at the idea, its almost an insult to let such a beautiful game been ported to a machine as inferior to their standards.
In terms of graphics, HL2 runs pretty fine on my Radeon 9200SE (retails around about $30) given a bit of tuning. It can maintain about 30~40 fps. The graphics isn't very unbearable. So it wouldn't be that 'ugly' if it is ever ported
CPU usage however, as I said, can be comprimised to exclude certain aspects of the physics engine, animations, and multiplayer capacity.
Although given all the circumstances, it is still slimmer than none.
Xbox and PC games that has been ported to PS2 are mostly really bad. The great example would be Splinter Cell, when ps2 version completely killed the shadowing and the original graphic in order to fit in ps2.
I think most reviews said the PS2 version didn't suffer as badly as they expected. Well personal opinions do have differences. But in multi console magazines they have given their professional verdicts.
When the PS3 comes out, they'll probably port it to that console.
twinscythe said:
Well its good to know there are some people wouldn't mind to see it on PS2. Most of them would probably laugh at the idea, its almost an insult to let such a beautiful game been ported to a machine as inferior to their standards.
I personally wouldn't mind to see it on the PS2. I mean, the more people who get to play what is one of the best games of all time, the better. I just don't think we can expect Valve to consider it. It'd be a lot of hassle to get something working, and it wouldn't look too great. PS3 material surely? Especially as an "X-Box 2" version wouldn't really make sense if it's already on the first X-Box...

Actually, I am opposed to the idea that they'd be wasting more dev staff on another port (it's going to the Arcades as well as the X-Box). I'd far rather be playing Team Fortress 2 or a HL2 expansion you see :p
Simply put. No, never. The PS2's processor is less than half the minimum specifications.
not happening

the rumour was made up by dumb console freaks who cried because they wernt getting hl2
As far as I'm concerned if HL2 can run on an MX440, it can run on a PS2.

Porting it to Xbox seems to be the easier option for Valve, simply because of the market and the hardware. GameCube could do it almost as well as Xbox, only the limited disk size and other little things just throw it of the conveniance area.

It wouldnt be impossible to do either. The reality is it wont look as good on Xbox than it does on PC, which makes it totally possible to port it to the other consoles.

I would expect it to sell well on PS2, but odds are it wouldnt sell well on GCN. Now, dont get that pro-gcn garbage on to me, I own one. GCN is thriving in Japan, and far too many GCNers are too concerned with Zelda and Mario to give a damn about anything else.

I dont know why Valve are bothering really. Just look at Morrowind. Sure, the GOTY Pack on Xbox has the expansions, but the PC version has TES3:CS and half a billion mods. The same will apply to HL2.
Evolution_rulz said:
In the box there was a demo disc and it had a video of half-life 2 on it, (it looked ok) anyway, my question is, would they put somthing on a demo disc that isnt going to be released on that console?

i'd simply chalk that up to advertising.
sure HL2 will eventually find its way over to the Xbox and future new generation consoles but i don't think it will be any time soon.

xenophobiakills said:
Did you happen to play the PS2 version of Max Payne 2? The graphics and textures were consideribly worse and there was quite a frame rate problem. I don't think PS2 could handle HL2 even if they did lower the quaility and graphics.

i was talking to a friend who owns the three major consoles in the market and specifically he commented on how poor Max Payne 2 looked.. he believes there was not enough time put into polishing/optimizing the game for the PS2...what that means for HL2 on PS2, i don't know but hearing that some times has me wondering if enough time isn't put into polishing/optimizing games makes me think that the console in question is being unfairly dismissed.
Just look at how well Half Life 1 did one (sarcasm) Theres no way in hell they could do it, sure killzone looks pretty good, but in comparison to Half Life 2 it has nothing. Plus a title like killzone has been in develpment for a few years specifically for ps2, I doubt valve would put much effort into porting it (not like many developers put effort into porting anyway).

They would have to tone down the textures, draw distance and physics (If not cut them completely). I really hope it doesn't happen, ps2 players dont deserve it ;)
w00tm4st4 said:
I really hope it doesn't happen, ps2 players dont deserve it ;)

And Xbox players do?

*goes over the thousands of Anti-HL2 Pro-Halo2 Xbox threads*
Gabe Newell noted in GS final hours deal that they were working on the Xbox (not Xbox2... we can always hope version).

Whhy would they make an Xbox version? It is a familiar Intel/x86 CPU and a Nvidia (DX 8ish) GPU. So the code should run almost natively with very little rewriting. BUT, there is a problem: HL2 requires a 1.2GHz CPU, and is CPU limited in many situations. The Xbox has a 733MHz processor. So the people who port it are going to have to cut corners. Another issue is the 64MB of memory. HL2 requires 256MB of system memory and a decent amount for video even on the lowest settings. The good news is that it will only need to run at 640x480 on a TV, so they can cut down on texture detail and normal maps. But it will take a lot of work. The GPU is ok, similar to some of the low end GPUs on the PC that can run the game in DX7/8 (sort of like a neutered TI4200). Since it will only run at 640x480 I would guess that they will be able to make the engine run pretty well in a DX7/8 mix mode, but my main concern would be textures. HL2 looks great often because of the art direction and the absolutely stellar texture work. Oh well, something is better than nothing and the gravity gun/story/pacing really are what make HL2 great, so it wont really matter. Anyhow, you can see that a port to the Xbox2 will be a bit of work because of memory and CPU constraints.

Moving to the PS2 would be a MAJOR project--if possible.
• The PS2 does not have a x86 processor
• The PS2 does not support DX
• The PS2 has half the memory of the Xbox
• The PS2's GS is not as powerful as the NV2A when it comes to features

Remember, HL2 was written for DX, and was developed on the x86 platform. The PS2 has 2 strikes: (1) It is less powerful and (2) It would require a total redesign and rewrite of the code.

So a PS2 version is a huge undertaking and would result in a not so pretty game. The best looking PS2 games are easily the ones designed for it or around its limitations and/or design.

IMO, do not expect a PS2 version.
Dr. Freeman said:
i was talking to a friend who owns the three major consoles in the market and specifically he commented on how poor Max Payne 2 looked.. he believes there was not enough time put into polishing/optimizing the game for the PS2...what that means for HL2 on PS2, i don't know but hearing that some times has me wondering if enough time isn't put into polishing/optimizing games makes me think that the console in question is being unfairly dismissed.

It is actually the reverse. Most console games are designed for the PS2 as the lowest common denominator, and then they port to the Xbox/GC, and the majority of the the GC/Xbox versions look best with more features. That is one of the reasons why that many Xbox games do not blow PS2 games out of the water--because they were designed to work on all three platforms. This is a good business move since there are 2 or 3 PS2 to every Xbox/GC. This is also why 1st/2nd party games on the GC/Xbox look a lot better than games released on all 3 platforms--because they can take advantage of the HW more.

The PS2 is not a bad piece of HW (it has a lot of fillrate and vertex power), but very little memory and a feature poor GPU (VPU). The Flipper (GC) and NV2A (Xbox) are feature rich in comparison and more similar to the PC/DX standard. All about trade offs... and in the case of porting a PC game, the Xbox is head and shoulders better than the PS2.
Dasparov said:
they'll probably do it to ps3

HL2 came out in 2004, and was a year delayed.

PS3 is coming out 2006 at earliest in the US.

If HL2 comes out for the Xbox/Xenon (Xbox2) in 2005, there is no reason to come out for the PS3 in 2006. The game would be 2 years old and already be on another platform. And the PS3 would be a new console, so it would have a small user base.

The best financial move is to have it on the Xbox because it already has 20million-ish units sold. Even if 1 of 20 Xbox owners picked it up, at $50 a game, that is $50,000,000.00. Cut out advertising, packaging, shipping, royalties, etc... Valve could end up with $7-$10 a copy, which would be ~$10million. It may cost them a million or two to port it, and the game is already made, so it is a good move. And with all the awards, high rankings, and hype, HL2 (especially with some Xbox Live CS:S/HL2DM with more stuff, maybe even some new levels like downgraded ATI levels for new content) could sell more than a million copies.

For the Xbox2/PS3, you are looking at best 5million install base, so you would need 4x as many console owners to buy the game to make the same amount of money.

Oh, and throw in the fact the Xbox2/PS3 have multiple core IBM POWER and/or CELL CPUs, well, it would require more work.

So, imo, don't expect it on the PS3 either.
i personally think that halflife should be pc exclusive. We dont need console n00bs on hl2
Acert93 said:
Gabe Newell noted in GS final hours deal that they were working on the Xbox (not Xbox2... we can always hope version).

Whhy would they make an Xbox version? It is a familiar Intel/x86 CPU and a Nvidia (DX 8ish) GPU. So the code should run almost natively with very little rewriting. BUT, there is a problem: HL2 requires a 1.2GHz CPU, and is CPU limited in many situations. The Xbox has a 733MHz processor. So the people who port it are going to have to cut corners. Another issue is the 64MB of memory. HL2 requires 256MB of system memory and a decent amount for video even on the lowest settings. The good news is that it will only need to run at 640x480 on a TV, so they can cut down on texture detail and normal maps. But it will take a lot of work. The GPU is ok, similar to some of the low end GPUs on the PC that can run the game in DX7/8 (sort of like a neutered TI4200). Since it will only run at 640x480 I would guess that they will be able to make the engine run pretty well in a DX7/8 mix mode, but my main concern would be textures. HL2 looks great often because of the art direction and the absolutely stellar texture work. Oh well, something is better than nothing and the gravity gun/story/pacing really are what make HL2 great, so it wont really matter. Anyhow, you can see that a port to the Xbox2 will be a bit of work because of memory and CPU constraints.

Moving to the PS2 would be a MAJOR project--if possible.
• The PS2 does not have a x86 processor
• The PS2 does not support DX
• The PS2 has half the memory of the Xbox
• The PS2's GS is not as powerful as the NV2A when it comes to features

Remember, HL2 was written for DX, and was developed on the x86 platform. The PS2 has 2 strikes: (1) It is less powerful and (2) It would require a total redesign and rewrite of the code.

So a PS2 version is a huge undertaking and would result in a not so pretty game. The best looking PS2 games are easily the ones designed for it or around its limitations and/or design.

IMO, do not expect a PS2 version.

the xbox will handle it

or how you explain that the xbox run cronicles of riddick that is a game whit graphics very similiar to doom3?
the xbox is powerfull another example is halo2 that maybe dont hav graphics too diferent from the frist one but are a lot better
also I heard that the reason of why the consoles can run games whit that power is that they dont hav a operative sistem
is just that you PC fanboys can accept that are good games in consoles

and from what I heard are possibilities of HL2 on the ps3,I read it in some article of ign,but is old so I am not sure
PS2 is inferior compared to other consoles such as Xbox and Gamecube. And don't even include PC in there. I bet killzone graphic is the best graphic ps2's processor can produce.
Combine Hybrid said:
PS2 is inferior compared to other consoles such as Xbox and Gamecube. And don't even include PC in there. I bet killzone graphic is the best graphic ps2's processor can produce.
take a look to Gran Turismo 4
i played killzone (its sitting beside me) and really, i wasn't impressed, its dark and muddy and rather clunky. Its like they used the goldeneye engine then made it dark, really it isnt that impressive. The console itself is a relic, i mean half-lfe 1 is about all it could handle, its direct x 7 level hardware. It just aint gonna happen.